eBook: Speak Any Language Instantly
FREE eBook
Speak Any Language Instantly!
Speak Any Language Instantly!
-CEO Ben Arnold and Team
E-mail: ChatFellow@ProtonMail.com
gfgghfgh"Speak Any Language Instantly!"
Become fluent fast and permanently!
It's easy! Just 3 minutes per day!
Share! Get $100 per new client!
By Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
( Reading time 2 hrs)
( 120 pages; 2 hrs reading )
Speak Any Language Instantly Stats:
Reading time 2 hrs
120 pages
12 sections
33,787 words
2,144 sentences
1,543 paragraphs
12th Grade Reading Level
Why It Works Stats:
Reading time 2 hrs
109 pages
30 sections
30,000 words
2,459 sentences
2,167 paragraphs
10th Grade Reading level
#1). No partner needed!
#2). Speak immediately!*
#3). Just 3 minutes a day.
#4). In bed, on bus, anywhere!
#5). Only you are speaking!
#6). It's 100% you! No 50/50.
#7). Every role is yours!
#8). Mostly group talking!
#9). Also one-on-one, etc.
#10). Created by socialites!
#11). Created by females!
#12). Edited by famous editors.
#13). Reviewed by famous critics.
#14). Tested on millions of clients.
#15). Spent billions to perfect!
----Effects on brain----
#16). Literally grows in size!*
#17). More disease resistant!*
#18). Slows aging effects!*
#19). Stronger = Think faster!
#20). Healthier = Live longer!
----Why you should share----
#21). Get $100 per new client!
#22). Costs you nothing!
*See disclaimer inside book or here:
Never spend another dollar on foreign languages! It's all right here in your hands. You don't need anything else. This is all you need! Congratulations!
====== BACK COVER =======
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Dear friends,
My "Speak Any Language Instantly" language program is absolutely free, forever! That's a promise! Aside from expensive upgrade options (professional and corporate versions, lifetime delivery service, etc) the main program is always free. If you did pay money for our program we thank you because your contribution goes towards keeping this program free. The whole world thanks you.
Share the health, success, power, freedom, prosperity, happiness, vitality with all your friends and family (speaking a second language fluently literally increases the physical size of your brain and decreases the effects of aging and some diseases ---see disclaimer inside---, gives a person greater pride, self-esteem, and more opportunities and productivity in their life ). This free program gives the user greater ability to attain all of those things! A better life!
You get $100 or more anytime anyone upgrades! Give this free e-book that you're reading right now, to everyone! Just be ethical, kind, no SPAM, and follow all laws. You'll get $100 or more for each of them who loves this e-book and our program so much that they decide to upgrade! Even if they don't upgrade and they instead choose to continue using the free version only, that's okay, this is a charitable endeavor as well as a business. Many will upgrade, and those profits could all be yours! And they'll thank you for bringing them to us. Our language program is life changing, and saving millions of lives around the world, because communication is the first step in creating peace, and being a good communicator improves all aspects of your life and the world around us.
BONUS: My other special e-book "Why It Works" tells you why scientists say our method works so well, the secret ingredients in our scripts, and more! Get your free copy (100+ pages of vital information) at our website, totally for free, right now (simply search for "AnaEzine" or email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
P.S.- Help us! Everybody on the planet wants my program! Give away a free copy of this e-book that you're reading right now to everybody and get $100 or more for each person who becomes a member of our program (yes we give you 50% of our profits)! Or give them the link: https://app.box.com/v/365Scripts Give away a million copies (that would make you an instant millionaire)! Send an email to me at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll email everything to you immediately! This costs you nothing!
If you don't receive the welcome package within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
If you maintain the current attributions.
For example:
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Don't change any attributions.
Give credit where credit is due.
These movie scripts are reworked/unidentifiable.
And are for educational purpose.
And incorporated by "Jaydon Enterprises".
IV. - Disclaimer
V. - Introduction
- Ch.1 - Why Do This
- Ch.2 - What You Get
- Ch.3 - What Are Scripts?
- Ch.4 - Blood and Gore
- Ch.5 - Bonus!
- Ch.6 - Instructions
- Ch.7 - 30 Scripts
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9 - Day 10 - Day 11 - Day 12 - Day 13 - Day 14 - Day 15 - Day 16 - Day 17 - Day 18 - Day 19 - Day 20 - Day 21 - Day 22 - Day 23 - Day 24 - Day 25 - Day 26 - Day 27 - Day 28 - Day 29 - Day 30
- Ch.8 - Corporate Package
- Ch.9 - Professional Package
- Ch.10 - Regular Package
- Ch.11 - Free Package
- Ch.12 - Affiliate Program
#1). Can you share, steal, copy, sell anything on this page?
You are welcome to share our product and website and information with others (be sure to remember where you got it and and always use proper attributions so that you're not held responsible for accidental copyright infringements). Please share, copy, or send, or hand our product, website, and information to all of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, anyone! Or simply give them the link. Thank you so much!
#2). Is anything here yours? Copyright infringement...
If you would like credit for anything we've posted or used in our materials if it belongs to you please contact us to get proper credit and compensation or to have it removed and an apology from us immediately.
#3). We are not licensed, doctors, legally...
We are not licensed, we're not doctors, and we're not legally approved by any governing authorities, FDA, Securities and Regulatory agencies, or any other agencies that protect the health and interests of the citizens of each nation. We don't always use professionals in everything that we do. Anything you do, pay, believe, say, or receive because of us, or in direct relation to us, or with us, or by us, is at your own risk, could be illegal, and you could lose all of your money, get fat, get sick, lose mental function, develop a disease, or die.
#4). We are not authorized...
We do not claim to be authorized, affiliated with, nor approved by any of the companies, organizations, persons, groups mentioned or quoted on this page, or things we discuss, quote, talk about, reference in our articles, including the Mormons, also known as the LDS Church, officially recognized as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and their leadership, their President the Prophet, and all his counselors, the Twelve Apostles and all other officials and affiliates of that religion and church and organization and governing body and all their members, clergy, missionaries, staff, and employees, the Book of Mormon and all other materials, scriptures, prophecies, revelations pertaining to the LDS Mormon religion, church, and organization and they had nothing to do with these articles and have not seen, nor approved of these articles or anything else found at this website, our products, services, and so on. And neither do I claim God as our source nor the Holy Ghost nor any other as our source nor approving authority nor do I claim that the Godhead authorized or approve of anything we've done, said, written, offered, presented, published, distributed, and so on. I have quoted scripture and many of these organizations, persons, companies, entities that I mentioned here and yet however they've not approved of that and I cannot guarantee the source or that they indeed are quoted correctly.
Further disclosure: Our claim concerning results is based on feedback from our clients and other people from around the world and other similar programs and scientific studies as well. Our scientific claims come straight from the scientists etc and we list all of these sources (including our client's testimonials) at the back of each book and at our website and in many of our materials.
Thank you for visiting!
Contact me anytime!
-Jay Beacham
(I will respond with 48 hours)
Stop paying for lessons!
Speak any language instantly!
Stay fluent permanently!
Why use my free program?
Friends are constantly asking me how I stay fluent in all of my languages. For free I’m giving you the program that I use myself! This makes you fluent fast, and permanently!
“Immediate dramatic improvement in fluency!”
Here’s my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You’ll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
Speak Immediately!
We offer you 4 options:
#1) Daily at my blog (Always free!)
#2) Monthly delivery (Only $200)*
#3) Professional (Only $499)**
#4) Corporate (Only $999)**
*Lifetime membership, delivered to you each month for the rest of your life!
**Lifetime membership, we provide this service to you for the rest of your life!
I'll describe each of those options in greater detail in the following chapters of this book that you're reading right now:
- Ch.8 - Corporate Package
- Ch.9 - Professional Package
- Ch.10 - Regular Package
- Ch.11 - Free Package
Each package is basically the same. The only differences is that the professional package is tailored to your particular profession. The Corporate package is tailored to the profession or needs of an entire group, or organization and saves them money since each person doesn't need to pay anything as long as the group pays a one-time free of $999 for the package.
Get $100 or more per friend!
Yes, if you find a new client for us, any of your friends, or fans, or advertise for us however you want, anyone you bring to us, will absolutely love our products which are free!
Yes, our program is free! And so you don't need to feel ashamed sharing our program. And also, who doesn't want to finally become fluent in that foreign language they spent their whole school lives learning?
---Chapter 1 ---
---Full disclosure---
What Are Scripts?
These scripts give you 3 things: Maintains your fluency if you're already fluent. Makes you fluent very quick if you're not already fluent. Gives you constant improvement even after you're fluent!
"Speak Any Language Instantly!"
Bonus: These scripts are designed to also improve your accent! Yes! A secret method I learned and put into practice when teaching foreign languages in South America and Asia when I was younger that was extremely effective and so now I'm sharing this secret with you! Also, I used that method myself to master multiple languages including my own native language!
How Do My Scripts Make You Fluent?
There are many errors intentionally inserted at random throughout my scripts, this is so vitally important. For example many sentences are cut off, or incomplete, which is exactly how we speak in real life. You notice that each chapter consists of 3 identical segments. That's so that you get a chance to repeat everything 3 times. This improves your accent.
I would just give you one segment and ask you to re-read it two more times but I've discovered that most people are too lazy, impatient, burdened to do that. And so, for your convenience, good feeling, comfort, and time restraint, I've gone ahead and put it 3 times so you won't hardly notice.
Most of these mistakes, repetitions, and other enhancements you won't notice, but your brain will. You'll notice as days pass by, that many of the chapters form stories that are connected to the stories in other chapters that you'll read (intentionally placed backwards and upside down), the human brain capable of putting it all together in order; this forces your brain to do more sophisticated work.
These scripts are intentionally out of order. There are some made up words. These scripts intentionally don't make any sense for the most part. This is to break you of the habit of wanting to translate and understand everything you read. You can't. Because none of these scripts make any sense.
The stories are completely convoluted, the words nonsensical, and many sentences are incomplete. Some sentences are carried over onto the next line and the next line. All of these variables that I've placed in these scripts will make your brain stretch, work hard, think outside the box, twist, search, identify, correct, translate, interpret, and make sense.
Usually class room education makes things easy, perfect, without any acceptance of failure or variation. Real life isn't perfect, neither is the language, it's only perfect in the class room.
That's why most people never become fluent and can't understand what they're hearing on the radio, in movies, on the streets, at the work place, in the real world. When they're ready to accept reality they'll have accomplished the first step in achieving real communication.
---Full disclosure---
If you don't know how to read and pronounce the language, you will need to learn how to read and pronounce the language before you can use my program effectively.
Because my program is all about reading scripts out loud. Normally that would take a few days for the average person to get a book from a library on how to speak the language and learn the pronunciation of the language.
Most languages involve a common alphabet such as English, Spanish, French, and so on, that's known as the Roman alphabet.
Even languages that use a different alphabet such as Hindi, Korean, Chinese often have a roman alphabet version. Learning how to read a language in a different alphabet might take a few weeks.
And also, you need to have a basic knowledge of the language for example the most commonly used phrases and vocabulary. You can usually find a book at a library that teaches you the most common phrases and vocabulary. That would usually takes a few weeks for the average person to learn.
Once you have a basic understanding and knowledge of the language, the pronunciation, the vocabulary and phrases, then you're ready to start using my scripts.
Because it only takes a few weeks at the most to learn the basics of a language it's usually not a problem for people to do that prior to commencing using my scripts.
Most people consider two weeks a worthy sacrifice and ultimately are satisfied by the end results.
If you are not willing to study the language for a few weeks prior to using my scripts, if you're a person who doesn't already know the basics of the language, we're always happy to provide a refund if you contact us directly and we're able to verify your purchase.
However, we recommend to anyone who doesn't already have basic knowledge of the language to quickly get a book at any library on how to speak that language, and study it for at least 3 days before commencing using our scripts.
You might be surprised how quickly you'll be speaking the language! The average person uses the same 2,000 words over and over again during their everyday living.
Those words make up a few thousand common phrases that the average person uses over and over again. If you know the most common 2,000 words and most common 2,000 phrases used by people, you can communicate with them fairly well.
You'd be considered proficient and be able to do many of the common activities such as shopping, taking the bus, finding your way around town, paying bills, living, talking with neighbors, etc.
The additional 20,000 words that most natives learn from elementary school to college (and that's the same for foreign language classes also) are primarily passive words that are not used daily and only come up occasionally.
For example, most passive words are entertainment (movies, novels, news, humor, hobbies, etc) related. And what some might call useless information (trivia, history, etc).
Then of course there are special words for specific careers, technical situations, etc (finances, medicine, engineering, etc).
The things that are more important for day to day living for example driving, shopping, dining, relationships, living life, and common recreation, sports, history, and so on are usually included in those 20,000 core vocabulary and the core phrases taught.
Most people don't need to speak like an engineer who probably also doesn't speak like an engineer when he's not at work. The same goes for doctors, lawyers, politicians, police, etc.
There's more to languages, or rather, languages are more simple than even most experts are aware of. Experts don't even know yet how it's possible that a 3 year old baby can speak the language.
Languages are still a mystery in large part even to the experts.
My program and my understanding of the language is based in large part on reality, what happens in the real world, rather than theories discussed in a class room.
If a 3 year old child can learn the language, then so can you. Natives don't study their own language as seriously as the average foreigner does. For example, the English language tests given in Japan, India, South Korea and around the world, in universities usually cannot be passed by native speakers.
Why is that?
It's because native speakers don't take it as seriously, since they already can speak the language, and because schools don't necessarily teach the language, they're teaching grammar, which is not far from being mere theory. When you open your eyes, and actually look at the world, live in the world, and accept reality, things become so easy, simple, and hopefully satisfying.
Sometimes knowing the truth brings sorrow. But humanity continues to move forward... things are getting better. And soon, very soon, the whole world will speak the same languages.
That will be a glorious day because better communication always brings more peace, prosperity, progress, conservation, success, and happiness. When reading scripts out loud your brain will adopt the language much quicker than if you're just memorizing it.
Because there are many more aspects to a language than just pronunciation, alphabet, rules, paper and pencil, conversation, etc.
We use language for expressing our frustration, our pain, even when we're alone! We use language to get what we want, to apologize, to save ourselves, to save others, to hurt others, to sing, to scare away animals, to make animals come to us, to blow out candles, to create echoes in a canyon, to spit out water, to calm our own fears, to unload our emotions on somebody else, etc.
Words don't just carry meaning, they don't just carry sounds, they don't just carry words. They also carry emotions. They reveal things about us to others that we didn't even know.
Our brain can recognize people's faces without us doing anything to cause that to happen. Just like our lungs breathing and our hearts beating.
Our brain can also recognize a person's voice. Our brain can recognize when a person is lying, or scared, or angry. There are so many more aspects to language that what we're taught in a classroom. We must learn to talk in groups, not just one-on-one.
Also, you could be the best speaker of a foreign language but when asked to be a translator for someone, the words won't come, your brain simply wont do it.
Why is that?
Translating obviously utilizes a different part of our brain. If we haven't trained for it, ever done it before, it'll be like trying to ride a bicycle for the first time.
It's the same when you've only learned to read and write a language and suddenly somebody asks you to have an audible conversation in that language, speaking and listening, and you can't.
Use it or lose it.
These different activities obviously use different parts of the brain. It's like you'll hear me say repeatedly: If you don't use it, you'll lose it.
And that applies equally to the fact that if you've never done it before, you'll won't be able to do it, until you've tried it a few times and gotten some practice.
Key aspect of my scripts.
That is perhaps the most amazing thing about my scripts, is that it allows you to do something that ordinarily you'd never be able to do. Even during a conversation, when is the last time you talked about anything other than the weather?
Even with friends and family, isn't your conversation pretty much always the same content? Talking about your job, your family, your school, the times you were sick, your frustrations, talking about friends, occasionally discussing church, and a few other aspects of life. Perhaps you discuss finances, etc.
Rarely does it go beyond these things.
You probably utilize the same vocabulary and phrases for many of these topics. Most people don't have time, energy, or desire to discuss many topics with other people. Most people simply don't have time. They wish they could communicate with their loved ones on a more regular basis.
But life isn't fair.
It's not easy for anybody. So many people are lonely, and feel that their conversations revolve around the same issues that are not inspiring or compelling them to move forward. To greater heights. To be happy.
And so, when will you ever have these conversations?
Well, now you can! In any language! You now are doing it. Your brain will get to feel what it feels like to actually speak those languages, regardless you get the opportunity, or have conversation partners, or are put in those situations, or not.
You will get to experience every situation, every topic, from every perspective, every role, every angle possible. How many native speakers, or foreign speakers get an opportunity like that? You will be one of the best speakers because of my scripts.
How do you think Hollywood actors become so great at speaking? Or professional speakers such as the President of a nation? They recite other famous person's speeches over and over again. They practice it over and over again.
Playing the piano, or singing.
The same way you learn to play beautiful music on the piano, or violin, or with your voice. You recite other people's music, such as Beethoven, or Whitney Houston (a singer who had a wider range of octaves than what's possible for most singers), over and over and over again.
With my scripts, you'll be doing something that's not very different from that. You've heard it in speech class. You've perhaps even heart it in literature class. That the best way to become a better speaker, or better reader, is by doing it.
Now you are!
This is the "Endless Conversations" method that was developed by multilingual expert Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO) and made free to the whole world; Jay Beacham's charity to humanity and the planet. Global communication is the key to world peace, health, conservation, prosperity, happiness, and success.
Finally, you can now speak all of the world's dominant languages: English, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, etc.
#1). No partner needed!
#2). Speak immediately!*
#3). Just 3 minutes a day.
#4). In bed, on bus, anywhere!
#5). Only you are speaking!
#6). It's 100% you! No 50/50.
#7). Every role is yours!
#8). Mostly group talking!
#9). Also one-on-one, etc.
#10). Created by socialites!
#11). Created by females!
#12). Edited by famous editors.
#13). Reviewed by famous critics.
#14). Tested on millions of clients.
#15). Spent billions to perfect!
----Effects on brain----
#16). Literally grows in size!*
#17). More disease resistant!*
#18). Slows aging effects!*
#19). Stronger = Think faster!
#20). Healthier = Live longer!
----Why you should share----
#21). Get $100 per new client!
#22). Costs you nothing!
*See disclaimer inside book or here:
My program is absolutely free, forever! That's a promise! Aside from expensive upgrade options (professional and corporate versions, lifetime delivery service, etc) the main program is always free. If you did pay money for our program we thank you because your contribution goes towards keeping this program free. The whole world thanks you.
Share the health, success, power, freedom, prosperity, happiness, vitality with all your friends and family (speaking a second language fluently literally increases the physical size of your brain and decreases the effects of aging and some diseases ---see disclaimer inside---, gives a person greater pride, self-esteem, and more opportunities and productivity in their life ). This free program gives the user greater ability to attain all of those things! A better life!
Get $100 or more per friend!
Yes, if you find a new client for us, any of your friends, or fans, or advertise for us however you want, anyone you bring to us, will absolutely love our products which are free!
Yes, our products are free! And so you don't need to feel ashamed sharing our products. And also, who doesn't want to finally become fluent in that foreign language they spent their whole school lives learning?
$100, $300, $500.
If they decide to upgrade, you don't need to pressure them, you don't even need to say anything, our products do all the talking, you'll get $100, $300, $500 depending on which upgrade they choose.
If they don't get an upgrade, and choose nothing, and simply use our free products, then you'll at least have their gratitude and the satisfaction knowing that you helped a friend, a stranger, yes even the whole world! This is just as much a charitable endeavor as it is a business endeavor. We are literally saving millions of lives.
Charitable Endeavor.
Education/communication is the solution to the world's many problems: War, poverty, hunger, disease, pollution, etc.
When people have prosperity they're less likely to go to war.
When people have better jobs they're less likely to suffer from starvation and will have less diseases.
When people are educated they're more likely to practice conservation rather than polluting the environment and also will do things in a cleaner, sterile, healthier way which prevents diseases too.
The list goes on and on for how many ways education/communication eradicates these ills of society that are plaguing our planet and threatening humanity's existence.
You are making a tremendous contribution just by using our free products! By using our free products you're encouraging us to keep moving forward.
Don't spend any money!
Your feedback, your support, everything you do, even if you never spend a single dollar, is having a much larger effect and influence than you can ever imagine! Your world thanks you!
Iron clad promise:
My program is absolutely free, forever! That's a promise! Aside from expensive upgrade options (professional and corporate versions, lifetime delivery service, etc) the main program is always free. If you purchased this book your contribution goes towards keeping this program free. The whole world thanks you.
BONUS: Special e-book "Why It Works" tells why scientists think our method works so well, the secret ingredients in our scripts, and more! Get your free copy (100+ pages of vital information) at our website, totally for free, right now (simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
P.S.- Help us! Everybody on the planet wants my program! Give away a free copy of this e-book that you're reading right now to everybody and get $100 (maybe even more) for each person who becomes a member of our program (yes we give you 50% of our profits)! No limits, give away a million copies, that's totally fine (that would make you an instant millionaire)! Or you can give them the link: https://app.box.com/v/365Scripts Send an email to me at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll email everything to you immediately! This costs you nothing!
If you don't receive the welcome package within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
---Chapter 2 ---
---What You Get---
Becoming a Master
Professors at all the Universities, or teachers in High School, Middle School, or even tutors, or institute instructors, anybody who has students or children (even adults) who have been learning a foreign language, you should give my book to that student upon graduation from your class, because without this book they'll never become fluent.
They'll never have truly graduated.
This is their final diploma. This is their graduation. Now they can become masters! If you (if you're a professor; and this applies to anyone, educators, teachers, institutes, universities, or anyone who administers to students) have students you're doing them a tremendous life changing service if you give them my program upon their graduation from a foreign language course, class, school, etc.
Because it's free! And soon the whole world will have it. Don't let your students, or you, fall behind everyone else. Stay ahead! The future can be yours! The future can belong to your students!
Strange fact: Most natives don't become masters of their own language because they feel that they don't need to, and take it for granted that they already know their language at a highly proficient level, and so they never try to perfect it or take it to the next level whereas foreigners often obsess with the language and try to become the best, and are competing with other students especially for careers and so on and in so doing even if they become only above average among their classmate in their own nation they often are still significantly beyond the skill level of a native speaker in reading, writing, and other aspects of the language for example the average native English speaker from the U.S. has very poor writing skills according to national surveys of graduating high school students while yet South Korea a non-English speaking nation has among the highest scores on the planet for English writing skills).
What's contained in this book that's in your hands right now:
#1) My "FREE" Daily Program!
You're now a member of my "FREE" daily program. Simply go to my website each day, and read my script, it's only one minute long, read it 3 times (takes just 3 minutes total). Whether you read the Spanish one, or Chinese, or whichever language you're trying to improve/maintain it's fast, easy, and free!
The purpose of my scripts is to make you fluent in the languages of your choice, immediately and permanently.
#2) All of my secrets revealed!
To help you get started on the right foot and keep it simple for you I've included an entire month's worth of scripts right here in this book!
But that's not all! I've also including a complete exposition on how and why this method works, the science behind my method, and all of my secrets revealed!
#3) Also, in this book I teach you how you can do all of this on your own without me, without my scripts! And so, you see, this truly is a valuable service. What I'm teaching you in this book is worth all the years of school, language courses, trips to foreign countries for language immersion, tutoring, lessons, all combined!
Billions of dollars!
I'm saddened by how many billions of dollars many nations are spending right now each year on their foreign language education programs and not getting any results. These governments must be furious or scared after having spent so much money with very little or no results.
Thousands of dollars!
In fact, aside from the several billions of dollars that each government is spending each year, the average individual spends no less than many thousands of dollars on their foreign language studies.
Whether its private tutoring, or institute, or in a college classroom, they're paying for books, travel, fees, etc.
Doing school twice, three times!
And because nobody gets the results, everyone usually ends up going back to school a second time, even three times, and/or taking private lessons that's usually quite expensive, etc. But what's truly tragic is that after doing all of this, a second, or third time, they still end up with zero results!
Why is that?
I'm going to give you the answer, right here in my book, and I repeat that answer all throughout my website and other materials, for free! But more than that, I give you the solution, the results you've been searching for, all right here, for free!
Why pay, if it's free?
This particular book that's in your hand right now costs just $9 because you're helping cover the costs of our global operations. We trying to save humanity and the planet. Education, communication, are solutions to the world's problems. Especially war, pollution, hunger, poverty, and disease.
All for just $9 right here, right now, for this book that's easily found at any book store and now you have it, right here, in your hands. Congratulations! Thank you for your $9 contribution. You're helping to save millions of lives! Read more about this charitable endeavor at our website. You're a full member! Thank you for joining our team!
The scripts are always free!
At the top of each script I always include the quick, simple, easy instructions on how to read the scripts correctly (it takes less than 2 seconds to read the instructions and begin). You'll be speaking immediately!
They're always free at my website anytime!
Also, if you'd like to know even more about the science behind this method than what I've already included in this book or for example the answers to why this works so amazingly fast and easy then please pick up a free copy of my much longer and more in depth book: "Why This Works".
It's always available for free at my website anytime! You're always welcome. I'm there for you to answer your questions, concerns, receive your feedback, comments, etc.
Each day you'll find a new script posted at my website. That script takes less than one minute to read. You'll read it 3 times (takes just 3 minutes total) because this immediate repetition improves your accent, etc.
As an added bonus, I've included a month's worth of daily scripts in this book that you're reading, in your hands, right now. Enjoy!
Speak Immediately!
We offer you 4 options:
#1) Daily at my blog (Always free!)
#2) Monthly delivery (Only $200)*
#3) Professional (Only $499)**
#4) Corporate (Only $999)**
*Lifetime membership, delivered to you each month for the rest of your life!
**Lifetime membership, we provide this service to you for the rest of your life!
I'll describe each of those options in greater detail in the following chapters of this book that you're reading right now:
- Ch.8 - Corporate Package
- Ch.9 - Professional Package
- Ch.10 - Regular Package
- Ch.11 - Free Package
Each package is basically the same. The only differences is that the professional package is tailored to your particular profession. The Corporate package is tailored to the profession or needs of an entire group, or organization and saves them money since each person doesn't need to pay anything as long as the group pays a one-time free of $999 for the package.
Get $100 or more per friend!
Yes, if you find a new client for us, any of your friends, or fans, or advertise for us however you want, anyone you bring to us, will absolutely love our products which are free!
Yes, our main products are free! And so you don't need to feel ashamed sharing our products. And also, who doesn't want to finally become fluent in that foreign language they spent their whole school lives learning?
$100, $300, $500.
If they decide to upgrade, you don't need to pressure them, you don't even need to say anything, our products do all the talking, you'll get $100, $300, $500 depending on which upgrade they choose.
If they don't get an upgrade, and choose nothing, and simply use our free products, then you'll at least have their gratitude and the satisfaction knowing that you helped a friend, a stranger, yes even the whole world! This is just as much a charitable endeavor as it is a business endeavor. We are literally saving millions of lives.
Charitable Endeavor.
Education/communication is the solution to the world's many problems: War, poverty, hunger, disease, pollution, etc.
When people have prosperity they're less likely to go to war.
When people have better jobs they're less likely to suffer from starvation and will have less diseases.
When people are educated they're more likely to practice conservation rather than polluting the environment and also will do things in a cleaner, sterile, healthier way which prevents diseases too.
The list goes on and on for how many ways education/communication eradicates these ills of society that are plaguing our planet and threatening humanity's existence.
You are making a tremendous contribution just by using our free products! By using our free products you're encouraging us to keep moving forward.
Don't spend any money!
Your feedback, your support, everything you do, even if you never spend a single dollar, is having a much larger effect and influence than you can ever imagine! Your world thanks you!
Iron clad promise:
My program is absolutely free, forever! That's a promise! Aside from expensive upgrade options (professional and corporate versions, lifetime delivery service, etc) the main program is always free. If you purchased this book your contribution goes towards keeping this program free. The whole world thanks you.
BONUS: Special e-book "Why It Works" tells why scientists think our method works so well, the secret ingredients in our scripts, and more! Get your free copy (100+ pages of vital information) at our website, totally for free, right now (simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
P.S.- Help us! Everybody on the planet wants my program! Give away a free copy of this e-book that you're reading right now to everybody and get $100 (maybe even more) for each person who becomes a member of our program (yes we give you 50% of our profits)! No limits, give away a million copies, that's totally fine (that would make you an instant millionaire)! Or you can give them the link: https://app.box.com/v/365Scripts Send an email to me at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll email everything to you immediately! This costs you nothing!
If you don't receive the welcome package within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
---Chapter 3 ---
---What Are My Scripts?---
Speak any language immediately! And it's free! We are grateful to you for paying $9 for this book that you're reading right now, because your very small one-time payment helps us cover our company's overall costs, a tremendous contribution, thank you so very much!
However, the main reason you should be happy is because everything else from this point on is absolutely free, forever! Aside from the expensive upgrades, and lifetime delivery service, which are merely optional and not necessary, our primary program is always free! Always found at our website. The daily scripts is all you need and they're totally free at our website. It's your website now.
You are now a member of a very proud, charitable team that's now forever indebted to you and forever loyal. Your name is now on our cherished member's list. Even if you never gave us any money, your patronage/visit to our website makes you more valuable/important to us that you can imagine. We most of all appreciate if you bring your friends, tell everyone about us, whenever they're asking you how you became so fluent, so fact in so many foreign languages!
Because your satisfaction and success are now our #1 priority, always! Your success is our success. Your success is paramount to us! If you're happy, we know that others will see your happiness and they will want that also and so they'll come to our website, and use our scripts, and obtain all the benefits that comes with being multilingual such as a larger brain, a healthier brain, a stronger brain all of which leads to a longer lifespan, less ill effects of aging, and a more productive life.
Welcome to endless conversations! My scripts provide that: Endless conversations. Literally!
What are my scripts?
They're nothing more than just movies, novels, interviews, conversations, documentaries that have been produced by the greatest writers, directors, actors, politicians, famous persons, experts of their fields, etc.
As you can see, billions of dollars has gone into this. Hollywood spends vast amounts to produce the highest quality products humanity has ever seen. Most importantly, I make sure my content is up to date.
Nothing that's more than 5 years old.
Sometimes there's one that's so highly praised, and so famous that it remains in mainstream for a decade or more and continues to influence the culture and language. In those rare cases I might include that as well.
It would be illegal if I simply gave you those movies. I would be copying another person's work. I don't do that. This is entirely for educational purposes and I have no desire to make money on another person's work. Nor do I use the names, titles, credentials, or any other aspect of that movie's fame, claim to fame, marketing, etc.
These movies, novels, interviews, etc are reworked and unidentifiable and in fact are revised, edited to make them more effective in foreign language learning according to the scientific methods I've discovered produce the greatest educational results.
Using scientific discoveries concerning the human mind, psychology, linguistics, social realities, and so on... I've developed methods for finding which movies, which novels, interviews, conversations etc are best for producing the results we desire.
For example we all know that women are better at speaking than men. English is an extreme example because it has more words than any other language. However, the following statistic applies roughly to most European languages and also Chinese, Russian, etc.
Women have approximately anywhere between 20,000 and 40,000 more words in their brain than men. It's a fact that not only is it proven by scientific observations but I'm sure is fairly quite commonly known or assumed by most humans on our planet.
And so, I always search for resources, movies, etc that are written, and produced by women.
However, here's a big fact in producing my scripts:
You can't become fluent in a language by watching movies. The reason is simple time consumption. Reading a script could take less than 15 minutes whereas watching the movie could take up to two hours. And that's if you're not constantly stopping it, rewinding, to try and hear everything word and sentence clearly.
More significantly, you can read that script three time, immediately, which gives you a tremendous benefit I'll describe in the final paragraphs of this book. This is all scientifically proven to work. You'll be fluent very fast, and speaking immediately, thanks to my scripts. And only takes 3 minutes per day. And it's free!
Conversation Partner.
The biggest complaint that I always hear from students, graduates, parents, professionals, experts, teachers, and children is that they don't have opportunities to speak the language.
Don't feel bad; the whole world is saying the same thing, it's not just an excuse, it's the truth, there are no opportunities to speak the language... it's reality.
It's the entire reason the education system of every nation has failed to make students fluent. It's not the education system's fault. It's not the student's fault. It's a condition of humanity. Human nature. We don't associate or communicate with people outside our circles. Even in a conversation we barely discuss anything of significance. That's the root cause of our failure.
The average person works at a job during the day or night and has other responsibilities as well. Or for whatever other reasons, isolation, etc we don't have time to search out and carry on conversations with strangers, foreigners, or even friends and family.
Life is hard... for everyone.
Which is why we should give thanks to the fact that humanity continues to advance, technology continues to advance, advances in social dignity such as total freedom/rights/equality for women, understanding of nature and how to care for all life forms and the planet, humanity is ever improving towards that perfect day.
Things are changing... for the better.
Right now we have Hollywood and the internet. These two advances in humanity, among several other advances, have converged to give us something we never had before: Opportunity.
Now we have something to talk about.
Content isn't everything, but it's vital. Today, thanks to scripts being published online and made available to the public and the laws in place that protect the producer's work while allowing certain uses by the average fan, we now have a unique opportunity that never, until now, existed.
And in fact, ironically, it's even better than conversation! According to the results, which speak for themselves, this works!
However, this secret that I'm going to share with you has always been known by teachers, scientists, educators around the globe, since the beginning of time. But they lost it.
For some reason, they didn't realize what they had, and for various unrelated reasons it was discarded over time by most teachers, most educators, most systems, unwittingly.
Now they're asking why their students fail. They're asking why nothing works. They're asking why billions of dollars are wasted each year on foreign language programs by the government because everything everyone tries is producing zero results.
#1). No partner needed!
#2). Speak immediately!*
#3). Just 3 minutes a day.
#4). In bed, on bus, anywhere!
#5). Only you are speaking!
#6). It's 100% you! No 50/50.
#7). Every role is yours!
#8). Mostly group talking!
#9). Also one-on-one, etc.
#10). Created by socialites!
#11). Created by females!
#12). Edited by famous editors.
#13). Reviewed by famous critics.
#14). Tested on millions of clients.
#15). Spent billions to perfect!
----Effects on brain----
#16). Literally grows in size!*
#17). More disease resistant!*
#18). Slows aging effects!*
#19). Stronger = Think faster!
#20). Healthier = Live longer!
----Why you should share----
#21). Get $100 per new client!
#22). Costs you nothing!
*See disclaimer inside book or here:
This is it! Down below I've included an entire month's worth of scripts, right after you read chapter five. Right above the scripts are the instructions. It's just a few paragraphs of instructions. Takes less than 2 minutes to read the instructions.
You're almost there. Just 2 more chapters to read. These give you everything that I promised. Teaches you how I made my scripts, why they work, the science behind my method, and why you shouldn't watch movies to learn a foreign language, and I've already discussed why you shouldn't return to school twice, or three times, to try and become fluent in the language you've already learned.
My scripts are the final step in your acquisition of that foreign language that you've always wished you could become fluent in. Now is the time! And it takes just 3 minutes! Only 3 minute per day. You'll be fluent fast! And more importantly you'll be speaking immediately, and every day.
*See the disclaimer and full disclosure at any online book store's description page for my books, or at any of my websites, or inside any of my books (first page) and materials.
---Chapter 4 ---
---Blood and Gore---
Don't Shut Your Mouth!
Why do you need to shut your mouth and listen to somebody else speak during a conversation? Why do you need to be the respectful employee when speaking to your boss? Why can't you talk about sex, murder, drugs, etc when in a classroom with your teacher?
I'm a Christian who doesn't like to use profanity. I try to avoid using the titles normally ascribed to deity. Often in most societies we use these words in a negative manner. And so I try to avoid using them except when actually praying or referencing scriptures such as the Holy Bible etc.
And so, of course, I feel awful using words such as sex, murder, drugs, etc. But unfortunately this is the world we live in. Most foreign language students make the mistake of going to the theater and watching a movie in that foreign language and they rate their skills according to how much of the movie they understood.
This is a huge mistake! Because, unless your teachers taught you words such as sex, murder, or worse, you probably are not going to understand most of what you see at the theater. Unfortunately, what goes into movies, and what goes into classrooms are two entirely different sets of content.
Blood and Gore.
Unfortunately what you'll find at the theater is borderline satanic whereas what you'll find in the classroom is borderline religious. Your teacher probably didn't use profanity, didn't smoke or do drugs in front of the classroom, throw bottles of whiskey at the floor, and nobody got kidnapped or mugged in your classroom.
Unless those are the kinds of things you learned in your classroom, discussing things such as war, violence, tsunamis, evil and so on, you're probably not going to understand anything that you'll hear in that foreign language in a movie.
Another thing is humor. That's a huge part of language. Humor is almost always based on the history and politics of that particular culture. History and politics is ingrained in their day to day life. It's where they came from. It's ingrained in their language. And it makes up their humor.
For example, if a President vomited on another President and it started a war, that would undoubtedly become a very widespread joke told concerning that President who couldn't hold down his lunch when his life and other people's lives depended on it. True story!
Often, it's the things that happen in the news, that becomes a part of our humor. And unless you know everything that has happened in that nation, you won't understand much of their humor.
There's so much that's impossible to teach in a classroom. Language is a living and breathing thing!
Why can't you scream, cry, threaten, attack, abandon ship, storm the beach, command an army, be the villain, be the hero, in your conversations in a classroom with your teacher?
Why can't you be the boss, the King, the hero, the champion?
In my conversations you fill these roles and more. You become everyone. Parent, child, boss, employee, King, servant, police, villain, rescuer, victim, winner, loser, abandoned, found, scared, brave, happy, sad, insane, controlled, follower, leader, celebrity, fan, rich, poor, wise, dumb, spiritual, atheist, humble, proud, charitable, cruel, etc.
Being human.
Where else in life, in a classroom, or conversation can you develop all of these voices, these perspectives and understanding of the human condition? This is obviously more than just a conversation. This is real life, and your development, your progression as a human.
Use it, or lose it.
That's the harsh reality of a foreign language. You can even lose your own native language under that same law of nature.
When I lived in Brazil my native language of English deteriorated very badly. It happened again when I lived in Korea. My mother was so sad that her son couldn't communicate with her, she cried.
Luckily, our brains are very powerful and within a few weeks my ability to speak my own native language returned slowly until finally after a few months I had no trouble speaking.
Because I had returned to a country where everybody spoke my native language. That's how our brains work. You cannot go around it. You must follow nature's laws when doing things.
I'm proof that if you lose it, you can get it back. Not just your native language, but any language that you've already spoken fluently. But only back to where it was originally; you can't suddenly become better than you've ever been before. You must first get it up to that point.
Then, even if you lose it... you can always go back to that point again. Yes, that's right, the highest point you attained! The top level you achieved will always remain with you hidden somewhere inside your brain even if you think you lost it. It will come back! That's the reward for becoming fluent.
That's why you should get up to that point. Try to become fluent. Just one time. And it will stay with you for the rest of your life, hidden up there, inside your head, even if you think you lost it.
That's the sad thing, and the great thing about languages: You can never lose it, as long as you use it.
My scripts are the only way, that you can continue using it, endlessly, endless conversations, 3 minutes a day, forever. That's why my program's results are permanent. Even if you only do that a few times each week, it will still keep the language fresh. You'll never get rusty.
Unless you live somewhere that everybody speaks the language. For everyone else, who cannot find opportunities to speak the language daily, my scripts are the answer!
My scripts allow everyone, anywhere, to remain fluent in spite of not having others to speak with. It's the first time in history that this has been possible. It's the only way that exists.
Sharing the Conversation.
Don't share! Normally during a conversation you do only half of the talking. Did you know that when you're talking, your brain is listening? Oh yes, and it's also modifying your accent, your pronunciation, etc based on what you're saying and what it's hearing. You don't need another person for your brain to get practice listening. You can do all the talking, your brain will do all the listening.
Instead of just sitting there listening 50% of the time you should be speaking 100% of the time and listening 100% of the time. During a group conversation it's even worse! You're only speaking 20% of the time or less!
With my scripts, you are each person, and you are doing all of the talking! You are all 5 people in that group. Or 10 people. You are the President, you're the servant, you're the father, the daughter, the war General, the vagabond, the rich man. You're everyone.
Why my scripts?
Using my vast knowledge and experience concerning languages, teaching in universities, learning from the best, my friends and family being the original creators/pioneers of the world's English industry and education systems such as institutes and curriculum used by the world's universities today, travels around the world and interviewing students, clients, professors, experts I've put together a method and materials that I can put in your hands for free that's based entirely on real world science (laboratory and street tested).
They're based on all the information discovered over the years by countless doctors, scientists, experts, professors, and so on... the psychology of the human brain, the human condition, social realities, and so forth all tested not just in the classroom but in the real world, on the streets, in the factory, in the office, in the cockpit, on the front lines and battlefields, in the boardroom, on the telephone, behind hidden doors, in the bedroom, home, church, school, place of profession, government offices, highest courts and chambers of congress, the throne and executive's chair, etc.
These facts, this information gathered, is what culminated in today's technologically advanced information era into a program, a realization, a discovery, that gives us what no other generation before us has ever had the glorious opportunity to enjoy.
Yes, this very program that's in your hands right now, my method, something so simple and easy yet makes you fluent in any language faster than any other system known to humanity that literally makes you begin speaking immediately!
And true fluency in the language comes very quickly after that. My scripts even improve your accent. What other system can do that?
By using subtle repetition, mistake recognition, and real world content, constantly updated phraseology I'm giving you a living language, not one that died 15 years ago like what's typically found in outdated classroom manuals.
If your professor recommends books, movies, or any materials that are more than 5 years old, you should fire your professor. But because we live in a real world, where perfection isn't always possible, I simply recommend to schools that they try to present text books and materials to their students that are no more than 15 years old.
Unfortunately most universities use text books that are in fact much older, or that were merely "updated" (published as a new edition) and not very adequately (my materials on the other hand are created using content that's typically less than 5 years old and furthermore were reviewed by the world's greatest editors, billions of dollars spent to perfect them, and the world's greatest critics scrutinized them and millions of clients reviewed them. Can the average university claim as much?
We live in a highly advanced, technological, psychologically intense world. You don't want to fall behind. For all professors who teach foreign languages from current education system curriculum, do your students a favor, and give them my free program, at their graduation ceremony. It's the final touch of perfection they need to be a part of this world they live in.
Communication isn't just one piece of the puzzle for a whole and complete life of successful living. It's actually the whole puzzle. It's everything. Without my free program, all of the statistical reports compiled by the governments, education organizations, corporations, and every possible entity of the world reveals that nearly every human on this planet won't be fluent in the foreign languages they learned in school.
About my sources.
I try to include all sources within each page of my book right there underneath the paragraph that's making a reference. So that you can easily review the laboratory, military, national, university, institute, school, public, private, street experiments, tests, studies, examinations performed by countless named professors, scientists, doctors, experts who prove that reading aloud, becoming fluent, additional languages, script reading, subtle repetition, mistake recognition, real world content, updated phraseology, and other strategies and methods used in my materials actually does work quicker, better, and with the results promised than any other method, program, system that exists in the world. Also, you can email me at BigConversation@Zoho.com or visit my website to get a full page listing the thousands of sources that led me to my discovery of the perfect method for any person to become fluent in any language as fast as humanly possible. Thank you for taking full advantage of life by using my method to carry you to the highest achievement possible!
Yes, at my website, every day, a day's worth of conversation is posted (a new one each day). However, if you're unable to visit my website everyday, you might just want me to email a month's worth of scripts to you every month. Yes, you can get an entire month's worth sent directly to your email each month for the rest of your life for just $200 one-time payment; never pay ever again!
Get your free copy of "Why This Works" at our website right now (free book) at www.AnaEzine.webs.com
My scripts come to you in several different ways. You can get them daily at my website for free. Or... you can get an entire month's worth sent directly to your email each month for the rest of your life for just $200 one-time payment; never pay ever again!
2 Options:
#1) Daily at my blog (Free)
#2) Monthly delivery ($200)*
*Lifetime membership, delivered monthly to you for the rest of your life!
We don't need any information from you. Only your email address so that we can send your monthly scripts to you.
If ever you change your email address and need us to send your monthly scripts to a new email address, please let us know as soon as possible to make us aware of the situation so that we can continue where we left off in giving you exceptional service and satisfaction.
"To all those who assist us in rendering amazing service: The publishers, any affiliates, our partners and associates, and everyone... Thank you for providing excellence!" -Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
---Final Chapter 5 ---
Bonus: Here down below is a month's worth of free scripts! Yes! All yours! Normally you'd need to go to my website each day to get a new script each day. But to thank you for purchasing this book that you're holding in your hands right now, and hopefully have read all of it up to this point, I'm going to give you an entire month's worth of scripts, to save you the hassle of going to my website each day.
Usually it takes a little time to build the habit of remembering to visit my site each day. Maybe having this book on your iPad or smart phone or computer or laying somewhere next to your bed will make it easier for you to remember to do your 3 minutes of reading, out loud, each day.
The instructions on how to read these scripts correctly, is at the top of the scripts, you'll see down below. But first, let me ask you a really good question:
If you were rich, how much would you pay for this? Hopefully you said "zero" and/or "nothing" because that's how rich people stay rich, they usually try to get everything for free. It's a good philosophy and strategy to live by.
Unfortunately, most people pay thousands of dollars for their foreign language education. Their governments pay billions of dollars each year on foreign language education for their people.
Sometimes parents end up paying tens of thousands of dollars for their child's education. If you include all other subjects of study, not just their foreign language classes, the costs can be in the hundreds of thousands!
Now it's free!
Get the 3 minute scripts that makes you speak any language immediately, become fluent quickly, and most of all... permanently! For you, special, as an added bonus, I've included an entire month's worth of scripts right here at the end of this book. Normally they're found daily at my website.
It's right here in your hands, an entire month of scripts for free! And after you've finished that, you can go to my website where each day my scripts are right there for you absolutely free!
Not only that, but you also get my 50 page book explaining why this works, the science behind the method, and fully detailed instructions on how to make this work super fast for you.
That free book "Why It Works" is at my website, that I give to everyone totally for free, and it tells you something absolutely incredible:
How I Did It
My free book "Why It Works" tells you how I did it, how I made these scripts. So that if ever the need arises, you can do this all on your own, without me, without my scripts. You can create or find your own!
My scripts are just a convenience so that you don't have to make your own. Soon, billions of people will be bilingual and multilingual thanks to my scripts. I'm so happy that you too, are a part of that team!
Don't pay $2,000 for a program.
My competitors will ask you to pay $2,000 for their programs. And that's per language! They don't give you all of the languages like I do. They charge you that same price for each new language. Not even a discount on the second, third, etc languages! It's no wonder why people are just bilingual instead of multilingual.
Why Everyone is Only Bilingual.
If they have to pay double and triple for each new language, it's no wonder why most people just pick one language and stick with just that one language forever. It would cost a fortune if you wanted to learn more than just one language. But with my program, you get all of the languages, not just one. And for free.
We are focusing on primarily the dominant global language such as English, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, German, etc. However we will be adding more according to demand.
We recommend that everybody become multilingual, not just bilingual, because there are many nations in the world that have so much to offer if you can speak their language such as India, China, Russia, Japan, UK, Mexico, Germany, and so on.
If we don't have one of the languages you want, that's okay, because we have all of the other languages that you need! Don't just settle for being bilingual. You need to be multilingual. The more languages you speak, the healthier and stronger your brain becomes.
Your Reality Expands.
Remember: It's not just about language, you learn new perspectives, you see more of the world, when you learn a new language. Your perspectives and understanding of reality expands tremendously when learning a new language. Because you're also learning a new culture, a new way of thinking, a new way of looking at things.
For example, in some languages, there's only one word for love. Whether it's your brother, your friend, your mother, your child, your spouse, your loves, it's all the same word: Love. Or in other words, it's as if there's only one kind of love. A truly generalized perspective of love.
Of course you'll find synonyms (similar words meaning basically the same thing or something similar), figuratives (saying the same thing but in a creative or different way), etc but they all are just portraying in one way or another that same word, that same thing: Love. However...
In some languages they have several different kinds of love. For example the kind of love you have for your mother, or a member of your family, or your spouse, or your child is different from the kind of love you have for your friend, or neighbor, or stranger.
In English while they are guilty of using the word "love" to generally apply to any kind of affection regardless how close that person is, they do however have a word that means "false" love. Usually applies to young people who've never felt love before and don't understand it yet and chase the wrong person: Infatuation.
In Portuguese they have a word that's specifically used for people who are not yet totally committed but are very emotionally involved: Apaixonar. Basically means "passion" but in English the word passion is usually only used when there indeed is a strong connection and can even be used to describe our feelings for even inanimate objects, hobbies, etc (once again an English word of endearment that's used to apply generally to anything).
Makes you begin to wonder if English speakers are capable of true connections, lasting relationships when you take note of the way their terms of endearment can be used so loosely. Perhaps that's why the Pope was so angry when he discovered that the Bible had been translated into English, a language he referred to as heathen, unruly, and blasphemous.
On the other hand, some languages take relationship extremely serious. And have words that can only be used between spouses. And that would call for serious punishment if ever a person used those words outside of marriage. For example in Asian cultures there are words for honor, and love that cannot be defined or explained in English.
With each language, your mind expands. Your ability to understand the world, nature, life, reality will grow. Your brain will literally become healthier, stronger and your life will become more productive, satisfying. With just 3 minutes per day.
And you can do 3 minutes of Chinese, 3 minutes of English, 3 minutes of Spanish. There's no reason why you should stop at just one language. In fact, I often tell my students that they should use scripts to improve even their own native language skills.
After all, doesn't the President of a nation practice his/her speeches over and over again, in front of a critic, and yet isn't he/she perhaps one of the most educated and expert citizens of their nation? And yet he/she continues working on his/her skill in their own native language.
And so, why shouldn't you?
And mine is free! You get all of the languages that we offer, for free! Not just one, not just two, but all of the languages. And all of them are free! We offer upgrades that cost money, but they're just for luxury/convenience and are not necessary.
Upgrades are not necessary.
For example the professional and corporate packages (for example the corporate package offers a private website and special information cards distributed to each employee, associate, member, etc that makes it more personalized for their group and more easily disseminated among their members) are for those who want a more personalized, more tailored experience, and of course there's the lifetime monthly delivery.
The lifetime delivery is only $200 but most people find it just as easy to simply turn to my website each day, and costs nothing! If you want my scripts delivered to you each month for the rest of your life, it's only $200 but it's not necessary and is only an option.
Because if you cannot afford the $200 for a lifetime supply of my scripts delivered straight to your email inbox... it's free.
Yes, free.
Go to my website and start using them immediately (Simply search for "AnaEzine" or go to www.AnaEzine.webs.com)! They're all yours! Never forget a language ever again. Regain the languages you've learned in the past and be fluent. Add any other languages you've always dreamed of.
"Why It Works"
Get my free 50 page book explaining "Why It Works", the science behind the method, and fully detailed instructions on how to make this work super fast for you. And get your scripts. It's all at my website!
My charity to a dying planet. Education is the cure to everything. Communication is the most important thing we'll ever learn.
-CEO Jay Beacham (AnaEzine)
(or simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
---Chapter 6 ---
---Easy Instructions---
Here down below are your free month of scripts. I'll give you the easy instructions right now. These are just a few short paragraphs. This will take less than 2 minutes for you to read...
Do only 3 minutes per day!
Reading these scripts a few days per week will keep you fluent! A session is only 3 minutes long. Do this every day! Or... if time is limited, you can do just a few sessions per week. But remember: Talk with your mouth (open your mouth)! Use your tongue!
Each day you'll read only one chapter. Each chapter is only 1 minute long. That's so easy!
The following advice is the most important. Don't forget it! Listen carefully, you must do this:
#1 ). Don't worry about pronunciation!
#2 ). Don't try to understand what you're reading!
#3 ). Focus on reading smoothly (moderate pace).
#4 ). Skip words that interrupt your reading.
#5 ). Skip anything you can't pronounce.
#6 ). Don't let anything slow your reading.
This is scientifically proven to work!!!
Remember those 6 rules! Especially the first two rules: (1) Ignore pronunciation. (2) Don't try to understand what you're reading.
It's so easy! Simply read out loud. Try to read at a normal pace. Skip any words that you cannot pronounce (remember: Skip any words that you cannot pronounce). Don't slow down! A steady pace is vital.
The last and final most vital rule:
Read it 3 times! Yes, when you're reading a chapter, go back and read it two more times. Immediately! Don't wait until later. Each chapter is only 1 minute long. And so it will take 3 minutes total.
Only read one chapter per day. Each chapter takes 1 minute to read. You'll repeat that, reading it immediately two more times (you'll be done in 3 minutes). Repeating the chapter is vital. Don't wait until later. Immediately repeat it two more times. This immediate repetition will improve your accent.
I once had a student who re-read each chapter only a second time. Not a third time. It's was a strange obstacle for her for some reason. Please do your best to follow these rules exactly. The results will speak for themselves!
Also, I've had students who went ahead and read several chapters each day. Some students read 10 chapters each day. The end result was that they were finished with an entire month's worth of scripts and didn't have any more scripts to read! And so they went several days without speaking. The point to these scripts isn't quantity, it's frequency. Doing it daily. Speaking every day.
The quantity comes on its own. It'll build up immensely very quickly. It's truly an unexplained phenomenon. Like compound interest. A mathematical marvel. Don't try to do more than one chapter per day. For example, with 5 words you can build a sentence. But you can also build many other sentences with those same 5 words. And one sentence usually can be used in different situations to mean different things. The context changes according to the situation. And so, in reality, by learning one sentence you actually have many more. And so it goes, compound interest, your language grows exponentially, day by day.
Here it is one more time:
#1 ). Don't worry about pronunciation!
#2 ). Don't try to understand what you're reading!
#3 ). Only read one chapter per day.
#4 ). Read it two more times, immediately!
#5 ). Focus on reading smoothly (moderate pace).
#6 ). Skip words that interrupt your reading.
#7 ). Skip anything you can't pronounce.
#8 ). Don't let anything slow your reading.
===== Chapter 7 =======
= One Month of Scripts =
If you need a different language we offer the 15 most dominant languages on the planet because everybody on the planet speaks at least one of these and so we recommend these languages be learned by everyone. Contact us or go to our website to get it for free. Any language you want. You can even choose all of them!
For Chapter 7 please see our “One Month of Scripts” which should've come with this e-book when it was e-mailed to you, or if you downloaded it. Please send me an e-mail at BigConversation@Zoho.com if you didn't get a copy. And it will be sent to you immediately, or go to www.AnaEzine.net to download it for yourself. Thank you!
------CHAPTER 8------
--Corporate Package--
$999 Corporate Package
$499 Professional Package
$200 Regular Package
FREE! Free Package
$999 Corporate Package:
We offer a free version of our scripts to the impoverished peoples of the world, however it's not personalized, and doesn't have any of the professional lingo and vocabulary that your organization needs. And the free version is only available at our main website where it's only available on a day-to-day basis which is normally inconvenient for most persons.
And our professional package which is we tailor to your particular profession or needs costs $499 for each person. However, with our corporate package you get the professional package for each member in your organization for free if the organization will pay just a one-time payment of $999 which covers everyone in your entire organization!
Dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people all get a professional package for free if their organization pays the $999 one-time payment for a corporate package. Instead of giving each person their own package, it'll be hosted at a website that I create specially for your organization. Each member of your organization will have access, for free, to the website that I will create special for your organization, fully personalized to your particular organization's language needs.
Fully customized. And free forever, for everyone in your organization! If you're a manager, leader, or head of a large organization and would like it free for everybody in your organization (even if you're not incorporated, any club, group, company, or organization is welcome) pay only $999 one-time and it's yours! This is a lifetime service! We'll keep your website up and running for an entire lifetime!
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular organization's language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! And everyone in your organization. Guaranteed!
Pay $999 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
And of course the #1 reason for getting the corporate package is you save lots of money, everyone in your organization gets free access to your organization's personalized scripts there at the website that I create special for your organization, otherwise they'd be paying $499 individually for our professional package.
They'll be so grateful that you're saving them so much money! What better way to show your organization members that you care about their future and success and health!
And best of all these scripts that I'll put at your website and update each year are personalized to meet your particular organization's personal and professional needs.
It's a special website that I create especially for your company so that the language scripts are more easy to use; with constant feedback and support features to meet all of the needs of your organization.
We don't ever contact your members (if we need anything we'll contact you directly) we never ask your members for any personal or banking information! Their privacy, information, anonymity, and confidentiality are totally secure
Pay nothing, ever again! Just pay $999 one time and never pay ever again! That's zero liability for you and your organization! Parents, children, students, governments, professionals, everyone is paying thousands of dollars for their foreign language education, but not you, never pay ever again! Why go back to school? Why pay for tutoring? Why take language course over and over again for the rest of your life? With my scripts you can be fluent right now, let your high school or college graduation actually mean something, don't go back, now you can speak any language fluently and most importantly you're fluent permanently!
This is for a lifetime. That's right! Your company's personalized scripts will be at the website that I've provided for your organization forever! Just pay $999 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, it's free for all the members of your organization for the rest of their lives! They can access your company's personalized scripts anytime day or night all right there at the website that I've provided for your organization!
If you get the $999 corporate package you'll receive a hundred cards (similar to a business card) in the mail that you can then hand out to everybody in your organization. The business cards have the link to your company's personalized scripts website. If you have more than 100 personnel you're free to copy and reproduce the cards that we gave you.
The security is flawless because we and our website interface asks for zero information, no downloads, no sign-in required, simply an open and publicly accessible document to read and peruse at leisure.
We invested in and use security advisory services to ensure all of our products and services are safe for everyone.
I only create websites and ensure security exclusively for the corporate package. Your $999 payment goes directly to help cover the expenses of our charitable business. We're charitable because we are delivering a free version of our scripts to the impoverished parts of the earth.
Why pay if this is free? Our paid packages are just for convenience or for professionals who need a few added features. You're totally welcome to use our free version at our website, it's open for everyone! Especially those who cannot afford to pay $200 for our regular package or our more expensive upgraded packages (professional and corporate package). You are totally welcome to take full advantage of our free scripts if you like. It's free and there's no obligations. I don't need your email, information, or anything! The scripts are free, always at my website, I put up another script each day, and delete yesterday's script. But if you do pay for one of our non-free packages, I appreciate your selfless contribution to this charitable endeavor. We are a charitable business. The world thanks you!
One of the greatest added bonuses that we give you is that we make 15 different languages available to you. Most companies make you pay again and again for each language. Not us, we want you to be multilingual, not just bilingual. This is all about your success, your health, your happiness.
If we don't have the language that matches your company's needs which you'll describe for us in the questionnaire that we give to everybody who purchases our packages, we can create scripts for that language, it'll take a few weeks for us to complete that project. Simply ask us. We're happy to fulfill your needs.
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular organization's language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! And everyone in your organization. Guaranteed!
Pay $999 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
Lifetime Membership!
This is a lifetime membership. That's right! You'll get 365 new scripts at your new website every year for the rest of your life! Just pay $999 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, you'll get new scripts every year for the rest of your life! Found exclusively at your organization's website that I create for your organization.
Don't misunderstand me. It doesn't take a whole year or month for you to become fluent in a foreign language. But if you stop using my scripts, you'll start to lose your ability to speak the language. That is why I've created a lifetime membership that allows you to have my scripts every day for the rest of your life! In actuality if you use my scripts just a few days per week, or I recommend no less than 3 times per week, you'll stay fluent permanently for the rest of your life, in as many languages as you're doing. Everybody forgets their languages no matter how fluent they are. You can even lose your native language. It happened to me. That's why I created these scripts, was first of all to make you fluent, secondly to improve your fluency, and thirdly and perhaps most importantly to enable you to maintain your fluency permanently! And fourthly, anyone who has been fluent in the past but has now forgotten, lost, or lessened their ability to speak that language, can recover and gain back that language rapidly, and never lose it ever again!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts at your new website each year without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
This is the right package for you if you'd like it personalized to meet the personal and professional needs of your entire organization.
Just 3 minutes, a few times a week...
Friends are constantly asking me how I stay fluent in all of the languages that I speak in spite of the fact that I rarely visit any of the countries that speak those languages and without having regular conversations...
So I created this website especially for my family, friends and you! So that I could easily answer that question and reveal my secret. I explain to you how I created these scripts that keep me fluent, the science behind the method, so that you'll know how to find and create your own scripts for yourself!
Pay $999 for the corporate package if you'd like it personalized to meet your organization's personal and professional needs. And to save lots of money, everyone in your organization gets free access to your organization's personalized scripts there at the website that I create special for your organization.
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular organization's language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! And everyone in your organization. Guaranteed!
Pay $999 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
Why It Works
The Science Behind My Method
( 70 pages )
Do you want to know why my method works? And to know the science behind my method? I explain to you in full detail why my method works better than any other method in existence on this planet, why the others don't work, and real cases, real world examples, testimonials, the sources and back story of the experiments, laboratory discoveries, and end results that millions of others have talked about seeing in their own lives. You can read "Why It Works" at my website... or if you don't have time to read it right now, I'll email it to you. My free gift to you! My scripts are also free (here at my website)! My language tool will always be free (here at my website)! This 70 page report tells you why and how my language product works, and shows you the science that proves it increases the size of your brain and makes your brain live longer (my disclaimer explaining that I'm not a doctor, etc is always at the top of my website pages and anywhere that I make these claims and I divulge the sources of the scientific experiments and laboratory discoveries and back stories that I'm quoting and also the testimonials all right here in the foot notes and back of my free book and bottom of any web page where my e-book and claims are located and at my website and in all of my materials on the subject which are being distributed all around the world). Please share my e-books, program, ads, and all materials, everything and anything with all your loved ones! If you want me to send you the 70 page report I will. All you have to do is send an email to JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com and the 70 page report will be sent to you immediately. Don't worry, my company never gives your email to anybody else, we don't even use it except to respond to your questions, requests, etc and so you'll never receive emails you didn't ask for. I personally guarantee your satisfaction. Your 70 page report will arrive instantly.
(simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
If you don't receive the report within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Top 15
Dominate Languages
The reason our company produced scripts for the world's dominant 15 languages is because our dedication is to global unity and we believe that everyone should speak several of the languages that everyone around the world can understand.
While we do provide other languages, we prefer that people focus primarily on those top 15 languages, instead of unique languages that almost nobody on the planet can understand.
We want unity and success for all people. In today's technologically advanced encryption era the need for Navajo and other micro-languages used for encryption in times of war is now behind us.
However, if you do need a language we don't offer, ask us and perhaps we can provide it for you, or you can learn from my method to create your own scripts! I teach you my method for free, right here, at my website! This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
Added advantage over your peers:
What are the people saying in their homes, on the streets, in their work places, with friends and family, with strangers, professionals, parents, children, or neighbors?
Even with the free package you'll notice that every year our scripts are all new because most importantly they are up-to-date to match any changes that are constantly occurring in all languages.
These include grammatical changes, idioms and expressions, vocabulary, and accents, all of this change regularly in every language every 5-10 years. Most schools use books and curriculum that's much older than that!
Our scripts are updated regularly to match today's current speaking style of that language that's being spoken by the real people in those nations, cultures, and languages in the real world, today's world!
Some words, sentence structure, slang, and common expressions change significantly every 5 years. Our scripts our current! Updated at least every two years!
That's a flawless benefit that you'll almost never see in schools and institutions that use manuals and methods that are often more than 5-10 years old or more!
Don't give me anything! That's right! No sign in, no login, no email address, I don't need your information, your money, don't give me anything!
Unless you want one of the upgraded packages.
You're free to get the free package instead if you're prefer. However with the paid or upgraded packages you'll get the scripts delivered to you monthly, and you'll get 365 scripts (and entire year's worth of scripts) immediately!
And with the upgraded packages (professional or corporate package) you'll get scripts that are personalized and tailored to your particular profession and needs. Or your organization's personal and professional needs.
Lots of research, lots of work, experts from all around the world and every period in history, their work combined has culminated in this final step for humanity towards a global and more perfect language and human ability.
Scientifically we now have a better understanding of where language and humans came from than ever before in the history of mankind, unless Adam and Eve had computers, or if God taught them everything.
I assume that the purpose of life, has been for humanity to learn, and grow, for itself, aided and guided by what many call a perfect coincidence, or divine intervention, some call it angels, and some call it luck.
Scientifically we call the age of information. Even the Bible calls this time in history the great and last dispensation when all knowledge and wisdom will be revealed.
Albert Einstein dreamed of a day when computers would answer many of his biggest questions, he predicted that it was right around the corner, and now they have, satellites helped prove that his final and greatest research wasn't in vain, he died believing that he'd been wrong, and satellites, computers in orbit above our atmosphere, proved his final theories correct!
The computers he needed, and dreamed of, had arrived. Even ancient Kings in China over 4,000 years ago, not as old as the story of Adam and Eve, but older than Moses, did research and taught about language, so many have contributed to our understand of the human mind and condition.
The day that they all predicted, and dreamed of, computers, traveling beyond the planet, exploring the depths of the ocean, and all this education accessible to the entire world, global communication in the hands of nearly every human.
We are living in that time right now.
And all of their research, all of history, has made these scripts possible at last.
Here's my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You'll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular organization's language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! And everyone in your organization. Guaranteed!
Pay $999 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive soon (within 3 days)!
----- CHAPTER 9 -----
-- Corporate Package --
$999 Corporate Package
$499 Professional Package
$200 Regular Package
FREE! Free Package
$499 Professional Package:
This is called our professional package because it's custom tailored to your particular profession or needs. It's a lifetime delivery, monthly, of our scripts (you get all 15 languages that we offer) to your email account each month for the rest of your life! And most importantly it's custom tailored to your particular personal and professional needs!
Almost no other company in the world exists today who will give you such a valuable service! Even without being tailored our scripts are already worth thousands of dollars! And they don't offer a lifetime package! And they don't give you more than one language! They want more money for each language, and each new course! Ours is a lifetime of courses, 15 languages, all for just one payment of $499 only. And that's for the professional package! Our regularly package is $200 and that's a fantastic deal for anybody who doesn't need to learn different lingo and vocabulary of a particular profession. An organization that has many professionals and would like to get a group discount can pay the one-time corporate package price of $999 only which covers all the people in their organization for just that one payment!
You only pay $499 one-time and you'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
This is the right package for you if you'd like it personalized to meet your personal and professional needs!
Also, you'll receive 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately! Right now! Why wait? Don't wait! Go right now and get my $499 professional package! It's a lifetime membership; never pay ever again! You'll receive 365 new scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately and after you've finished with those 365 scripts (which might literally take a year or more for you to accomplish) you'll then receive one month of scripts each month for the rest of your life!
You'll receive it each month by email making it easy to upload to your cell phone, handheld device, computer, tablet, or whatever you want. And even print it if you need. That's convenience! You'll receive that monthly package each month for the rest of your life! How convenient is that? E-mailed right to your email account!
No longer come to my website everyday for the free version that I post each day at my website for free. Instead, you can get it delivered straight to your email account, an entire month of scripts, at the beginning of each month, monthly. For just $499 only! And that's our professional package which is custom tailored to your profession!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again! And you'll receive 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately! Right now! Why wait? Don't wait! Go right now and get my $499 professional package!
After making your purchase and sending me an email notifying me that you made a purchase you'll receive an email response from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular professional and personal needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $499 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
This is also a family pack because it meets your family member's various individual needs. Go ahead and ask for all 15 different languages that we offer and share them (copy and paste, print, email, whatever...) with all of your friends and family members! Undoubtedly the people in your family have learned different languages than you. It's a good idea for them to maintain fluency in every language they've already acquired. And you! With the professional package you can request as many languages as you and your family and friends need!
But I thought it was free; isn't it free? Yes, at my website the scripts are free, but only in daily increments. Each day I add another script. And I delete the previous day. But why come back to my website every day? I’ll send you 365 new scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) right now, immediately, and then every month you'll get a month's worth of scripts at the beginning of each month for the rest of your life! Never do anything! I do it all for you!
Perhaps people in your family have learned different languages than you. It's a good idea for them to maintain fluency in every language they've already acquired. And you! With the professional package you can request as many languages as your family requires!
Lifetime Membership!
This is a lifetime membership. That's right! You'll get 365 new scripts every year for the rest of your life! Just pay $499 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, you'll get new scripts every year for the rest of your life!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
This is the right package for you if you'd like it personalized to meet your personal and professional needs!
Also, this is the right package for you if you want to speak several languages fluently. Why stop at just one? You can do 3 minutes in one language, 3 in another, and another! Also this is good if you're losing your native language. Some people live in foreign countries and never have an opportunity to speak in their home native language.
Don't misunderstand me. It doesn't take a whole year or month for you to become fluent in a foreign language. But if you stop using my scripts, you'll start to lose your ability to speak the language. That is why I've created a lifetime membership that allows you to have my scripts every day for the rest of your life! In actuality if you use my scripts just a few days per week, or I recommend no less than 3 times per week, you'll stay fluent permanently for the rest of your life, in as many languages as you're doing.
Everybody forgets their languages no matter how fluent they are. You can even lose your native language. It happened to me. That's why I created these scripts, was first of all to make you fluent, secondly to improve your fluency, and thirdly and perhaps most importantly to enable you to maintain your fluency permanently! And fourthly, anyone who has been fluent in the past but has now forgotten, lost, or lessened their ability to speak that language, can recover and gain back that language in under two weeks, and never lose it ever again!
Pay nothing, ever again! Just pay $499 one time and never pay ever again! Parents, children, students, governments, professionals, everyone is paying thousands of dollars for their foreign language education, but not you, never pay ever again! Why go back to school? Why pay for tutoring? Why take language course over and over again for the rest of your life? With my scripts you can be fluent right now, let your high school or college graduation actually mean something, don't go back, now you can speak any language fluently and most importantly you're fluent permanently!
This is for a lifetime. That's right! Your scripts will be sent to you each month forever! Just pay $499 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, it's free for the rest of your life! I'll be there in your hands so that you can access it anytime day or night all right there in your hands!
Your $499 payment goes directly to help cover the expenses of our charitable business. We're charitable because we are delivering a free version of our scripts to the impoverished parts of the earth.
After making your purchase and sending me an email notifying me that you made a purchase you'll receive an email response from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular professional and personal needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $499 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
Why pay if this is free? Our paid packages are just for convenience or for professionals who need a few added features. You're totally welcome to use our free version at our website, it's open for everyone! Especially those who cannot afford to pay $200 for our regular package or our more expensive upgraded packages (professional and corporate package). You are totally welcome to take full advantage of our free scripts if you like. It's free and there's no obligations. I don't need your email, information, or anything! The scripts are free, always at my website, I put up another script each day, and delete yesterday's script. But if you do pay for one of our non-free packages, I appreciate your selfless contribution to this charitable endeavor. We are a charitable business. The world thanks you!
One of the greatest added bonuses that we give you is that we make 15 different languages available to you. Most companies make you pay again and again for each language. Not us, we want you to be multilingual, not just bilingual. This is all about your success, your health, your happiness.
If we don't have the language that matches your company's needs which you'll describe for us in the questionnaire that we give to everybody who purchases our packages, we can create scripts for that language, it'll take a few weeks for us to complete that project. Simply ask us. We're happy to fulfill your needs.
Just 3 minutes, a few times a week...
Friends are constantly asking me how I stay fluent in all of the languages that I speak in spite of the fact that I rarely visit any of the countries that speak those languages and without having regular conversations...
So I created this website especially for my family, friends and you! So that I could easily answer that question and reveal my secret. I explain to you how I created these scripts that keep me fluent, the science behind the method, so that you'll know how to find and create your own scripts for yourself!
Pay $200 for the regular package or $499 for the professional package if you'd like it personalized to meet your professional needs.
After making your purchase and sending me an email notifying me that you made a purchase you'll receive an email response from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular professional and personal needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $499 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
The security of our system is flawless because we ask for zero information, no downloads, no sign-in required, simply an open and publicly accessible document to read at leisure. Don't give us any personal information. No banking information. When you make the payment using a secured third party bank such as PayPal it's secured by them. And is between them and you, not us. We don't need any of your personal or banking information. Only banks such as PayPal are authorized to handle people's banking information because banks are monitored and regulated by government and other agencies and organizations that protect everyone's rights and transactions.
We invested in and use security advisory services to ensure all of our products and services are safe for everyone.
Why It Works
The Science Behind My Method
( 70 pages )
Do you want to know why my method works? And to know the science behind my method? I explain to you in full detail why my method works better than any other method in existence on this planet, why the others don't work, and real cases, real world examples, testimonials, the sources and back story of the experiments, laboratory discoveries, and end results that millions of others have talked about seeing in their own lives. You can read "Why It Works" at my website... or if you don't have time to read it right now, I'll email it to you. My free gift to you! My scripts are also free (here at my website)! My language tool will always be free (here at my website)! This 70 page report tells you why and how my language product works, and shows you the science that proves it increases the size of your brain and makes your brain live longer (my disclaimer explaining that I'm not a doctor, etc is always at the top of my website pages and anywhere that I make these claims and I divulge the sources of the scientific experiments and laboratory discoveries and back stories that I'm quoting and also the testimonials all right here in the foot notes and back of my free book and bottom of any web page where my e-book and claims are located and at my website and in all of my materials on the subject which are being distributed all around the world). Please share my e-books, program, ads, and all materials, everything and anything with all your loved ones! If you want me to send you the 70 page report I will. All you have to do is send an email to JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com and the 70 page report will be sent to you immediately. Don't worry, my company never gives your email to anybody else, we don't even use it except to respond to your questions, requests, etc and so you'll never receive emails you didn't ask for. I personally guarantee your satisfaction. Your 70 page report will arrive instantly.
(simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
If you don't receive the report within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Top 15
Dominate Languages
The reason our company produced scripts for the world's dominant 15 languages is because our dedication is to global unity and we believe that everyone should speak several of the languages that everyone around the world can understand.
While we do provide other languages, we prefer that people focus primarily on those top 15 languages, instead of unique languages that almost nobody on the planet can understand.
We want unity and success for all people. In today's technologically advanced encryption era the need for Navajo and other micro-languages used for encryption in times of war is now behind us.
However, if you do need a language we don't offer, ask us and perhaps we can provide it for you, or you can learn from my method to create your own scripts! I teach you my method for free, right here, at my website! This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
Added advantage over your peers:
What are the people saying in their homes, on the streets, in their work places, with friends and family, with strangers, professionals, parents, children, or neighbors?
Even with the free package you'll notice that every year our scripts are all new because most importantly they are up-to-date to match any changes that are constantly occurring in all languages.
These include grammatical changes, idioms and expressions, vocabulary, and accents, all of this change regularly in every language every 5-10 years. Most schools use books and curriculum that's much older than that!
Our scripts are updated regularly to match today's current speaking style of that language that's being spoken by the real people in those nations, cultures, and languages in the real world, today's world!
Some words, sentence structure, slang, and common expressions change significantly every 5 years. Our scripts our current! Updated at least every two years!
That's a flawless benefit that you'll almost never see in schools and institutions that use manuals and methods that are often more than 5-10 years old or more!
Don't give me anything! That's right! No sign in, no login, no email address, I don't need your information, your money, don't give me anything!
Unless you want one of the upgraded packages.
You're free to get the free package instead if you're prefer. However with the paid or upgraded packages you'll get the scripts delivered to you monthly, and you'll get 365 scripts (and entire year's worth of scripts) immediately!
And with the upgraded packages (professional or corporate package) you'll get scripts that are personalized and tailored to your particular profession and needs. Or your organization's personal and professional needs.
Lots of research, lots of work, experts from all around the world and every period in history, their work combined has culminated in this final step for humanity towards a global and more perfect language and human ability.
Scientifically we now have a better understanding of where language and humans came from than ever before in the history of mankind, unless Adam and Eve had computers, or if God taught them everything.
I assume that the purpose of life, has been for humanity to learn, and grow, for itself, aided and guided by what many call a perfect coincidence, or divine intervention, some call it angels, and some call it luck.
Scientifically we call the age of information. Even the Bible calls this time in history the great and last dispensation when all knowledge and wisdom will be revealed.
Albert Einstein dreamed of a day when computers would answer many of his biggest questions, he predicted that it was right around the corner, and now they have, satellites helped prove that his final and greatest research wasn't in vain, he died believing that he'd been wrong, and satellites, computers in orbit above our atmosphere, proved his final theories correct!
The computers he needed, and dreamed of, had arrived. Even ancient Kings in China over 4,000 years ago, not as old as the story of Adam and Eve, but older than Moses, did research and taught about language, so many have contributed to our understand of the human mind and condition.
The day that they all predicted, and dreamed of, computers, traveling beyond the planet, exploring the depths of the ocean, and all this education accessible to the entire world, global communication in the hands of nearly every human.
We are living in that time right now.
And all of their research, all of history, has made these scripts possible at last.
Here's my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You'll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
After making your purchase and sending me an email notifying me that you made a purchase you'll receive an email response from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular professional and personal needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $499 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
----- CHAPTER 10 ------
--- Regular Package ---
$999 Corporate Package
$499 Professional Package
$200 Regular Package
FREE! Free Package
$200 Regular Package:
This is called our regular package. It's a lifetime delivery, monthly, of our scripts (you get all 15 languages that we offer) to your email account each month for the rest of your life!
Why return to my website each day, every day? That seems a bit crazy doesn't it? Too much work! Okay, I have a solution! What if I e-mail an entire month's worth of scripts to you at the beginning of each month?
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
Also, you'll receive 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately! Right now! Why wait? Don't wait! Go right now and get my $200 regular package! It's a lifetime membership; never pay ever again! You'll receive 365 new scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately and after you've finished with those 365 scripts (which might literally take a year or more for you to accomplish) you'll then receive one month of scripts each month for the rest of your life!
You can then upload it to your cell phone, handheld device, computer, tablet, or whatever you want. That's convenience! And you'll receive that monthly package each month for the rest of your life! How convenient is that? E-mailed right to your email account!
No longer come to my website everyday for the free version that I post each day at my website for free. Instead, you can get it delivered straight to your email account, an entire month of scripts, at the beginning of each month, monthly. For just $200 only!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again! And you'll receive 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately! Right now! Why wait? Don't wait! Go right now and get my $200 regular package!
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $200 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
This is also a family pack because it meets your family member's various individual needs. Go ahead and ask for all 15 different languages that we offer and share them (copy and paste, print, email, whatever...) with all of your friends and family members! Undoubtedly the people in your family have learned different languages than you. It's a good idea for them to maintain fluency in every language they've already acquired. And you! With the regular package you can request as many languages as you and your family and friends need!
But I thought it was free; isn't it free? Yes, at my website the scripts are free, but only in daily increments. Each day I add another script. And I delete the previous day. But why come back to my website every day? I’ll send you 365 new scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) right now, immediately, and then every month you'll get a month's worth of scripts at the beginning of each month for the rest of your life! Never do anything! I do it all for you!
Perhaps people in your family have learned different languages than you. It's a good idea for them to maintain fluency in every language they've already acquired. And you! With the regular package you can request as many languages as your family requires!
Lifetime Membership!
This is a lifetime membership. That's right! You'll get 365 new scripts every year for the rest of your life! Just pay $200 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, you'll get new scripts every year for the rest of your life!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
This is the right package for you if you want to speak several languages fluently. Why stop at just one? You can do 3 minutes in one language, 3 in another, and another! Also this is good if you're losing your native language. Some people live in foreign countries and never have an opportunity to speak in their home native language.
Don't misunderstand me. It doesn't take a whole year or month for you to become fluent in a foreign language. But if you stop using my scripts, you'll start to lose your ability to speak the language. That is why I've created a lifetime membership that allows you to have my scripts every day for the rest of your life! In actuality if you use my scripts just a few days per week, or I recommend no less than 3 times per week, you'll stay fluent permanently for the rest of your life, in as many languages as you're doing.
Everybody forgets their languages no matter how fluent they are. You can even lose your native language. It happened to me. That's why I created these scripts, was first of all to make you fluent, secondly to improve your fluency, and thirdly and perhaps most importantly to enable you to maintain your fluency permanently! And fourthly, anyone who has been fluent in the past but has now forgotten, lost, or lessened their ability to speak that language, can recover and gain back that language in under two weeks, and never lose it ever again!
Pay nothing, ever again! Just pay $200 one time and never pay ever again! Parents, children, students, governments, professionals, everyone is paying thousands of dollars for their foreign language education, but not you, never pay ever again! Why go back to school? Why pay for tutoring? Why take language course over and over again for the rest of your life? With my scripts you can be fluent right now, let your high school or college graduation actually mean something, don't go back, now you can speak any language fluently and most importantly you're fluent permanently!
This is for a lifetime. That's right! Your scripts will be sent to you each month forever! Just pay $200 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, it's free for the rest of your life! I'll be there in your hands so that you can access it anytime day or night all right there in your hands!
Your $200 payment goes directly to help cover the expenses of our charitable business. We're charitable because we are delivering a free version of our scripts to the impoverished parts of the earth.
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $200 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
Why pay if this is free? Our paid packages are just for convenience or for professionals who need a few added features. You're totally welcome to use our free version at our website, it's open for everyone! Especially those who cannot afford to pay $200 for our regular package or our more expensive upgraded packages (professional and corporate package). You are totally welcome to take full advantage of our free scripts if you like. It's free and there's no obligations. I don't need your email, information, or anything! The scripts are free, always at my website, I put up another script each day, and delete yesterday's script. But if you do pay for one of our non-free packages, I appreciate your selfless contribution to this charitable endeavor. We are a charitable business. The world thanks you!
One of the greatest added bonuses that we give you is that we make 15 different languages available to you. Most companies make you pay again and again for each language. Not us, we want you to be multilingual, not just bilingual. This is all about your success, your health, your happiness.
If we don't have the language that matches your company's needs which you'll describe for us in the questionnaire that we give to everybody who purchases our packages, we can create scripts for that language, it'll take a few weeks for us to complete that project. Simply ask us. We're happy to fulfill your needs.
Just 3 minutes, a few times a week...
Friends are constantly asking me how I stay fluent in all of the languages that I speak in spite of the fact that I rarely visit any of the countries that speak those languages and without having regular conversations...
So I created this website especially for my family, friends and you! So that I could easily answer that question and reveal my secret. I explain to you how I created these scripts that keep me fluent, the science behind the method, so that you'll know how to find and create your own scripts for yourself!
Pay $200 for the regular package or $499 for the professional package if you'd like it personalized to meet your organization's personal and professional needs. And to save lots of money, everyone in your organization gets free access to your organization's personalized scripts there at the website that I create special for your organization.
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $200 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
The security of our system is flawless because we ask for zero information, no downloads, no sign-in required, simply an open and publicly accessible document to read at leisure. Don't give us any personal information. No banking information. When you make the payment using a secured third party bank such as PayPal it's secured by them. And is between them and you, not us. We don't need any of your personal or banking information. Only banks such as PayPal are authorized to handle people's banking information because banks are monitored and regulated by government and other agencies and organizations that protect everyone's rights and transactions.
We invested in and use security advisory services to ensure all of our products and services are safe for everyone.
Why It Works
The Science Behind My Method
( 70 pages )
Do you want to know why my method works? And to know the science behind my method? I explain to you in full detail why my method works better than any other method in existence on this planet, why the others don't work, and real cases, real world examples, testimonials, the sources and back story of the experiments, laboratory discoveries, and end results that millions of others have talked about seeing in their own lives. You can read "Why It Works" at my website... or if you don't have time to read it right now, I'll email it to you. My free gift to you! My scripts are also free (at my website)! My language tool will always be free (at my website)! This 70 page report tells you why and how my language product works, and shows you the science that proves it increases the size of your brain and makes your brain live longer (my disclaimer explaining that I'm not a doctor, etc is always at the top of my website pages and anywhere that I make these claims and I divulge the sources of the scientific experiments and laboratory discoveries and back stories that I'm quoting and also the testimonials all right here in the foot notes and back of my free book and bottom of any web page where my e-book and claims are located and at my website and in all of my materials on the subject which are being distributed all around the world). Please share my e-books, program, ads, and all materials, everything and anything with all your loved ones! If you want me to send you the 70 page report I will. All you have to do is send an email to JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com and the 70 page report will be sent to you immediately. Don't worry, my company never gives your email to anybody else, we don't even use it except to respond to your questions, requests, etc and so you'll never receive emails you didn't ask for. I personally guarantee your satisfaction. Your 70 page report will arrive instantly.
(simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
If you don't receive the report within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Top 15
Dominate Languages
The reason our company produced scripts for the world's dominant 15 languages is because our dedication is to global unity and we believe that everyone should speak several of the languages that everyone around the world can understand.
While we do provide other languages, we prefer that people focus primarily on those top 15 languages, instead of unique languages that almost nobody on the planet can understand.
We want unity and success for all people. In today's technologically advanced encryption era the need for Navajo and other micro-languages used for encryption in times of war is now behind us.
However, if you do need a language we don't offer, ask us and perhaps we can provide it for you, or you can learn from my method to create your own scripts! I teach you my method for free, right here, at my website! This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
Added advantage over your peers:
What are the people saying in their homes, on the streets, in their work places, with friends and family, with strangers, professionals, parents, children, or neighbors?
Even with the free package you'll notice that every year our scripts are all new because most importantly they are up-to-date to match any changes that are constantly occurring in all languages.
These include grammatical changes, idioms and expressions, vocabulary, and accents, all of this change regularly in every language every 5-10 years. Most schools use books and curriculum that's much older than that!
Our scripts are updated regularly to match today's current speaking style of that language that's being spoken by the real people in those nations, cultures, and languages in the real world, today's world!
Some words, sentence structure, slang, and common expressions change significantly every 5 years. Our scripts our current! Updated at least every two years!
That's a flawless benefit that you'll almost never see in schools and institutions that use manuals and methods that are often more than 5-10 years old or more!
Don't give me anything! That's right! No sign in, no login, no email address, I don't need your information, your money, don't give me anything!
Unless you want one of the upgraded packages.
You're free to get the free package instead if you're prefer. However with the paid or upgraded packages you'll get the scripts delivered to you monthly, and you'll get 365 scripts (and entire year's worth of scripts) immediately!
And with the upgraded packages (professional or corporate package) you'll get scripts that are personalized and tailored to your particular profession and needs. Or your organization's personal and professional needs.
Lots of research, lots of work, experts from all around the world and every period in history, their work combined has culminated in this final step for humanity towards a global and more perfect language and human ability.
Scientifically we now have a better understanding of where language and humans came from than ever before in the history of mankind, unless Adam and Eve had computers, or if God taught them everything.
I assume that the purpose of life, has been for humanity to learn, and grow, for itself, aided and guided by what many call a perfect coincidence, or divine intervention, some call it angels, and some call it luck.
Scientifically we call the age of information. Even the Bible calls this time in history the great and last dispensation when all knowledge and wisdom will be revealed.
Albert Einstein dreamed of a day when computers would answer many of his biggest questions, he predicted that it was right around the corner, and now they have, satellites helped prove that his final and greatest research wasn't in vain, he died believing that he'd been wrong, and satellites, computers in orbit above our atmosphere, proved his final theories correct!
The computers he needed, and dreamed of, had arrived. Even ancient Kings in China over 4,000 years ago, not as old as the story of Adam and Eve, but older than Moses, did research and taught about language, so many have contributed to our understand of the human mind and condition.
The day that they all predicted, and dreamed of, computers, traveling beyond the planet, exploring the depths of the ocean, and all this education accessible to the entire world, global communication in the hands of nearly every human.
We are living in that time right now.
And all of their research, all of history, has made these scripts possible at last.
Here's my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You'll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $200 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
----- CHAPTER 11 ------
--- Free Package ---
(Our Charitable Objectives)
Only if you loved it!
Why would you want to pay for free scripts? Oh, only if you are satisfied with this product and only if you can afford it to help us cover our costs. It's free to the whole world, especially those who cannot afford to pay, but we appreciate all of those who can pay!
And we appreciate it so much if you can share our product with your friends and family! Go ahead and give it to them for free, or give them our link, it's all free!!!
Free Package:
FREE! Yes, that's right! Because if you can't afford $200 for the basic package it's always free at our website ( http://anaezine.webs.com ) in 30 day increments each month! Visit us every month, copy and paste anything you want to keep. Each month we'll post a new set of scripts, replacing the previous month. All the languages, all the things you need, are at that website, totally free! We even teach you how to make your own scripts, in case we die. This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
For a quick grab, or a great way to tell your friends and family about our website and scripts, here's the page that fully describes our product:
Please give that link to your family and friends!
If you'd like your scripts in another language or to grab another 30 days worth of scripts each month, please visit us here at our website ( AnaEzine ) anytime! All the languages are here! And please share: Copy and past anything you want, and the links, and give it to your friends for free, all of us together are helping to spread your charity to the entire world, you're saving humanity!
Please, even if you didn't pay anything and are using our scripts for free, send me an email to let know what you think about our scripts; are they great? Are they working for you? Please give us feedback or just say hello and we'll show you our love by sending you a free gift! Humanity thanks you! Email me here: BigConversation@Zoho.com
It's FREE! Yes, that's right!
Please help us!
We are a charitable business...
That's right!!!
If you didn't purchase any of our packages.
If you can afford it,
please contribute!
Anything you can give to humanity!
Just $3 to help us cover costs.
Or up to $2,000 if you can afford it.
For amounts higher than that,
please contact me directly:
Please contribute now!
Humanity thanks you!
Pay $3 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(will respond with 48 hours)
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: BigConversation@Zoho.com
Top 15
Dominate Languages
The reason our company produced scripts for the world's dominant 15 languages is because our dedication is to global unity and we believe that everyone should speak several of the languages that everyone around the world can understand.
While we do provide other languages, we prefer that people focus primarily on those top 15 languages, instead of unique languages that almost nobody on the planet can understand.
We want unity and success for all people. In today's technologically advanced encryption era the need for Navajo and other micro-languages used for encryption in times of war is now behind us.
However, if you do need a language we don't offer, ask us and perhaps we can provide it for you, or you can learn from my method to create your own scripts! I teach you my method for free, right here, at my website! This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
Added advantage over your peers:
What are the people saying in their homes, on the streets, in their work places, with friends and family, with strangers, professionals, parents, children, or neighbors?
Even with the free package you'll notice that every year our scripts are all new because most importantly they are up-to-date to match any changes that are constantly occurring in all languages.
These include grammatical changes, idioms and expressions, vocabulary, and accents, all of this change regularly in every language every 5-10 years. Most schools use books and curriculum that's much older than that!
Our scripts are updated regularly to match today's current speaking style of that language that's being spoken by the real people in those nations, cultures, and languages in the real world, today's world!
Some words, sentence structure, slang, and common expressions change significantly every 5 years. Our scripts our current! Updated at least every two years!
That's a flawless benefit that you'll almost never see in schools and institutions that use manuals and methods that are often more than 5-10 years old or more!
Don't give me anything! That's right! No sign in, no login, no email address, I don't need your information, your money, don't give me anything!
Unless you want one of the upgraded packages.
You're free to get the free package instead if you're prefer. However if you want the the upgraded packages you'll get 365 chapters (sessions) each year!
And an additional 2,000 minutes of script, and all the other added benefits described down below in each package description.
Lots of research, lots of work, experts from all around the world and every period in history, their work combined has culminated in this final step for humanity towards a global and more perfect language and human ability.
Scientifically we now have a better understanding of where language and humans came from than ever before in the history of mankind, unless Adam and Eve had computers, or if God taught them everything.
I assume that the purpose of life, has been for humanity to learn, and grow, for itself, aided and guided by what many call a perfect coincidence, or divine intervention, some call it angels, and some call it luck.
Scientifically we call the age of information. Even the Bible calls this time in history the great and last dispensation when all knowledge and wisdom will be revealed.
Albert Einstein dreamed of a day when computers would answer many of his biggest questions, he predicted that it was right around the corner, and now they have, satellites helped prove that his final and greatest research wasn't in vain, he died believing that he'd been wrong, and satellites, computers in orbit above our atmosphere, proved his final theories correct!
The computers he needed, and dreamed of, had arrived. Even ancient Kings in China over 4,000 years ago, not as old as the story of Adam and Eve, but older than Moses, did research and taught about language, so many have contributed to our understand of the human mind and condition.
The day that they all predicted, and dreamed of, computers, traveling beyond the planet, exploring the depths of the ocean, and all this education accessible to the entire world, global communication in the hands of nearly every human.
We are living in that time right now.
And all of their research, all of history, has made these scripts possible at last.
Here's my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You'll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
Why pay if scripts are free?
Why would you want to pay for our scripts? Oh, only if you are satisfied with this product and only if you can afford it, to help us cover our costs.
Now FREE! Don't click this pay button!!!
My scripts are normally free to the whole world, I've provided a free version, special for those who cannot afford to pay for it, because every human is priceless, special beyond limit, however we also truly appreciate all of those who can pay!
And we appreciate it so much if you can share our product with your friends and family! Go ahead and give it to them for free, or give them our link, it's all free!!!
Why pay $200 dollars?
If you're returning to our website each month to get another 30 scripts each month we say thank you! And if you can pay for the scripts to help us cover our costs we say thank you. You're helping us keep this product free for those who cannot afford it.
You're helping us to cover the costs of distributing our this life changing gift to everyone all around the world who are less fortunate and want a good life just like me and you.
But if you'd like us to send all 365 scripts to you immediately at the beginning of each year, please get our $200 basic package; it's a lifetime membership.
You'll receive 365 new scripts every year for the rest of your life! And as an added bonus you'll get priority treatment whenever you need help.
There is also a Corporate package! And a Professional package! Either way, whether you're using our products and services for free, or you're paying for it, we truly appreciate you.
And we hope you'll share it with your family and friends. Thank you so very much!
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(will respond with 48 hours)
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: BigConversation@Zoho.com
Thank you!
Please come back every day!
This page is your contract,
Please print and keep it safe.
----Never give me your bank account information----
----Never give me your personal information---
Questions? Suggestions? Offers?
Contact me anytime: BigConversation@Zoho.com
This is a charitable business!
We pay taxes because we're a very successful business, our success allows us to put more money into charity than most charities are able to. Read our story:
We pay taxes because we're a very successful business, our success allows us to put more money into charity than most charities are able to. You and me are saving millions upon millions of lives! Thanks to our free educational products that we're spreading to the whole world and even to the most remote, impoverished places! Education is the solution to all of humanity's problems: Pollution, war, poverty, hunger and disease. When people have everything they need and know everything, they're less likely to go to war, and know better than to pollute the environment, and are no longer hungry and can focus on developing solutions to disease. One of the main education products we distribute is our "Language Program" which enables all of humanity to communicate with each other. Psychologists and other experts constantly remind us that the key to a successful relationship is communication. This couldn't be more correct in describing the global society in which we now find ourselves. Communication, just like education, goes a long way in preventing war, pollution, and finding solutions to poverty, hunger, and disease. We're doing our part. And we've made it easy for you: By creating a product that everybody wants, and especially because it's free for everyone, we know that you'll definitely want to share it with all of your friends and loved ones. We know that everyone will do that. Saving the planet couldn't be any easier! Soon we'll have spread our free education product to the entire planet!
This is a for-profit charitable business!
We are not a charity. We are a for-profit business that pays taxes. However, we have charitable objectives. The reason this company was created was because we wanted to make the world a better place, empower all humans everywhere, saving millions of lives.
If we did the math we'd realize that businesses don't make additional income by participating in charitable endeavors. The tax breaks don't allow businesses to save money. That's a myth. What's actually happening is that the money given to charity is being inflated by the government through tax breaks.
And so every dollar given to charity becomes worth more than a dollar. Not to the business, but to the charity. If a business is pocketing any of that charity money, it would be seen, because governments audit charities very intensely, and the results are published regularly for the public to see!
It simply would not be worth the risk.
Businesses make much more money doing business than by contributing to charity. And so it would be hard to find a business that is profiting at all by contributing to charity.
And so we should applaud and praise those companies that participate in charitable endeavors. And should hope that more businesses will do likewise.
Because while these tax breaks don't allow companies to increase profit, tax breaks do allow the company to contribute more to charities. Because the tax breaks are on the money that's given. So the company doesn't gain anything.
The charity, not the business, profits.
Tax breaks allow the government to also participate in charity.
Because the money the company gives to charity is basically being almost doubled by the government not taxing it. So the only person getting more money is the recipient of the charitable contribution. Not the government. And not the business.
The only savings is that the business can now give less, rather than more, to charity. Because the government is basically matching that amount up to 30% in some cases. So the business can give less, because every dollar is being inflated by the government, so it's worth at least 30% more than the average dollar.
So in other words it's not profitable for a business to contriubute to charity, but also it's a savings because the business can contribute 30% less. Or in actuality what happens is the business pays 100% but then the government gives the business 30% back during tax time.
You see, businesses don't profit from giving to charity. The only benefit would be publicity, a good reputation, and good feelings. If they're pocketing any of the charity contributions it wouldn't be worth the risks because charity contributions are audited much more viciously by the government than any other type of money transaction and the investigation results are published publicly for everyone to see.
We're trying to educate the public and businesses about the facts so that more businesses will feel comfortable contributing to charity and so that it won't be a negative impression in the minds of the public who often has the wrong idea about businesses that contribute to charity.
It's not about tax savings at all. And furthermore, the public needs to be aware that many charities do pocket the money! Legally charities are allowed to keep up to 60% or more of the money so that it can be spent on the expenses of the organization and in the form of salaries to the employees of the organization such as the CEO and managers and so on.
And so, what's the difference between a non-profit charity and a for-profit business? Well, the charity profits from the charity. A business doesn't profit from charity. That's the difference.
There are charities that give as much of the money as possible to the intended recipients of the charitable contributions. And, before we think poorly of charities lets remember that even if a charity only gave 20% of the contributions to the intended recipients, that's more money than what those starving children in Africa would've recieved otherwise!
And some charities do give 80% or more.
We pay taxes because we're a very successful business, our success allows us to put more money into charity than most charities are able to. Quite simply because businesses have more money to give for their own pockets.
Often in the billions of dollars range.
Whereas most charities survive only on donations and most of those donations. Which rarely are in the billions of dollars range.
Furthermore, much of a charity's budget is wasted on paperwork, professional incompetence and mismanagement, lack of experience, lack of resources, lack of connections, exorbitant salaries for overpaid or inexperienced and ineffective workers, poor shipping methods, mishandling the legalities, and over-inflated advertising costs.
Mismanagement of money.
Most charities unintentionally lose and/or waste everybody's money. Because typical charities lack the know how, and connections, and expertise that only comes with years of experience in the business word dealing with other nations, governments, professionals, and how to use experts who are at the top of their field, most charities fail to deliver the results desired by their contributors.
That's why many charities hire an experienced business CEO.
Unlike many charities, because we're a business, we're using the world's greatest talents, resources, experience, and expertise we're expanding our charitable operations to the entire world, even to the most remote and poorest regions. Using tried and true business methods we cut costs, take the sure way, total efficiency, no loose ends, no waste, delivering the full amount, not just what's left over.
My company was created for you! The person who wants to give more to the world. You want to save our world. And my company was created for those who have nothing to give. Those who are struggling to survive. And for those who want more out of life. Every human deserves to have a great life. That is the objective of our business.
This company, our product, and our contributions is my gift (we don't accept donations and we try to produce results from the labors of our company and the value of our products and the appreciation from our clients) to the whole world! I'm giving you my language scripts, and showing you how to make your own, so that you can have a better life!
You now can speak the Dominant Global Languages that I provide, and any others that you want, all for free! So that the whole world is now unlocked to you, and openned up for you, for greater career opportunities, greater income possibilities, and all of life's rich rewards.
When you take advantage of our products, even the free ones, and tell others about us, you're giving all of that to others, to the whole world!
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(will respond with 48 hours)
"Jesus said charity is giving to others everything that you'd want for yourself. And don't you want everything? We shouldn't stop giving until everyone has a good life. All 8 billion of us!"
-James Wilson
I'm making our world more united. By global communication. Empowering people; all 7 billion of us. Better communication makes everyone more successful and happy! Visit me everyday at my website or other locations.
You're doing that also. I'm using these free products also! You and I are not different. We are a part of the same endeavor. You are a very real part of this family. This charitable endeavor. Thank you for caring about others. And more importantly, thank you for caring about you, because if you're not strong, if you're not successful, how can anybody else be? We must all be strong, together!
Thank you for visiting!
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(i will respond within 48 hours)
Keep reading!
Here's more information about our charitable obectives and the realities of what is a charity versus what is a business and how can a business be charitable while not being legally definable as a charity. Why can't our business be defined as a charity?
Our business is not a charity.
An article in www.theguardian.com by Alison Coleman in July of 2013 describes several amazing businesses who have made charity a major part of their business endeavors and have been very successful in making the world a better place.
These business however are legally defined as charitable businesses.
These business prove that "charity makes good business sense," and that, "a philanthropic venture will make a difference."
However our company isn't legally defined as a charity. Because first of all, we pay taxes as a business, not as a charity. And furthermore, our business isn't a venture. No, our company is a well established business that's already been up and running for quite awhile and successfully.
That's very important.
And we're not worried about increasing our profile or gaining more customers by making ourselves look good by using charity "as a promotional tool for our business."
But I believe that most charities, most charitable business, most for-profit businesses that participate in charity or charitable endeavors and have charitable objectives are actually doing so for the right reasons. Very few businesses can show statistically how their charitable endeavors are increasing their profits from a marketing perspective.
It simply wouldn't be worth it.
Because to give to charity costs so much that even the best marketing results wouldn't compensate for the expense. Businesses don't invest in marketing that doesn't cover itself cost-wise. That's simply a rule of thumb for any industry.
More often than not, rather than any appeal, the thing that caused businesses to even consider contributing to charity or pursuing charitable endeavors was not just the low cost/expense of dollars contributed to charity (the so-called savings from tax breaks) and so on, was quite simply the good feeling itself that the act of charity produces, was the thing that when placed on top of those other things, made it hurt less and so the business agreed to do it.
To say that a company benefits from an improved reputation or public appearance by contributing to charity is negligible by the fact that most people believe companies are getting huge tax breaks and profiting from it. That impression instead gives the company a bad reputation and evil appearance. Companies don't profit by giving to charity.
Least of all in public sentiment.
On the contrary it seems to villify them excpet in the rare case when their charity really does something unique and truly shines such as saving a baby's life, or rescuing a community from a tsunami etc. Something that most charities are not capable of truly publicising in a way that wouldn't just vilify them that much more for appearing to be exploiting the child etc.
Businesses don't benefit from image enhancement.
No, we were already providing charity to the world long before we decided to start telling everybody about the charitable activities we're involved with (we don't claim to be a charity; we're a business that has charitable objectives and we're definitely for-profit). It just made sense to be honest and say the truth about what we're doing.
We're very cautious to point out that we're a "for-profit" business. Because legally we don't claim to be a charity. Because legally we don't get any tax breaks. However we're proud to officially declare and defend the fact that we're benefiting humanity and the entire planet greatly! And we wouldn't dare say that we're a charity oriented business unless we indeed provide charity. And indeed we do.
However the laws so-far prevent businesses from calling themselves a charitable business without abiding by certain laws that quite ridiculously are often restrictive, and even prevent profitability, productivity, and even the charitiable endeavors! What irony!
Regulators are so scared that a charity might be pocketing the money and scaming people, that the laws are so restrictive that it literally prevents a charity from being very effective. And in fact, most charities do end up pocketing 60% or more of the money, or blowing it on exorbitent and ridiculous organizational expenses and costs.
Legislators demand security to the point of building four walls around ourselves, no roof, just tons and tons of rock, deep underground where we'll be safe, fossilized, and secure forever.
Allowing charities to stretch their arms and legs, true freedom, ability to expand, and truly succeed. That would be the greatest blessing to humanity ever! It might even invite charities to stop hording so much. To stop paying the CEO so much. If they were allowed to actually act and think like a charity rather than focusing so much of their time on legal issues.
Much like a politician who must focus 80% of their time in office on campaigning to stay in office, it's ridiculous! Legislators need to be more careful and wise. They need to focus on benefiting humanity, rather than building walls. Prisons are great. But schools are even better.
I would gladly turn my company into a charity, if charities were not provented from being successful by so many ridiculous restrictions.
And so, there are two, instead of one: Charities, and Businesses.
But down below I'll quote an article that discusses the need for having both. And that charities cannot address all the issues that humanity requires. And that businesses likewise, cannot address all the issues that humanity requires. And so, perhaps it's good that there's a few lines drawn between what is a charity and what is a business.
Our company is unique.
Our core product is free and makes a person's life better, which in turn benefits their family. A stronger family benefits the whole community. The dominoes affect goes on and on as stronger communities in turn benefits the economy, then the nation, then the entire world.
Is this not a charity?
An article in www.forbes.com by Jacquelyn Smith in July of 2013 revealed "America's Most Generous Companies." discussed all the good that a business can do for charity.
For example:
Wells Fargo gave $315,845,766 cash to 19,500 nonprofits and schools nationwide.
These certainly are not the only, and that list wasn't exhaustive, merely only showing companies that were compelled by law to reveal their stats, because a company that wants to save on taxes by making charitable donations must by law report those donations.
Our company on the other hand doesn't hide behind charity, our purpose isn't to save taxes. We're contributing to the world because we want to contribute to the world, it's that plain and simple, there's no other reason. Wells Fargo wasn't hiding behind charity either. The tax savings mentioned wasn't on any of Wells Fargo's profits, but rather the amount that was given to the charity, the charity was recieving the savings, not Wells Fargo.
Tax savings has nothing to do with it.
And yet the public, most people, believe that the reason businesses give to charity is to increase profits, and mathematically that's not true. An accountant could explain it much better. The company is saving taxes on their profits. The only savings in on what's being given away. And once it's given away, it's gone. Zero. And so there's zero profit to the company that gave that money away. No money is going into the pocket of the business. It's all going to the charity. Zero profit.
However, the public still thinks that way. And that's why we brag that we pay taxes, to prove that we are charitable for legitimate reasons. We don't contribute to other charities. Because that money would be tax free, or have tax breaks on it. And the general public believes that is an evil practice. And so we never claim our business as a charity, we claim that we're a for-profit business, and we don't brag about giving to other charities.
Rather we labor for ourselves.
Abbie Rumbold of Bates Wells & Braithwaite, a firm specialising in charity and social enterprise, explains: "A registered charity can still be a business." The nice thing about these for-profit charities is that "they don’t take handouts, but instead earn their income through providing services."
And by providing services and products and working like a regular business, we look like we're putting our money where our mouth is, and laboring hard. We're working towards a better world, not just contributing a handout towards it. We're in the thick of the battle. We're in the coal mine and digging right alonside all of the other laborers.
That reference up above about ARBWB was found in an article at "Startups.co.uk" in March of 2009 and went on to say that "A prime example is Action for Children, a charity that has been around for 150 years," and, "makes almost 90% of its income comes by providing social care services."
The problem with declaring your business as a charity for tax purposes and legal purposes is that the laws are very restrictive for charities to ensure that they're doing exactly what they promised to be doing. Ironically, this means a charity has very few options for branching out into other areas, being innovative, and generating possibly much more money.
For example, "if their primary product is education, they can't sell cookies." That's just one small example of how a charity's hands are tied by laws. It's much easier for a business to operate, generate profits, and then contribute to a charitable cause, than it is for a typical charitable organization. "To get around trading restrictions, many charities have a trading arm." Or, "businesses have a charity arm."
So, while we're a business, and for-profit, we're still indeed a charitable business. Yes, we have charitable purposes, and we give charity (free products that make people's lives better and the world), but we don't waste our time and money trying to avoid taxes.
Stanford's online review states, "Is Business the New Charity?" And argues that we mustn't confuse the two, in the June 2012 article by By Aaron Hurst. However he goes on to mention for example Jim Koch, founder of Samuel Adams (Boston Beer Company) who by supporting small businesses instead of [charities], he can create jobs in the community; real long-term economic and social value.
And also mentions, "Goldman Sachs' 10,000 Small Business campaign."
And quotes Robert Egger, founder of the PAC CForward, which champions the role of the [charity] sector in the economy, “Any organization that provides [well paying jobs] is a social enterprise (i.e.-charity).”
Rather than spending time and money trying to avoid taxes, or collect donations, my company's efforts are much better spent by trying to provide a great product that's free to the people of the world. As free as possible and as beneficial as possible. A product that in turn helps them to be more productive, successful, and earn more money for themselves.
Rather than giving people money, we give people a better life, which in turn enables them to make more money on their own. Don't give a person a fish, instead, teach that person how to catch fish for themselves.
And yes, we provide jobs, we do everything we can to give our profits back to the community in ways that are most profitable for the community, sharing it with regular people, as much as possible. We never claim a loss on our taxes. We love paying taxes. And we love giving back to the community.
Aaron Hurst rightfully goes on to say that our society has needs that can't be met by businesses alone, for example that, "while creating jobs we might run out of employees; and the training they need to meet the needs of the company."
And I agree with Aaron Hurst, later on down below I'll discuss the failures of the typical charity but then even further on down I'll discuss my gratitude that strictly charitable (non-profit) organizations exist; because in spite of their huge flaw they still accomplish their mission to an extent.
And not all charities have that flaw.
It's not a requirement. It's a choice. I agree with Aaron Hurst because like he said we need more than just businesses. There are needs that cannot be met by a business. There are needs that can't be met by a charity. We need both, we need everything, we need all the help this world can get.
Or in other words: It doesn't just stop at businesses. But we can't rule out businesses as a charity. We need both!
And somebody (Tracy Sparks) even pointed out in the comments of that article that, "the model of pro bono invades the economic opportunities of the educated and unemployed." Great point!
Just to give a shoutout, Aaron Hurst co-authored the children’s book Mommy and Daddy Do It Pro Bono and is a featured blogger for The Huffington Post.
And Jacquelyn Smith went on to write in the Forbes.com article I've been quoting several times already that, "Walmart gave away 421 million pounds of food in 2013 and has donated more than one billion pounds since 2010." In paraphrasing, "Walmart's mission is to create opportunities so people can live better," and, "make a positive impact in the communities Walmart serves."
Walmart, Wells Fargo, Chevron are just a few companies that gave nearly or over $300 million dollars in charity in just one year alone. "Pfizer gave $3.1 billion in cash and products."
It might seem that they're doing this to save on taxes. But ultimately, they could keep a huge percentage of that money, if they didn't spend it on charity, even after taxes. The truth is, it just feels good to serve the community and make the world a better place. Aside from all the less significant secondary motives possible for giving to charity.
You can see for yourself at www.snopes.com/politics/business/charities.asp that charities often pocket most of the money and very little arrives at its intended destination.
Just to highlight a few:
The CEO of the charitable organization known as UNICEF receives $1,200,000 per year, plus use of a Royal Royce for his exclusive use where ever he goes, and an expense account that is rumoured to be well over $150,000. Less than $0.14 per dollar donated to UNICEF goes to the UNICEF cause.
The CEO of the American Red Cross gets $651,957 per year plus expenses, enjoys 6 weeks of fully paid holidays including all related expenses during the holiday trip for her and her husband and kids. Including 100% fully paid health & dental plan for her and her family, for life. Less than $0.39 per dollar donated to the American Red Cross goes to the American Red Cross cause.
The list goes on and on...
Here's some humor, the charity known as "MARCH OF DIMES" is called the March of Dimes because only a dime for every 1 dollar is given to the needy.
I won't list the charities who are faithful in getting 100% of the contribution to the contributor's intended destination. Because that could change, and then I'd be giving misleading information. You just need to do your own homework before contributing to any charity.
Ultimately, a charity that gives 50% or even just 5% of its income to the contributor's intended target, might still add up to billions of dollars being given to the rightful recipients of charity.
That, when compared to the billions of dollars being given by legitimate businesses, might not be much different. It's better than nothing being given at all. I'm certainly grateful for the American Red Cross and UNICEF for all the good that they do accomplish.
I'm happy that there are literally a million charitable organizations in the world ready and willing to take your hundreds or thousands or millions of dollars, pocket up to 95% of that, and give at least 5% to a charitable cause.
Because 5% is better than nothing! But I sure wish that you could keep that 95% that you gave them, rather than it going towards their exorbitant expenses and their CEO.
Hopefully the day will arrive when all businesses become charitable. Even if for profit. Because I'm certain that there are more businesses than charities in the world. Nobody would be asking you for donations. The businesses themselves would be the contributors. That would truly be a turning point for the world, towards a more perfect outcome.
Evangeline Gomez wrote in her article for www.forbes.com by Alison Coleman in January of 2012 that, "many Americans, and millions of business owners, want to do more than simply turn a profit." And discussed, "The Rise Of The Charitable For-Profit Entity."
She even went on to say that, "a study shows more than $120 billion in potential investments" is what these businesses could generate for charitable cuases. These businesses often referred to as a "benefit corporation, L3C," or socially-minded company.
Of course, that study represented investments that were available for the creation or support of those companies, not what the company would in turn give to charity.
However, I went ahead and did that math, assuming that a company attempts to recoup the costs of creation within the first 5 years, while profiting each year, and giving to charity each year during its existence.
Also most companies don't recieve investments totaling the full amount of the cost of creation, banks and investors simply would not do that, as a governing rule. And so $120 billion is far short of the actual value and profitability of the "many Americans, and millions of [companies]" this article is discussing.
At the bare minimum, collectively, they should be able to give at least that much. As is, hundreds of major corporations are giving $300 million dollars per year towards charity.
She pointed out that, "Still questions remain on these new corporate entities." Laws are being amended, new roads are being paved, to make way for these new ambitions of companies wanting to give more, benefiting society, and the world.
Also see: Acs, Z.J. et al. (2010) The social value of productive entrepreneurship, George Mason University, Washington
And as expounded By bevmeldrum in a September 2011 article titled, "Charity vs Social Entrepreneurship – 5 Differences".
He makes some interesting points, for example: "The purpose of charity is to alleviate immediate suffering rather than deep social change." However, I'm of the opinion that charitable organizations and charitable businesses can accomplish not only both, but so much more!
Also see: The CNBC article by Jake Novak in August 2015 at http://www.cnbc.com/2015/08/03/mixing-business-with-charity-is-folly.html where he makes a great case, "The man who tries to make his business a charity or his charity a business will end up out of business and needing charity."
Why I bring that up, is it shows that businesses can also have flaws, and make the wrong choices when it comes to charity. And some do in fact use charity merely as a means to avoid taxes or "as a tool for marketing."
Which is why we must always do our homework before contributing to a charity. Whether it's a charitable non-profit or a charitable for-profit. What's the largest non-profit entity in the world? Universities? Some are. You see, it literally pays to do your homework.
Universities are a good example of how, when dealing with organizations, and how to classify them, whether as a business or a charity, it really just comes down to legalities. Laws are structured for the purpose of keeping everyone safe. That includes businesses, people's property, everyone. Literally anything could be considered a charity. But for the sake of keeping people's money safe, laws are in place, that prevent companies from claiming to be a charity, who might not fulfill that role.
Jake Novak rightfully explained, "Both charity and free market capitalism are noble goals. But confusing them or favoring one too much over another is a pathway to ruin." And that, is exactly why, we're very cautious to point out that we're a "for-profit" business. And wouldn't dare say that we're a charitable business unless we indeed provide charity. And indeed we do.
However the laws so-far prevent businesses from calling themselves a charitable business without abiding by certain laws that might be restrictive, even prevent profitability, productivity, and even the charitiable endeavors!
But to further prove that we're not interested in avoiding paying taxes, we don't claim to be a charity when filing our taxes. And furthermore we don't want any of the restrictions that comes along with claiming to be a charity.
We're a for-profit business. Not a charitable business. We're a for-profit business that has charitable objectives. And we believe that we do very well in meeting those objectives; better than most.
Thank you for visiting AnaEzine!
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(i will respond within 48 hours)
----- CHAPTER 12 ------
--- Affiliate Program ---
This costs you nothing! Make $100 for every package you sell! Join our free affiliate program immediately! Send us an email and we'll email the affiliate package to you immediately! Email: BigConversation@Zoho.com
You can sell this program for $200 and keep 50% of that money for yourself! Joining our affiliate program is free, costs you nothing! If you sell 10 packages or 100 or 1000 it doesn't matter. You can sell millions! That's $100 million dollars in your pocket! We'll give full support to all of your customers. We'll do all the work! If you're ready to start selling and making money we'll send your affiliate package to you right away. Everything is free, you don't pay anything! Start making money immediately! Simply send us an email asking for the affiliate package here: BigConversation@Zoho.com
Speak Any Language Instantly!
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We have a free version and a $200 version plus upgrade options. Any of the paid options includes a lifetime membership. However, the free version is just as good! Also, you can make money if you want. We give you 50% of our profits! I'll talk more about that in a minute, the important thing to remember is that it's all free!
Most courses cost $200 to $1,000 and require several years of study before you become proficient. University courses, tutoring, etc can cost thousands of dollars. My program is just $200 only! Plus, you get all 15 languages for the price of one! Most language courses make you pay again and again for each additional language, even Universities do that! Nobody gives you the other languages for free. I do! I give you everything!
Want money? Share our free product with your friends and get up $500 anytime anyone upgrades! Or strangers, anybody, you can advertise our product however you want. You'll get up to $500 for every new client you bring us! And if they don't upgrade and use our free product only, that's okay, this is a charitable endeavor as well as a business. Many will upgrade, and those profits could all be yours! And they'll thank you for bringing them to us. Our products are life changing, and saving millions of lives around the world.
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If you don't know the basics of the language already, you'll need to learn at least how to read and pronounce the language. My program requires that you read scripts, which means that you'll need at least a basic ability to read the language. Don't worry, the more you read, the more your ability will improve. And it usually takes just a few hours of reading a How-to-Book at your local library to become able to read the language at a sufficient basic level. Never give up on yourself! You can do this!
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P.S.- Help us! Any affiliates/retailers/sellers get $100 to $500 per sale, most demanded products on the planet! Costs nothing! Send an email to me or any of our executives at <BigConversation@Zoho.com> to ask to be an affiliate, costs you nothing! Start making money immediately!
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
Dear Newest Friend and Affiliate Partner,
If I gave you a Porsche sports car (new from the factory) for free... could you find somebody to buy it? I'll give you 50% of the profit. I'm not selling Porsche's but it's almost as beautiful. My company is expanding in your country. Do you want to sell my $200 product? Everybody wants this product (100% of the market). The problem with most products is that nobody wants it. Or demand is low. People are begging for my product! All people! And it costs you nothing! You'll never find another deal like this, ever! You can do this however you want: Sell it online as a digital (email, download, file) product, or at real stores as a real package in your hands. You can sell thousands, even millions of packages! You get $100 per sale (that's a million dollars in your pocket if you can get this product in front of 5 thousand people). Think about it... that's $1,000 in your pocket for just 5 sales! Quite regularly you'll get $300 and $500 per sale (many of our clients want the professional and corporate "upgraded" packages). We have unlimited stock and so you can sell a billion packages if you want. We also have a free version for your friends and family who can't afford to pay the full price of $200 for our regular package (but please try to sell it for the full price to everyone because you're getting 50% of the profit for every sale which is awesome; don't cheat yourself out of more money, plus you're cheating them out of taking this product serious which if they apply themselves 100% to using the product correctly it can literally make their lives better in so many ways including health, self-esteem, career, productivity, happiness, and success). The best way to sell our product is to give away our $9 e-book for ---free--- to everyone. Put the following message on your business cards, brochures, anything you can hand to people, hang up on signs downtown, post online, and everywhere: "This $9 e-book is my ---free--- gift to you, the secret to speaking any language immediately, is now yours!" And that's it, very simple! People will look at that $9 e-book and then come breaking down your door begging you for our program and shove $200 in your pocket! You'll give me their email address and 50% of that money. That's it! Contact me immediately at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll send everything to you immediately! Costs you nothing. This is absolutely ---free--- for you and everyone! CEO Partnerships are available (costs nothing). If you have questions, offers, comments, solicitations, suggestions, or anything else our door is always open!
Do you have 10 loyal followers? That's $1,000 in your pocket. Do you have 100 loyal followers? That's $10,000 in your pocket! Do you have 1,000 loyal followers? That's $100,000 in your pocket! There's no limit! I'll give you millions of dollars. I'm happy when I can make others happy. Simply give away our $9 e-book to all of your friends for free! That's like giving them real money! It's worth hundreds of dollars! And if they read it, they'll come to you begging for my program and shove $200 into your pocket. Simply give me 50% and their email address. Congratulations!
Do you want $1,000 right now? Give away my $9 e-book to just 10 people (for free)! I pay you $100 to $500 per person who comes begging me for my program. Up
How many loyal followers do you have?
10 = $1,000
100 = $10,000
1,000 = $100,000
and then $$millions$$!
Simply give them this free gift: My $9 e-book.
It's totally free!
Here’s our $9 e-book “Speak Any Language Instantly” which we’re giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
It's totally free!
Join us, partner with us, merge with us, or come work for us! Do you love teaching? No? What about running a billion dollar business? No? What about a small business? No? Do you own a store? No? Do you blog? No? Are you a computer expert? Or social network maniac/socialite? Whatever your skills, our company's needs are endless, we can find a job for you.
We will give you regular bonuses. Lots of money! We are aware of your efforts. And we reward our partners regularly! With money! If you're bringing us customers, even if it's just a few customers, we appreciate you and we will make it well worth your while!
We can help your current business also! What's your business? What do you sell? Are you a blogger, or business owner, or author, or anything? We can promote your business and products to the entire world! We can bring more visitors, fans, customers, clients, followers, friends, readers, and people to you! You're very lucky to be our partner!
If you want to do more than simply give our product to your followers... If you want to open an office and commit yourself to developing our business in your region, community, or online, or any areas that you have influence... We will put our billions of dollars into your efforts. We will do anything we can to make you successful. We'll do the advertising/marketing for you. We'll pay for expansion, your new office, assistants, legal assistance, corporate fees, tax advisors, call center services, and so on. Once you've started bringing in customers, if you decide that you want to do more, and go further with this, we'll be by your side!
Children deserve the best.
And so does everyone! Adults, children, professionals, students, losers, winners, etc.
Not everyone can go to an Ivy League school, and so I'm giving you, and everyone, something just as powerful and for free (even Ivy League graduates should take advantage of this free tool)! Because wouldn't you agree, that each individual human on this planet deserves the ability to communicate? Shouldn't that be free?
Everyone deserves to have Ivy League (Oxford, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Cambridge, etc) credentials on their resume.
Everyone in the world speaks one of these 15 dominant languages:
- English - Chinese - Hindi - Spanish
- Russian - German - Japanese - French
- Portuguese - Korean - Filipino - Indonesian
- Thai - Vietnamese - Swahili
You cannot become fluent in the classroom. And even outside the classroom it's difficult to become fluent. And if you do become fluent and stop using your native language you'll lose your native language. Everybody who doesn't use that language regularly will lose it.
Now, with my program, you can become fluent very quickly and in fact you'll begin speaking instantly any of these 15 languages and if you're already fluent you'll never lose that language if you're using my 3 minutes a day program. You don't even need to do it daily! Just do it a few times each week.
My scripts are not easy to make. However, in my $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" it tells you how to make your own scripts. Or, if you'd rather use my scripts I'll give you a lifetime membership which means that I'll deliver a monthly package of scripts to you by email every month for the rest of your life for just $200 only.
This program is worth thousands of dollars. The average language program cannot offer you true fluency in the language. The only program I know of that even comes close is the Rosetta Stone which is a thousand dollars. Furthermore, they charge you that same price again if ever you want a second and third language! My program offers you all 15 languages for free after you've made just a one-time $200 payment. You'll never spend another dollar!
Finally, have the respect you deserve. Not only has science shown that speaking a second language fluently literally increases the size of your brain but also we all know that everybody will think you're an above average intelligence person because very few people are multilingual. And everyone automatically assumes it's very difficult and requires an above average brain to master a second language. Especially if you'll take my advice and use my program to master 2 or 3 languages instead of just one.
Join my affiliate program!
You get 50% of my profits!
It's totally free!
That's $1,000's of U.S. Dollars or more!!!
In your pocket!
Do you have 10 loyal followers? That's $1,000 in your pocket. Do you have 100 loyal followers? That's $10,000 in your pocket! Do you have 1,000 loyal followers? That's $100,000 in your pocket! There's no limit! I'll give you millions of dollars. I'm happy when I can make others happy. Simply give away our $9 e-book to all of your friends for free! That's like giving them real money! It's worth hundreds of dollars! And if they read it, they'll come to you begging for my program and shove $200 into your pocket. Simply give me 50% and their email address. Congratulations!
For those who cannot afford the $200 payment for the lifetime membership and scripts we offer the scripts for free, a new one each day, at our website. That's our charity to all those who cannot afford to pay for a lifetime membership.
$999 Corporate Package
$499 Professional Pkg
$200 Regular Package
FREE! Free Package
Yes! If you can't afford $200 then my scripts are free!
My scripts will always be free!
Also, we have a "Professional Package" for professionals who want scripts tailored to their profession.
And we have a "Corporate Package" for groups or organizations that want to get the scripts for everyone in their group or organization. We create a personalized website for just that organization and it will service all their members for a lifetime. The scripts will be tailored to the needs of their group and always available at their new language training website. Our scripts make everyone fluent very fast and permanently. Anybody who already speaks a second language fluently needs this program too because without regular use we'll forget our languages, our skills deteriorate, it's just how the brain works.
See more:
BONUS: Get your free copy of "Why It Works" at our website (100+ pages of vital information), totally for free, right now!
"Why It Works"
3 minutes be fluent
Always at our website for free:
(simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
The Contract:
We offer 2 things to everyone: #1) Our products #2) Make money. All you have to do is give our $9 e-book away for free (inside that e-book are 30 scripts which is an entire month of our program totally for free)!
"Speak any language instantly, become fluent fast, and permanently. Simply read my language scripts 3 minutes each day. It's that easy and simple." My program costs $200 only. Sell my program "Speak Any Language Instantly" for only $200 and you keep 50% of that! My program includes a lifetime membership (they'll receive a monthly package of my language scripts for the rest of their lives) plus they'll get 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately. All 15 languages that we offer are included! Normally you'd pay again for each additional language. We give all 15 in the same package! And, if they'd like to try it out first, we have an e-book that has 30 scripts (a month worth of scripts) inside and is normally $9 for the e-book however you can give it away to everyone for free as a way to tell people about our product and try to gain their patronage. All of our packages, program, and materials are in digital form, can be emailed, kept at a website for download, and so on. However it's also possible to publish our program as a book, or any other form possible, and placed on shelves at actual stores, and so on. We also can provide you with translated versions of all of our materials/products in the 15 most common languages of the world (the same languages that are offered in our program): Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese, French, Japanese, German, Russian, Korean, Indonesian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Thai, and Swahili. We also offer upgrade options: Professional package for $499 and Corporate package for $999 which gives them the same product except that it's tailored to their particular profession and needs. The Corporate package is a website that makes the product available to all of their members for free and is tailored to their company or organization's particular profession and needs. You can solicit our program however you want, so long as it's ethical, legal, and so on. Create a website, or articles, or ads at your own discretion. We can help you as much as you need, to the best of our abilities, however you have total freedom to use our product, materials, ads, websites, blogs, anything you want, however you want. All we ask is for 50% of the profits made on each program sold. And we are very eager to help in any way, and to reciprocate by giving you all of our clients, and promoting you or your other products to all of our clients around the world. You help us sell our product, we will help you sell your products, or promote you in any way possible. If you have a blog, we can write articles for you and give you more readers. Or if you're an author. Or for anything, we'll send all of our clients to you. To your store, or site, or wherever. In exchange for you employing all of your effort to sell our program to as many people as possible and as quickly as possible. You can become a permanent affiliate, authorized by us, to sell our product and partner with us if you want. You will have full support, from our company, all of our resources. The moment you begin selling for us. Contact us anytime for any reason. We never need personal information from the customers. Only their email address. The banking company that you use to process their payment is the only entity that should be authorized by government to handle the customer's personal information and banking information. You will be in charge of processing the payment and handling the customer's money and in providing customer service in ensuring that the customer gets the product and is fully satisfied. Once you give us the customer's email address, we will then handle the customer's lifetime membership to render all services as promised and benefits and so on to the customer to the customer's satisfaction and at which point you'll have no liability so long as everything you did was ethical and legal at the point of sale and delivery of the initial product. You'll be responsible for forwarding 50% of the customer's payment to us. You can't wait until the end of each week, grouping all payments together, and sending to us at the end of each week, if that's more convenient for you and your bank. However, the customer's email will need to be sent to us immediately after each sale, so that we can commence rendering to the customer all of the promised services, products, and benefits immediately. You will deliver the initial product: One Year of Scripts, the $9 e-book, and initial customer service assistance. Once you've given the customer those 3 things and have handed their email address to us, you won't need to do anything else and won't be responsible for anything else from that point on. You can retain the customer as a loyal fan, client, reader, customer, etc for your own purposes, so long as you do everything ethically and legally, and we'll collaborate with you on anything that we possibly can if ever you need anything from us. And the customer will also now be a loyal client to us also. You agree not to compete with us, neither before, during, or after any of these processes. And we agree to share the customer with you indefinitely. There are no limits to how much of our product you can sell. The sky is the limit! However, there are no exclusivity rights. Anyone and everyone can sell this product. And you also have the right to give away our product for free (for promotion or charitable purposes; promoting our services and company), however aside from that you cannot change the price of the product, neither higher nor lower. The prices are as stated.
P.S.- Help us! Any affiliates/retailers/sellers get $100 to $500 per sale, most demanded products on the planet! Costs nothing! Send an email to me or any of our executives at <BigConversation@Zoho.com> to ask to be an affiliate, costs you nothing! Start making money immediately!
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
If you maintain the current attributions.
For example:
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
Don't change any attributions.
Give credit where credit is due.
These movie scripts are reworked/unidentifiable.
And are for educational purpose.
And incorporated by "Jaydon Enterprises".
*Disclaimer: The FDA and all other authorities, governments, agencies, organizations, medical associations, doctors, scientific community and experts, etc have not approved, nor authorized, nor reviewed, nor support, nor agree, nor recommend any the following statements, claims, my methods, product, company, and all other activities I'm discussing, offering, giving, and showing you right now. They have neither endorsed, nor agreed with my statements, products, methods, activities, etc. And they have not given me permission to use their name, work, materials, etc.
Further disclosure: Our claim concerning results is based on feedback from our clients and other people from around the world and other similar programs and scientific studies as well. Our scientific claims come straight from the scientists etc and we list all of these sources (including our client's testimonials) in each book and at our website and in many of our materials. I try to include all sources within each page of my book right there underneath the paragraph that's making a reference. So that you can easily review the laboratory, military, national, university, institute, school, public, private, street experiments, tests, studies, examinations performed by countless named professors, scientists, doctors, experts who prove that reading aloud, becoming fluent, additional languages, script reading, subtle repetition, mistake recognition, real world content, updated phraseology, and other strategies and methods used in my materials actually does work quicker, better, and with the results promised than any other method, program, system that exists in the world. Also, you can email me at BigConversation@Zoho.com or visit my website to get a full page listing the thousands of sources that led me to my discovery of the perfect method for any person to become fluent in any language as fast as humanly possible. Thank you for taking full advantage of life by using my method to carry you to the highest achievement possible!
BONUS: Special e-book "Why It Works" tells why scientists think our method works so well, the secret ingredients in our scripts, and more! Get your free copy (100+ pages of vital information) at our website, totally for free, right now (simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
P.S.- Help us! Everybody on the planet wants my program! Give away a free copy of this e-book that you're reading right now to everybody and get $100 (maybe even more) for each person who becomes a member of our program (yes we give you 50% of our profits)! No limits, give away a million copies, that's totally fine (that would make you an instant millionaire)! Or you can give them the link: https://app.box.com/v/365Scripts Send an email to me at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll email everything to you immediately! This costs you nothing!
If you don't receive the welcome package within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
Become fluent fast and permanently!
It's easy! Just 3 minutes per day!
Share! Get $100 per new client!
By Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
( Reading time 2 hrs)
( 120 pages; 2 hrs reading )
Speak Any Language Instantly Stats:
Reading time 2 hrs
120 pages
12 sections
33,787 words
2,144 sentences
1,543 paragraphs
12th Grade Reading Level
Why It Works Stats:
Reading time 2 hrs
109 pages
30 sections
30,000 words
2,459 sentences
2,167 paragraphs
10th Grade Reading level
#1). No partner needed!
#2). Speak immediately!*
#3). Just 3 minutes a day.
#4). In bed, on bus, anywhere!
#5). Only you are speaking!
#6). It's 100% you! No 50/50.
#7). Every role is yours!
#8). Mostly group talking!
#9). Also one-on-one, etc.
#10). Created by socialites!
#11). Created by females!
#12). Edited by famous editors.
#13). Reviewed by famous critics.
#14). Tested on millions of clients.
#15). Spent billions to perfect!
----Effects on brain----
#16). Literally grows in size!*
#17). More disease resistant!*
#18). Slows aging effects!*
#19). Stronger = Think faster!
#20). Healthier = Live longer!
----Why you should share----
#21). Get $100 per new client!
#22). Costs you nothing!
*See disclaimer inside book or here:
Never spend another dollar on foreign languages! It's all right here in your hands. You don't need anything else. This is all you need! Congratulations!
====== BACK COVER =======
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Dear friends,
My "Speak Any Language Instantly" language program is absolutely free, forever! That's a promise! Aside from expensive upgrade options (professional and corporate versions, lifetime delivery service, etc) the main program is always free. If you did pay money for our program we thank you because your contribution goes towards keeping this program free. The whole world thanks you.
Share the health, success, power, freedom, prosperity, happiness, vitality with all your friends and family (speaking a second language fluently literally increases the physical size of your brain and decreases the effects of aging and some diseases ---see disclaimer inside---, gives a person greater pride, self-esteem, and more opportunities and productivity in their life ). This free program gives the user greater ability to attain all of those things! A better life!
You get $100 or more anytime anyone upgrades! Give this free e-book that you're reading right now, to everyone! Just be ethical, kind, no SPAM, and follow all laws. You'll get $100 or more for each of them who loves this e-book and our program so much that they decide to upgrade! Even if they don't upgrade and they instead choose to continue using the free version only, that's okay, this is a charitable endeavor as well as a business. Many will upgrade, and those profits could all be yours! And they'll thank you for bringing them to us. Our language program is life changing, and saving millions of lives around the world, because communication is the first step in creating peace, and being a good communicator improves all aspects of your life and the world around us.
BONUS: My other special e-book "Why It Works" tells you why scientists say our method works so well, the secret ingredients in our scripts, and more! Get your free copy (100+ pages of vital information) at our website, totally for free, right now (simply search for "AnaEzine" or email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
P.S.- Help us! Everybody on the planet wants my program! Give away a free copy of this e-book that you're reading right now to everybody and get $100 or more for each person who becomes a member of our program (yes we give you 50% of our profits)! Or give them the link: https://app.box.com/v/365Scripts Give away a million copies (that would make you an instant millionaire)! Send an email to me at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll email everything to you immediately! This costs you nothing!
If you don't receive the welcome package within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
If you maintain the current attributions.
For example:
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Don't change any attributions.
Give credit where credit is due.
These movie scripts are reworked/unidentifiable.
And are for educational purpose.
And incorporated by "Jaydon Enterprises".
IV. - Disclaimer
V. - Introduction
- Ch.1 - Why Do This
- Ch.2 - What You Get
- Ch.3 - What Are Scripts?
- Ch.4 - Blood and Gore
- Ch.5 - Bonus!
- Ch.6 - Instructions
- Ch.7 - 30 Scripts
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9 - Day 10 - Day 11 - Day 12 - Day 13 - Day 14 - Day 15 - Day 16 - Day 17 - Day 18 - Day 19 - Day 20 - Day 21 - Day 22 - Day 23 - Day 24 - Day 25 - Day 26 - Day 27 - Day 28 - Day 29 - Day 30
- Ch.8 - Corporate Package
- Ch.9 - Professional Package
- Ch.10 - Regular Package
- Ch.11 - Free Package
- Ch.12 - Affiliate Program
#1). Can you share, steal, copy, sell anything on this page?
You are welcome to share our product and website and information with others (be sure to remember where you got it and and always use proper attributions so that you're not held responsible for accidental copyright infringements). Please share, copy, or send, or hand our product, website, and information to all of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, anyone! Or simply give them the link. Thank you so much!
#2). Is anything here yours? Copyright infringement...
If you would like credit for anything we've posted or used in our materials if it belongs to you please contact us to get proper credit and compensation or to have it removed and an apology from us immediately.
#3). We are not licensed, doctors, legally...
We are not licensed, we're not doctors, and we're not legally approved by any governing authorities, FDA, Securities and Regulatory agencies, or any other agencies that protect the health and interests of the citizens of each nation. We don't always use professionals in everything that we do. Anything you do, pay, believe, say, or receive because of us, or in direct relation to us, or with us, or by us, is at your own risk, could be illegal, and you could lose all of your money, get fat, get sick, lose mental function, develop a disease, or die.
#4). We are not authorized...
We do not claim to be authorized, affiliated with, nor approved by any of the companies, organizations, persons, groups mentioned or quoted on this page, or things we discuss, quote, talk about, reference in our articles, including the Mormons, also known as the LDS Church, officially recognized as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and their leadership, their President the Prophet, and all his counselors, the Twelve Apostles and all other officials and affiliates of that religion and church and organization and governing body and all their members, clergy, missionaries, staff, and employees, the Book of Mormon and all other materials, scriptures, prophecies, revelations pertaining to the LDS Mormon religion, church, and organization and they had nothing to do with these articles and have not seen, nor approved of these articles or anything else found at this website, our products, services, and so on. And neither do I claim God as our source nor the Holy Ghost nor any other as our source nor approving authority nor do I claim that the Godhead authorized or approve of anything we've done, said, written, offered, presented, published, distributed, and so on. I have quoted scripture and many of these organizations, persons, companies, entities that I mentioned here and yet however they've not approved of that and I cannot guarantee the source or that they indeed are quoted correctly.
Further disclosure: Our claim concerning results is based on feedback from our clients and other people from around the world and other similar programs and scientific studies as well. Our scientific claims come straight from the scientists etc and we list all of these sources (including our client's testimonials) at the back of each book and at our website and in many of our materials.
Thank you for visiting!
Contact me anytime!
-Jay Beacham
(I will respond with 48 hours)
Stop paying for lessons!
Speak any language instantly!
Stay fluent permanently!
Why use my free program?
Friends are constantly asking me how I stay fluent in all of my languages. For free I’m giving you the program that I use myself! This makes you fluent fast, and permanently!
“Immediate dramatic improvement in fluency!”
Here’s my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You’ll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
Speak Immediately!
We offer you 4 options:
#1) Daily at my blog (Always free!)
#2) Monthly delivery (Only $200)*
#3) Professional (Only $499)**
#4) Corporate (Only $999)**
*Lifetime membership, delivered to you each month for the rest of your life!
**Lifetime membership, we provide this service to you for the rest of your life!
I'll describe each of those options in greater detail in the following chapters of this book that you're reading right now:
- Ch.8 - Corporate Package
- Ch.9 - Professional Package
- Ch.10 - Regular Package
- Ch.11 - Free Package
Each package is basically the same. The only differences is that the professional package is tailored to your particular profession. The Corporate package is tailored to the profession or needs of an entire group, or organization and saves them money since each person doesn't need to pay anything as long as the group pays a one-time free of $999 for the package.
Get $100 or more per friend!
Yes, if you find a new client for us, any of your friends, or fans, or advertise for us however you want, anyone you bring to us, will absolutely love our products which are free!
Yes, our program is free! And so you don't need to feel ashamed sharing our program. And also, who doesn't want to finally become fluent in that foreign language they spent their whole school lives learning?
---Chapter 1 ---
---Full disclosure---
What Are Scripts?
These scripts give you 3 things: Maintains your fluency if you're already fluent. Makes you fluent very quick if you're not already fluent. Gives you constant improvement even after you're fluent!
"Speak Any Language Instantly!"
Bonus: These scripts are designed to also improve your accent! Yes! A secret method I learned and put into practice when teaching foreign languages in South America and Asia when I was younger that was extremely effective and so now I'm sharing this secret with you! Also, I used that method myself to master multiple languages including my own native language!
How Do My Scripts Make You Fluent?
There are many errors intentionally inserted at random throughout my scripts, this is so vitally important. For example many sentences are cut off, or incomplete, which is exactly how we speak in real life. You notice that each chapter consists of 3 identical segments. That's so that you get a chance to repeat everything 3 times. This improves your accent.
I would just give you one segment and ask you to re-read it two more times but I've discovered that most people are too lazy, impatient, burdened to do that. And so, for your convenience, good feeling, comfort, and time restraint, I've gone ahead and put it 3 times so you won't hardly notice.
Most of these mistakes, repetitions, and other enhancements you won't notice, but your brain will. You'll notice as days pass by, that many of the chapters form stories that are connected to the stories in other chapters that you'll read (intentionally placed backwards and upside down), the human brain capable of putting it all together in order; this forces your brain to do more sophisticated work.
These scripts are intentionally out of order. There are some made up words. These scripts intentionally don't make any sense for the most part. This is to break you of the habit of wanting to translate and understand everything you read. You can't. Because none of these scripts make any sense.
The stories are completely convoluted, the words nonsensical, and many sentences are incomplete. Some sentences are carried over onto the next line and the next line. All of these variables that I've placed in these scripts will make your brain stretch, work hard, think outside the box, twist, search, identify, correct, translate, interpret, and make sense.
Usually class room education makes things easy, perfect, without any acceptance of failure or variation. Real life isn't perfect, neither is the language, it's only perfect in the class room.
That's why most people never become fluent and can't understand what they're hearing on the radio, in movies, on the streets, at the work place, in the real world. When they're ready to accept reality they'll have accomplished the first step in achieving real communication.
---Full disclosure---
If you don't know how to read and pronounce the language, you will need to learn how to read and pronounce the language before you can use my program effectively.
Because my program is all about reading scripts out loud. Normally that would take a few days for the average person to get a book from a library on how to speak the language and learn the pronunciation of the language.
Most languages involve a common alphabet such as English, Spanish, French, and so on, that's known as the Roman alphabet.
Even languages that use a different alphabet such as Hindi, Korean, Chinese often have a roman alphabet version. Learning how to read a language in a different alphabet might take a few weeks.
And also, you need to have a basic knowledge of the language for example the most commonly used phrases and vocabulary. You can usually find a book at a library that teaches you the most common phrases and vocabulary. That would usually takes a few weeks for the average person to learn.
Once you have a basic understanding and knowledge of the language, the pronunciation, the vocabulary and phrases, then you're ready to start using my scripts.
Because it only takes a few weeks at the most to learn the basics of a language it's usually not a problem for people to do that prior to commencing using my scripts.
Most people consider two weeks a worthy sacrifice and ultimately are satisfied by the end results.
If you are not willing to study the language for a few weeks prior to using my scripts, if you're a person who doesn't already know the basics of the language, we're always happy to provide a refund if you contact us directly and we're able to verify your purchase.
However, we recommend to anyone who doesn't already have basic knowledge of the language to quickly get a book at any library on how to speak that language, and study it for at least 3 days before commencing using our scripts.
You might be surprised how quickly you'll be speaking the language! The average person uses the same 2,000 words over and over again during their everyday living.
Those words make up a few thousand common phrases that the average person uses over and over again. If you know the most common 2,000 words and most common 2,000 phrases used by people, you can communicate with them fairly well.
You'd be considered proficient and be able to do many of the common activities such as shopping, taking the bus, finding your way around town, paying bills, living, talking with neighbors, etc.
The additional 20,000 words that most natives learn from elementary school to college (and that's the same for foreign language classes also) are primarily passive words that are not used daily and only come up occasionally.
For example, most passive words are entertainment (movies, novels, news, humor, hobbies, etc) related. And what some might call useless information (trivia, history, etc).
Then of course there are special words for specific careers, technical situations, etc (finances, medicine, engineering, etc).
The things that are more important for day to day living for example driving, shopping, dining, relationships, living life, and common recreation, sports, history, and so on are usually included in those 20,000 core vocabulary and the core phrases taught.
Most people don't need to speak like an engineer who probably also doesn't speak like an engineer when he's not at work. The same goes for doctors, lawyers, politicians, police, etc.
There's more to languages, or rather, languages are more simple than even most experts are aware of. Experts don't even know yet how it's possible that a 3 year old baby can speak the language.
Languages are still a mystery in large part even to the experts.
My program and my understanding of the language is based in large part on reality, what happens in the real world, rather than theories discussed in a class room.
If a 3 year old child can learn the language, then so can you. Natives don't study their own language as seriously as the average foreigner does. For example, the English language tests given in Japan, India, South Korea and around the world, in universities usually cannot be passed by native speakers.
Why is that?
It's because native speakers don't take it as seriously, since they already can speak the language, and because schools don't necessarily teach the language, they're teaching grammar, which is not far from being mere theory. When you open your eyes, and actually look at the world, live in the world, and accept reality, things become so easy, simple, and hopefully satisfying.
Sometimes knowing the truth brings sorrow. But humanity continues to move forward... things are getting better. And soon, very soon, the whole world will speak the same languages.
That will be a glorious day because better communication always brings more peace, prosperity, progress, conservation, success, and happiness. When reading scripts out loud your brain will adopt the language much quicker than if you're just memorizing it.
Because there are many more aspects to a language than just pronunciation, alphabet, rules, paper and pencil, conversation, etc.
We use language for expressing our frustration, our pain, even when we're alone! We use language to get what we want, to apologize, to save ourselves, to save others, to hurt others, to sing, to scare away animals, to make animals come to us, to blow out candles, to create echoes in a canyon, to spit out water, to calm our own fears, to unload our emotions on somebody else, etc.
Words don't just carry meaning, they don't just carry sounds, they don't just carry words. They also carry emotions. They reveal things about us to others that we didn't even know.
Our brain can recognize people's faces without us doing anything to cause that to happen. Just like our lungs breathing and our hearts beating.
Our brain can also recognize a person's voice. Our brain can recognize when a person is lying, or scared, or angry. There are so many more aspects to language that what we're taught in a classroom. We must learn to talk in groups, not just one-on-one.
Also, you could be the best speaker of a foreign language but when asked to be a translator for someone, the words won't come, your brain simply wont do it.
Why is that?
Translating obviously utilizes a different part of our brain. If we haven't trained for it, ever done it before, it'll be like trying to ride a bicycle for the first time.
It's the same when you've only learned to read and write a language and suddenly somebody asks you to have an audible conversation in that language, speaking and listening, and you can't.
Use it or lose it.
These different activities obviously use different parts of the brain. It's like you'll hear me say repeatedly: If you don't use it, you'll lose it.
And that applies equally to the fact that if you've never done it before, you'll won't be able to do it, until you've tried it a few times and gotten some practice.
Key aspect of my scripts.
That is perhaps the most amazing thing about my scripts, is that it allows you to do something that ordinarily you'd never be able to do. Even during a conversation, when is the last time you talked about anything other than the weather?
Even with friends and family, isn't your conversation pretty much always the same content? Talking about your job, your family, your school, the times you were sick, your frustrations, talking about friends, occasionally discussing church, and a few other aspects of life. Perhaps you discuss finances, etc.
Rarely does it go beyond these things.
You probably utilize the same vocabulary and phrases for many of these topics. Most people don't have time, energy, or desire to discuss many topics with other people. Most people simply don't have time. They wish they could communicate with their loved ones on a more regular basis.
But life isn't fair.
It's not easy for anybody. So many people are lonely, and feel that their conversations revolve around the same issues that are not inspiring or compelling them to move forward. To greater heights. To be happy.
And so, when will you ever have these conversations?
Well, now you can! In any language! You now are doing it. Your brain will get to feel what it feels like to actually speak those languages, regardless you get the opportunity, or have conversation partners, or are put in those situations, or not.
You will get to experience every situation, every topic, from every perspective, every role, every angle possible. How many native speakers, or foreign speakers get an opportunity like that? You will be one of the best speakers because of my scripts.
How do you think Hollywood actors become so great at speaking? Or professional speakers such as the President of a nation? They recite other famous person's speeches over and over again. They practice it over and over again.
Playing the piano, or singing.
The same way you learn to play beautiful music on the piano, or violin, or with your voice. You recite other people's music, such as Beethoven, or Whitney Houston (a singer who had a wider range of octaves than what's possible for most singers), over and over and over again.
With my scripts, you'll be doing something that's not very different from that. You've heard it in speech class. You've perhaps even heart it in literature class. That the best way to become a better speaker, or better reader, is by doing it.
Now you are!
This is the "Endless Conversations" method that was developed by multilingual expert Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO) and made free to the whole world; Jay Beacham's charity to humanity and the planet. Global communication is the key to world peace, health, conservation, prosperity, happiness, and success.
Finally, you can now speak all of the world's dominant languages: English, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, etc.
#1). No partner needed!
#2). Speak immediately!*
#3). Just 3 minutes a day.
#4). In bed, on bus, anywhere!
#5). Only you are speaking!
#6). It's 100% you! No 50/50.
#7). Every role is yours!
#8). Mostly group talking!
#9). Also one-on-one, etc.
#10). Created by socialites!
#11). Created by females!
#12). Edited by famous editors.
#13). Reviewed by famous critics.
#14). Tested on millions of clients.
#15). Spent billions to perfect!
----Effects on brain----
#16). Literally grows in size!*
#17). More disease resistant!*
#18). Slows aging effects!*
#19). Stronger = Think faster!
#20). Healthier = Live longer!
----Why you should share----
#21). Get $100 per new client!
#22). Costs you nothing!
*See disclaimer inside book or here:
My program is absolutely free, forever! That's a promise! Aside from expensive upgrade options (professional and corporate versions, lifetime delivery service, etc) the main program is always free. If you did pay money for our program we thank you because your contribution goes towards keeping this program free. The whole world thanks you.
Share the health, success, power, freedom, prosperity, happiness, vitality with all your friends and family (speaking a second language fluently literally increases the physical size of your brain and decreases the effects of aging and some diseases ---see disclaimer inside---, gives a person greater pride, self-esteem, and more opportunities and productivity in their life ). This free program gives the user greater ability to attain all of those things! A better life!
Get $100 or more per friend!
Yes, if you find a new client for us, any of your friends, or fans, or advertise for us however you want, anyone you bring to us, will absolutely love our products which are free!
Yes, our products are free! And so you don't need to feel ashamed sharing our products. And also, who doesn't want to finally become fluent in that foreign language they spent their whole school lives learning?
$100, $300, $500.
If they decide to upgrade, you don't need to pressure them, you don't even need to say anything, our products do all the talking, you'll get $100, $300, $500 depending on which upgrade they choose.
If they don't get an upgrade, and choose nothing, and simply use our free products, then you'll at least have their gratitude and the satisfaction knowing that you helped a friend, a stranger, yes even the whole world! This is just as much a charitable endeavor as it is a business endeavor. We are literally saving millions of lives.
Charitable Endeavor.
Education/communication is the solution to the world's many problems: War, poverty, hunger, disease, pollution, etc.
When people have prosperity they're less likely to go to war.
When people have better jobs they're less likely to suffer from starvation and will have less diseases.
When people are educated they're more likely to practice conservation rather than polluting the environment and also will do things in a cleaner, sterile, healthier way which prevents diseases too.
The list goes on and on for how many ways education/communication eradicates these ills of society that are plaguing our planet and threatening humanity's existence.
You are making a tremendous contribution just by using our free products! By using our free products you're encouraging us to keep moving forward.
Don't spend any money!
Your feedback, your support, everything you do, even if you never spend a single dollar, is having a much larger effect and influence than you can ever imagine! Your world thanks you!
Iron clad promise:
My program is absolutely free, forever! That's a promise! Aside from expensive upgrade options (professional and corporate versions, lifetime delivery service, etc) the main program is always free. If you purchased this book your contribution goes towards keeping this program free. The whole world thanks you.
BONUS: Special e-book "Why It Works" tells why scientists think our method works so well, the secret ingredients in our scripts, and more! Get your free copy (100+ pages of vital information) at our website, totally for free, right now (simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
P.S.- Help us! Everybody on the planet wants my program! Give away a free copy of this e-book that you're reading right now to everybody and get $100 (maybe even more) for each person who becomes a member of our program (yes we give you 50% of our profits)! No limits, give away a million copies, that's totally fine (that would make you an instant millionaire)! Or you can give them the link: https://app.box.com/v/365Scripts Send an email to me at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll email everything to you immediately! This costs you nothing!
If you don't receive the welcome package within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
---Chapter 2 ---
---What You Get---
Becoming a Master
Professors at all the Universities, or teachers in High School, Middle School, or even tutors, or institute instructors, anybody who has students or children (even adults) who have been learning a foreign language, you should give my book to that student upon graduation from your class, because without this book they'll never become fluent.
They'll never have truly graduated.
This is their final diploma. This is their graduation. Now they can become masters! If you (if you're a professor; and this applies to anyone, educators, teachers, institutes, universities, or anyone who administers to students) have students you're doing them a tremendous life changing service if you give them my program upon their graduation from a foreign language course, class, school, etc.
Because it's free! And soon the whole world will have it. Don't let your students, or you, fall behind everyone else. Stay ahead! The future can be yours! The future can belong to your students!
Strange fact: Most natives don't become masters of their own language because they feel that they don't need to, and take it for granted that they already know their language at a highly proficient level, and so they never try to perfect it or take it to the next level whereas foreigners often obsess with the language and try to become the best, and are competing with other students especially for careers and so on and in so doing even if they become only above average among their classmate in their own nation they often are still significantly beyond the skill level of a native speaker in reading, writing, and other aspects of the language for example the average native English speaker from the U.S. has very poor writing skills according to national surveys of graduating high school students while yet South Korea a non-English speaking nation has among the highest scores on the planet for English writing skills).
What's contained in this book that's in your hands right now:
#1) My "FREE" Daily Program!
You're now a member of my "FREE" daily program. Simply go to my website each day, and read my script, it's only one minute long, read it 3 times (takes just 3 minutes total). Whether you read the Spanish one, or Chinese, or whichever language you're trying to improve/maintain it's fast, easy, and free!
The purpose of my scripts is to make you fluent in the languages of your choice, immediately and permanently.
#2) All of my secrets revealed!
To help you get started on the right foot and keep it simple for you I've included an entire month's worth of scripts right here in this book!
But that's not all! I've also including a complete exposition on how and why this method works, the science behind my method, and all of my secrets revealed!
#3) Also, in this book I teach you how you can do all of this on your own without me, without my scripts! And so, you see, this truly is a valuable service. What I'm teaching you in this book is worth all the years of school, language courses, trips to foreign countries for language immersion, tutoring, lessons, all combined!
Billions of dollars!
I'm saddened by how many billions of dollars many nations are spending right now each year on their foreign language education programs and not getting any results. These governments must be furious or scared after having spent so much money with very little or no results.
Thousands of dollars!
In fact, aside from the several billions of dollars that each government is spending each year, the average individual spends no less than many thousands of dollars on their foreign language studies.
Whether its private tutoring, or institute, or in a college classroom, they're paying for books, travel, fees, etc.
Doing school twice, three times!
And because nobody gets the results, everyone usually ends up going back to school a second time, even three times, and/or taking private lessons that's usually quite expensive, etc. But what's truly tragic is that after doing all of this, a second, or third time, they still end up with zero results!
Why is that?
I'm going to give you the answer, right here in my book, and I repeat that answer all throughout my website and other materials, for free! But more than that, I give you the solution, the results you've been searching for, all right here, for free!
Why pay, if it's free?
This particular book that's in your hand right now costs just $9 because you're helping cover the costs of our global operations. We trying to save humanity and the planet. Education, communication, are solutions to the world's problems. Especially war, pollution, hunger, poverty, and disease.
All for just $9 right here, right now, for this book that's easily found at any book store and now you have it, right here, in your hands. Congratulations! Thank you for your $9 contribution. You're helping to save millions of lives! Read more about this charitable endeavor at our website. You're a full member! Thank you for joining our team!
The scripts are always free!
At the top of each script I always include the quick, simple, easy instructions on how to read the scripts correctly (it takes less than 2 seconds to read the instructions and begin). You'll be speaking immediately!
They're always free at my website anytime!
Also, if you'd like to know even more about the science behind this method than what I've already included in this book or for example the answers to why this works so amazingly fast and easy then please pick up a free copy of my much longer and more in depth book: "Why This Works".
It's always available for free at my website anytime! You're always welcome. I'm there for you to answer your questions, concerns, receive your feedback, comments, etc.
Each day you'll find a new script posted at my website. That script takes less than one minute to read. You'll read it 3 times (takes just 3 minutes total) because this immediate repetition improves your accent, etc.
As an added bonus, I've included a month's worth of daily scripts in this book that you're reading, in your hands, right now. Enjoy!
Speak Immediately!
We offer you 4 options:
#1) Daily at my blog (Always free!)
#2) Monthly delivery (Only $200)*
#3) Professional (Only $499)**
#4) Corporate (Only $999)**
*Lifetime membership, delivered to you each month for the rest of your life!
**Lifetime membership, we provide this service to you for the rest of your life!
I'll describe each of those options in greater detail in the following chapters of this book that you're reading right now:
- Ch.8 - Corporate Package
- Ch.9 - Professional Package
- Ch.10 - Regular Package
- Ch.11 - Free Package
Each package is basically the same. The only differences is that the professional package is tailored to your particular profession. The Corporate package is tailored to the profession or needs of an entire group, or organization and saves them money since each person doesn't need to pay anything as long as the group pays a one-time free of $999 for the package.
Get $100 or more per friend!
Yes, if you find a new client for us, any of your friends, or fans, or advertise for us however you want, anyone you bring to us, will absolutely love our products which are free!
Yes, our main products are free! And so you don't need to feel ashamed sharing our products. And also, who doesn't want to finally become fluent in that foreign language they spent their whole school lives learning?
$100, $300, $500.
If they decide to upgrade, you don't need to pressure them, you don't even need to say anything, our products do all the talking, you'll get $100, $300, $500 depending on which upgrade they choose.
If they don't get an upgrade, and choose nothing, and simply use our free products, then you'll at least have their gratitude and the satisfaction knowing that you helped a friend, a stranger, yes even the whole world! This is just as much a charitable endeavor as it is a business endeavor. We are literally saving millions of lives.
Charitable Endeavor.
Education/communication is the solution to the world's many problems: War, poverty, hunger, disease, pollution, etc.
When people have prosperity they're less likely to go to war.
When people have better jobs they're less likely to suffer from starvation and will have less diseases.
When people are educated they're more likely to practice conservation rather than polluting the environment and also will do things in a cleaner, sterile, healthier way which prevents diseases too.
The list goes on and on for how many ways education/communication eradicates these ills of society that are plaguing our planet and threatening humanity's existence.
You are making a tremendous contribution just by using our free products! By using our free products you're encouraging us to keep moving forward.
Don't spend any money!
Your feedback, your support, everything you do, even if you never spend a single dollar, is having a much larger effect and influence than you can ever imagine! Your world thanks you!
Iron clad promise:
My program is absolutely free, forever! That's a promise! Aside from expensive upgrade options (professional and corporate versions, lifetime delivery service, etc) the main program is always free. If you purchased this book your contribution goes towards keeping this program free. The whole world thanks you.
BONUS: Special e-book "Why It Works" tells why scientists think our method works so well, the secret ingredients in our scripts, and more! Get your free copy (100+ pages of vital information) at our website, totally for free, right now (simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
P.S.- Help us! Everybody on the planet wants my program! Give away a free copy of this e-book that you're reading right now to everybody and get $100 (maybe even more) for each person who becomes a member of our program (yes we give you 50% of our profits)! No limits, give away a million copies, that's totally fine (that would make you an instant millionaire)! Or you can give them the link: https://app.box.com/v/365Scripts Send an email to me at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll email everything to you immediately! This costs you nothing!
If you don't receive the welcome package within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
---Chapter 3 ---
---What Are My Scripts?---
Speak any language immediately! And it's free! We are grateful to you for paying $9 for this book that you're reading right now, because your very small one-time payment helps us cover our company's overall costs, a tremendous contribution, thank you so very much!
However, the main reason you should be happy is because everything else from this point on is absolutely free, forever! Aside from the expensive upgrades, and lifetime delivery service, which are merely optional and not necessary, our primary program is always free! Always found at our website. The daily scripts is all you need and they're totally free at our website. It's your website now.
You are now a member of a very proud, charitable team that's now forever indebted to you and forever loyal. Your name is now on our cherished member's list. Even if you never gave us any money, your patronage/visit to our website makes you more valuable/important to us that you can imagine. We most of all appreciate if you bring your friends, tell everyone about us, whenever they're asking you how you became so fluent, so fact in so many foreign languages!
Because your satisfaction and success are now our #1 priority, always! Your success is our success. Your success is paramount to us! If you're happy, we know that others will see your happiness and they will want that also and so they'll come to our website, and use our scripts, and obtain all the benefits that comes with being multilingual such as a larger brain, a healthier brain, a stronger brain all of which leads to a longer lifespan, less ill effects of aging, and a more productive life.
Welcome to endless conversations! My scripts provide that: Endless conversations. Literally!
What are my scripts?
They're nothing more than just movies, novels, interviews, conversations, documentaries that have been produced by the greatest writers, directors, actors, politicians, famous persons, experts of their fields, etc.
As you can see, billions of dollars has gone into this. Hollywood spends vast amounts to produce the highest quality products humanity has ever seen. Most importantly, I make sure my content is up to date.
Nothing that's more than 5 years old.
Sometimes there's one that's so highly praised, and so famous that it remains in mainstream for a decade or more and continues to influence the culture and language. In those rare cases I might include that as well.
It would be illegal if I simply gave you those movies. I would be copying another person's work. I don't do that. This is entirely for educational purposes and I have no desire to make money on another person's work. Nor do I use the names, titles, credentials, or any other aspect of that movie's fame, claim to fame, marketing, etc.
These movies, novels, interviews, etc are reworked and unidentifiable and in fact are revised, edited to make them more effective in foreign language learning according to the scientific methods I've discovered produce the greatest educational results.
Using scientific discoveries concerning the human mind, psychology, linguistics, social realities, and so on... I've developed methods for finding which movies, which novels, interviews, conversations etc are best for producing the results we desire.
For example we all know that women are better at speaking than men. English is an extreme example because it has more words than any other language. However, the following statistic applies roughly to most European languages and also Chinese, Russian, etc.
Women have approximately anywhere between 20,000 and 40,000 more words in their brain than men. It's a fact that not only is it proven by scientific observations but I'm sure is fairly quite commonly known or assumed by most humans on our planet.
And so, I always search for resources, movies, etc that are written, and produced by women.
However, here's a big fact in producing my scripts:
You can't become fluent in a language by watching movies. The reason is simple time consumption. Reading a script could take less than 15 minutes whereas watching the movie could take up to two hours. And that's if you're not constantly stopping it, rewinding, to try and hear everything word and sentence clearly.
More significantly, you can read that script three time, immediately, which gives you a tremendous benefit I'll describe in the final paragraphs of this book. This is all scientifically proven to work. You'll be fluent very fast, and speaking immediately, thanks to my scripts. And only takes 3 minutes per day. And it's free!
Conversation Partner.
The biggest complaint that I always hear from students, graduates, parents, professionals, experts, teachers, and children is that they don't have opportunities to speak the language.
Don't feel bad; the whole world is saying the same thing, it's not just an excuse, it's the truth, there are no opportunities to speak the language... it's reality.
It's the entire reason the education system of every nation has failed to make students fluent. It's not the education system's fault. It's not the student's fault. It's a condition of humanity. Human nature. We don't associate or communicate with people outside our circles. Even in a conversation we barely discuss anything of significance. That's the root cause of our failure.
The average person works at a job during the day or night and has other responsibilities as well. Or for whatever other reasons, isolation, etc we don't have time to search out and carry on conversations with strangers, foreigners, or even friends and family.
Life is hard... for everyone.
Which is why we should give thanks to the fact that humanity continues to advance, technology continues to advance, advances in social dignity such as total freedom/rights/equality for women, understanding of nature and how to care for all life forms and the planet, humanity is ever improving towards that perfect day.
Things are changing... for the better.
Right now we have Hollywood and the internet. These two advances in humanity, among several other advances, have converged to give us something we never had before: Opportunity.
Now we have something to talk about.
Content isn't everything, but it's vital. Today, thanks to scripts being published online and made available to the public and the laws in place that protect the producer's work while allowing certain uses by the average fan, we now have a unique opportunity that never, until now, existed.
And in fact, ironically, it's even better than conversation! According to the results, which speak for themselves, this works!
However, this secret that I'm going to share with you has always been known by teachers, scientists, educators around the globe, since the beginning of time. But they lost it.
For some reason, they didn't realize what they had, and for various unrelated reasons it was discarded over time by most teachers, most educators, most systems, unwittingly.
Now they're asking why their students fail. They're asking why nothing works. They're asking why billions of dollars are wasted each year on foreign language programs by the government because everything everyone tries is producing zero results.
#1). No partner needed!
#2). Speak immediately!*
#3). Just 3 minutes a day.
#4). In bed, on bus, anywhere!
#5). Only you are speaking!
#6). It's 100% you! No 50/50.
#7). Every role is yours!
#8). Mostly group talking!
#9). Also one-on-one, etc.
#10). Created by socialites!
#11). Created by females!
#12). Edited by famous editors.
#13). Reviewed by famous critics.
#14). Tested on millions of clients.
#15). Spent billions to perfect!
----Effects on brain----
#16). Literally grows in size!*
#17). More disease resistant!*
#18). Slows aging effects!*
#19). Stronger = Think faster!
#20). Healthier = Live longer!
----Why you should share----
#21). Get $100 per new client!
#22). Costs you nothing!
*See disclaimer inside book or here:
This is it! Down below I've included an entire month's worth of scripts, right after you read chapter five. Right above the scripts are the instructions. It's just a few paragraphs of instructions. Takes less than 2 minutes to read the instructions.
You're almost there. Just 2 more chapters to read. These give you everything that I promised. Teaches you how I made my scripts, why they work, the science behind my method, and why you shouldn't watch movies to learn a foreign language, and I've already discussed why you shouldn't return to school twice, or three times, to try and become fluent in the language you've already learned.
My scripts are the final step in your acquisition of that foreign language that you've always wished you could become fluent in. Now is the time! And it takes just 3 minutes! Only 3 minute per day. You'll be fluent fast! And more importantly you'll be speaking immediately, and every day.
*See the disclaimer and full disclosure at any online book store's description page for my books, or at any of my websites, or inside any of my books (first page) and materials.
---Chapter 4 ---
---Blood and Gore---
Don't Shut Your Mouth!
Why do you need to shut your mouth and listen to somebody else speak during a conversation? Why do you need to be the respectful employee when speaking to your boss? Why can't you talk about sex, murder, drugs, etc when in a classroom with your teacher?
I'm a Christian who doesn't like to use profanity. I try to avoid using the titles normally ascribed to deity. Often in most societies we use these words in a negative manner. And so I try to avoid using them except when actually praying or referencing scriptures such as the Holy Bible etc.
And so, of course, I feel awful using words such as sex, murder, drugs, etc. But unfortunately this is the world we live in. Most foreign language students make the mistake of going to the theater and watching a movie in that foreign language and they rate their skills according to how much of the movie they understood.
This is a huge mistake! Because, unless your teachers taught you words such as sex, murder, or worse, you probably are not going to understand most of what you see at the theater. Unfortunately, what goes into movies, and what goes into classrooms are two entirely different sets of content.
Blood and Gore.
Unfortunately what you'll find at the theater is borderline satanic whereas what you'll find in the classroom is borderline religious. Your teacher probably didn't use profanity, didn't smoke or do drugs in front of the classroom, throw bottles of whiskey at the floor, and nobody got kidnapped or mugged in your classroom.
Unless those are the kinds of things you learned in your classroom, discussing things such as war, violence, tsunamis, evil and so on, you're probably not going to understand anything that you'll hear in that foreign language in a movie.
Another thing is humor. That's a huge part of language. Humor is almost always based on the history and politics of that particular culture. History and politics is ingrained in their day to day life. It's where they came from. It's ingrained in their language. And it makes up their humor.
For example, if a President vomited on another President and it started a war, that would undoubtedly become a very widespread joke told concerning that President who couldn't hold down his lunch when his life and other people's lives depended on it. True story!
Often, it's the things that happen in the news, that becomes a part of our humor. And unless you know everything that has happened in that nation, you won't understand much of their humor.
There's so much that's impossible to teach in a classroom. Language is a living and breathing thing!
Why can't you scream, cry, threaten, attack, abandon ship, storm the beach, command an army, be the villain, be the hero, in your conversations in a classroom with your teacher?
Why can't you be the boss, the King, the hero, the champion?
In my conversations you fill these roles and more. You become everyone. Parent, child, boss, employee, King, servant, police, villain, rescuer, victim, winner, loser, abandoned, found, scared, brave, happy, sad, insane, controlled, follower, leader, celebrity, fan, rich, poor, wise, dumb, spiritual, atheist, humble, proud, charitable, cruel, etc.
Being human.
Where else in life, in a classroom, or conversation can you develop all of these voices, these perspectives and understanding of the human condition? This is obviously more than just a conversation. This is real life, and your development, your progression as a human.
Use it, or lose it.
That's the harsh reality of a foreign language. You can even lose your own native language under that same law of nature.
When I lived in Brazil my native language of English deteriorated very badly. It happened again when I lived in Korea. My mother was so sad that her son couldn't communicate with her, she cried.
Luckily, our brains are very powerful and within a few weeks my ability to speak my own native language returned slowly until finally after a few months I had no trouble speaking.
Because I had returned to a country where everybody spoke my native language. That's how our brains work. You cannot go around it. You must follow nature's laws when doing things.
I'm proof that if you lose it, you can get it back. Not just your native language, but any language that you've already spoken fluently. But only back to where it was originally; you can't suddenly become better than you've ever been before. You must first get it up to that point.
Then, even if you lose it... you can always go back to that point again. Yes, that's right, the highest point you attained! The top level you achieved will always remain with you hidden somewhere inside your brain even if you think you lost it. It will come back! That's the reward for becoming fluent.
That's why you should get up to that point. Try to become fluent. Just one time. And it will stay with you for the rest of your life, hidden up there, inside your head, even if you think you lost it.
That's the sad thing, and the great thing about languages: You can never lose it, as long as you use it.
My scripts are the only way, that you can continue using it, endlessly, endless conversations, 3 minutes a day, forever. That's why my program's results are permanent. Even if you only do that a few times each week, it will still keep the language fresh. You'll never get rusty.
Unless you live somewhere that everybody speaks the language. For everyone else, who cannot find opportunities to speak the language daily, my scripts are the answer!
My scripts allow everyone, anywhere, to remain fluent in spite of not having others to speak with. It's the first time in history that this has been possible. It's the only way that exists.
Sharing the Conversation.
Don't share! Normally during a conversation you do only half of the talking. Did you know that when you're talking, your brain is listening? Oh yes, and it's also modifying your accent, your pronunciation, etc based on what you're saying and what it's hearing. You don't need another person for your brain to get practice listening. You can do all the talking, your brain will do all the listening.
Instead of just sitting there listening 50% of the time you should be speaking 100% of the time and listening 100% of the time. During a group conversation it's even worse! You're only speaking 20% of the time or less!
With my scripts, you are each person, and you are doing all of the talking! You are all 5 people in that group. Or 10 people. You are the President, you're the servant, you're the father, the daughter, the war General, the vagabond, the rich man. You're everyone.
Why my scripts?
Using my vast knowledge and experience concerning languages, teaching in universities, learning from the best, my friends and family being the original creators/pioneers of the world's English industry and education systems such as institutes and curriculum used by the world's universities today, travels around the world and interviewing students, clients, professors, experts I've put together a method and materials that I can put in your hands for free that's based entirely on real world science (laboratory and street tested).
They're based on all the information discovered over the years by countless doctors, scientists, experts, professors, and so on... the psychology of the human brain, the human condition, social realities, and so forth all tested not just in the classroom but in the real world, on the streets, in the factory, in the office, in the cockpit, on the front lines and battlefields, in the boardroom, on the telephone, behind hidden doors, in the bedroom, home, church, school, place of profession, government offices, highest courts and chambers of congress, the throne and executive's chair, etc.
These facts, this information gathered, is what culminated in today's technologically advanced information era into a program, a realization, a discovery, that gives us what no other generation before us has ever had the glorious opportunity to enjoy.
Yes, this very program that's in your hands right now, my method, something so simple and easy yet makes you fluent in any language faster than any other system known to humanity that literally makes you begin speaking immediately!
And true fluency in the language comes very quickly after that. My scripts even improve your accent. What other system can do that?
By using subtle repetition, mistake recognition, and real world content, constantly updated phraseology I'm giving you a living language, not one that died 15 years ago like what's typically found in outdated classroom manuals.
If your professor recommends books, movies, or any materials that are more than 5 years old, you should fire your professor. But because we live in a real world, where perfection isn't always possible, I simply recommend to schools that they try to present text books and materials to their students that are no more than 15 years old.
Unfortunately most universities use text books that are in fact much older, or that were merely "updated" (published as a new edition) and not very adequately (my materials on the other hand are created using content that's typically less than 5 years old and furthermore were reviewed by the world's greatest editors, billions of dollars spent to perfect them, and the world's greatest critics scrutinized them and millions of clients reviewed them. Can the average university claim as much?
We live in a highly advanced, technological, psychologically intense world. You don't want to fall behind. For all professors who teach foreign languages from current education system curriculum, do your students a favor, and give them my free program, at their graduation ceremony. It's the final touch of perfection they need to be a part of this world they live in.
Communication isn't just one piece of the puzzle for a whole and complete life of successful living. It's actually the whole puzzle. It's everything. Without my free program, all of the statistical reports compiled by the governments, education organizations, corporations, and every possible entity of the world reveals that nearly every human on this planet won't be fluent in the foreign languages they learned in school.
About my sources.
I try to include all sources within each page of my book right there underneath the paragraph that's making a reference. So that you can easily review the laboratory, military, national, university, institute, school, public, private, street experiments, tests, studies, examinations performed by countless named professors, scientists, doctors, experts who prove that reading aloud, becoming fluent, additional languages, script reading, subtle repetition, mistake recognition, real world content, updated phraseology, and other strategies and methods used in my materials actually does work quicker, better, and with the results promised than any other method, program, system that exists in the world. Also, you can email me at BigConversation@Zoho.com or visit my website to get a full page listing the thousands of sources that led me to my discovery of the perfect method for any person to become fluent in any language as fast as humanly possible. Thank you for taking full advantage of life by using my method to carry you to the highest achievement possible!
Yes, at my website, every day, a day's worth of conversation is posted (a new one each day). However, if you're unable to visit my website everyday, you might just want me to email a month's worth of scripts to you every month. Yes, you can get an entire month's worth sent directly to your email each month for the rest of your life for just $200 one-time payment; never pay ever again!
Get your free copy of "Why This Works" at our website right now (free book) at www.AnaEzine.webs.com
My scripts come to you in several different ways. You can get them daily at my website for free. Or... you can get an entire month's worth sent directly to your email each month for the rest of your life for just $200 one-time payment; never pay ever again!
2 Options:
#1) Daily at my blog (Free)
#2) Monthly delivery ($200)*
*Lifetime membership, delivered monthly to you for the rest of your life!
We don't need any information from you. Only your email address so that we can send your monthly scripts to you.
If ever you change your email address and need us to send your monthly scripts to a new email address, please let us know as soon as possible to make us aware of the situation so that we can continue where we left off in giving you exceptional service and satisfaction.
"To all those who assist us in rendering amazing service: The publishers, any affiliates, our partners and associates, and everyone... Thank you for providing excellence!" -Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
---Final Chapter 5 ---
Bonus: Here down below is a month's worth of free scripts! Yes! All yours! Normally you'd need to go to my website each day to get a new script each day. But to thank you for purchasing this book that you're holding in your hands right now, and hopefully have read all of it up to this point, I'm going to give you an entire month's worth of scripts, to save you the hassle of going to my website each day.
Usually it takes a little time to build the habit of remembering to visit my site each day. Maybe having this book on your iPad or smart phone or computer or laying somewhere next to your bed will make it easier for you to remember to do your 3 minutes of reading, out loud, each day.
The instructions on how to read these scripts correctly, is at the top of the scripts, you'll see down below. But first, let me ask you a really good question:
If you were rich, how much would you pay for this? Hopefully you said "zero" and/or "nothing" because that's how rich people stay rich, they usually try to get everything for free. It's a good philosophy and strategy to live by.
Unfortunately, most people pay thousands of dollars for their foreign language education. Their governments pay billions of dollars each year on foreign language education for their people.
Sometimes parents end up paying tens of thousands of dollars for their child's education. If you include all other subjects of study, not just their foreign language classes, the costs can be in the hundreds of thousands!
Now it's free!
Get the 3 minute scripts that makes you speak any language immediately, become fluent quickly, and most of all... permanently! For you, special, as an added bonus, I've included an entire month's worth of scripts right here at the end of this book. Normally they're found daily at my website.
It's right here in your hands, an entire month of scripts for free! And after you've finished that, you can go to my website where each day my scripts are right there for you absolutely free!
Not only that, but you also get my 50 page book explaining why this works, the science behind the method, and fully detailed instructions on how to make this work super fast for you.
That free book "Why It Works" is at my website, that I give to everyone totally for free, and it tells you something absolutely incredible:
How I Did It
My free book "Why It Works" tells you how I did it, how I made these scripts. So that if ever the need arises, you can do this all on your own, without me, without my scripts. You can create or find your own!
My scripts are just a convenience so that you don't have to make your own. Soon, billions of people will be bilingual and multilingual thanks to my scripts. I'm so happy that you too, are a part of that team!
Don't pay $2,000 for a program.
My competitors will ask you to pay $2,000 for their programs. And that's per language! They don't give you all of the languages like I do. They charge you that same price for each new language. Not even a discount on the second, third, etc languages! It's no wonder why people are just bilingual instead of multilingual.
Why Everyone is Only Bilingual.
If they have to pay double and triple for each new language, it's no wonder why most people just pick one language and stick with just that one language forever. It would cost a fortune if you wanted to learn more than just one language. But with my program, you get all of the languages, not just one. And for free.
We are focusing on primarily the dominant global language such as English, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, German, etc. However we will be adding more according to demand.
We recommend that everybody become multilingual, not just bilingual, because there are many nations in the world that have so much to offer if you can speak their language such as India, China, Russia, Japan, UK, Mexico, Germany, and so on.
If we don't have one of the languages you want, that's okay, because we have all of the other languages that you need! Don't just settle for being bilingual. You need to be multilingual. The more languages you speak, the healthier and stronger your brain becomes.
Your Reality Expands.
Remember: It's not just about language, you learn new perspectives, you see more of the world, when you learn a new language. Your perspectives and understanding of reality expands tremendously when learning a new language. Because you're also learning a new culture, a new way of thinking, a new way of looking at things.
For example, in some languages, there's only one word for love. Whether it's your brother, your friend, your mother, your child, your spouse, your loves, it's all the same word: Love. Or in other words, it's as if there's only one kind of love. A truly generalized perspective of love.
Of course you'll find synonyms (similar words meaning basically the same thing or something similar), figuratives (saying the same thing but in a creative or different way), etc but they all are just portraying in one way or another that same word, that same thing: Love. However...
In some languages they have several different kinds of love. For example the kind of love you have for your mother, or a member of your family, or your spouse, or your child is different from the kind of love you have for your friend, or neighbor, or stranger.
In English while they are guilty of using the word "love" to generally apply to any kind of affection regardless how close that person is, they do however have a word that means "false" love. Usually applies to young people who've never felt love before and don't understand it yet and chase the wrong person: Infatuation.
In Portuguese they have a word that's specifically used for people who are not yet totally committed but are very emotionally involved: Apaixonar. Basically means "passion" but in English the word passion is usually only used when there indeed is a strong connection and can even be used to describe our feelings for even inanimate objects, hobbies, etc (once again an English word of endearment that's used to apply generally to anything).
Makes you begin to wonder if English speakers are capable of true connections, lasting relationships when you take note of the way their terms of endearment can be used so loosely. Perhaps that's why the Pope was so angry when he discovered that the Bible had been translated into English, a language he referred to as heathen, unruly, and blasphemous.
On the other hand, some languages take relationship extremely serious. And have words that can only be used between spouses. And that would call for serious punishment if ever a person used those words outside of marriage. For example in Asian cultures there are words for honor, and love that cannot be defined or explained in English.
With each language, your mind expands. Your ability to understand the world, nature, life, reality will grow. Your brain will literally become healthier, stronger and your life will become more productive, satisfying. With just 3 minutes per day.
And you can do 3 minutes of Chinese, 3 minutes of English, 3 minutes of Spanish. There's no reason why you should stop at just one language. In fact, I often tell my students that they should use scripts to improve even their own native language skills.
After all, doesn't the President of a nation practice his/her speeches over and over again, in front of a critic, and yet isn't he/she perhaps one of the most educated and expert citizens of their nation? And yet he/she continues working on his/her skill in their own native language.
And so, why shouldn't you?
And mine is free! You get all of the languages that we offer, for free! Not just one, not just two, but all of the languages. And all of them are free! We offer upgrades that cost money, but they're just for luxury/convenience and are not necessary.
Upgrades are not necessary.
For example the professional and corporate packages (for example the corporate package offers a private website and special information cards distributed to each employee, associate, member, etc that makes it more personalized for their group and more easily disseminated among their members) are for those who want a more personalized, more tailored experience, and of course there's the lifetime monthly delivery.
The lifetime delivery is only $200 but most people find it just as easy to simply turn to my website each day, and costs nothing! If you want my scripts delivered to you each month for the rest of your life, it's only $200 but it's not necessary and is only an option.
Because if you cannot afford the $200 for a lifetime supply of my scripts delivered straight to your email inbox... it's free.
Yes, free.
Go to my website and start using them immediately (Simply search for "AnaEzine" or go to www.AnaEzine.webs.com)! They're all yours! Never forget a language ever again. Regain the languages you've learned in the past and be fluent. Add any other languages you've always dreamed of.
"Why It Works"
Get my free 50 page book explaining "Why It Works", the science behind the method, and fully detailed instructions on how to make this work super fast for you. And get your scripts. It's all at my website!
My charity to a dying planet. Education is the cure to everything. Communication is the most important thing we'll ever learn.
-CEO Jay Beacham (AnaEzine)
(or simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
---Chapter 6 ---
---Easy Instructions---
Here down below are your free month of scripts. I'll give you the easy instructions right now. These are just a few short paragraphs. This will take less than 2 minutes for you to read...
Do only 3 minutes per day!
Reading these scripts a few days per week will keep you fluent! A session is only 3 minutes long. Do this every day! Or... if time is limited, you can do just a few sessions per week. But remember: Talk with your mouth (open your mouth)! Use your tongue!
Each day you'll read only one chapter. Each chapter is only 1 minute long. That's so easy!
The following advice is the most important. Don't forget it! Listen carefully, you must do this:
#1 ). Don't worry about pronunciation!
#2 ). Don't try to understand what you're reading!
#3 ). Focus on reading smoothly (moderate pace).
#4 ). Skip words that interrupt your reading.
#5 ). Skip anything you can't pronounce.
#6 ). Don't let anything slow your reading.
This is scientifically proven to work!!!
Remember those 6 rules! Especially the first two rules: (1) Ignore pronunciation. (2) Don't try to understand what you're reading.
It's so easy! Simply read out loud. Try to read at a normal pace. Skip any words that you cannot pronounce (remember: Skip any words that you cannot pronounce). Don't slow down! A steady pace is vital.
The last and final most vital rule:
Read it 3 times! Yes, when you're reading a chapter, go back and read it two more times. Immediately! Don't wait until later. Each chapter is only 1 minute long. And so it will take 3 minutes total.
Only read one chapter per day. Each chapter takes 1 minute to read. You'll repeat that, reading it immediately two more times (you'll be done in 3 minutes). Repeating the chapter is vital. Don't wait until later. Immediately repeat it two more times. This immediate repetition will improve your accent.
I once had a student who re-read each chapter only a second time. Not a third time. It's was a strange obstacle for her for some reason. Please do your best to follow these rules exactly. The results will speak for themselves!
Also, I've had students who went ahead and read several chapters each day. Some students read 10 chapters each day. The end result was that they were finished with an entire month's worth of scripts and didn't have any more scripts to read! And so they went several days without speaking. The point to these scripts isn't quantity, it's frequency. Doing it daily. Speaking every day.
The quantity comes on its own. It'll build up immensely very quickly. It's truly an unexplained phenomenon. Like compound interest. A mathematical marvel. Don't try to do more than one chapter per day. For example, with 5 words you can build a sentence. But you can also build many other sentences with those same 5 words. And one sentence usually can be used in different situations to mean different things. The context changes according to the situation. And so, in reality, by learning one sentence you actually have many more. And so it goes, compound interest, your language grows exponentially, day by day.
Here it is one more time:
#1 ). Don't worry about pronunciation!
#2 ). Don't try to understand what you're reading!
#3 ). Only read one chapter per day.
#4 ). Read it two more times, immediately!
#5 ). Focus on reading smoothly (moderate pace).
#6 ). Skip words that interrupt your reading.
#7 ). Skip anything you can't pronounce.
#8 ). Don't let anything slow your reading.
===== Chapter 7 =======
= One Month of Scripts =
If you need a different language we offer the 15 most dominant languages on the planet because everybody on the planet speaks at least one of these and so we recommend these languages be learned by everyone. Contact us or go to our website to get it for free. Any language you want. You can even choose all of them!
For Chapter 7 please see our “One Month of Scripts” which should've come with this e-book when it was e-mailed to you, or if you downloaded it. Please send me an e-mail at BigConversation@Zoho.com if you didn't get a copy. And it will be sent to you immediately, or go to www.AnaEzine.net to download it for yourself. Thank you!
------CHAPTER 8------
--Corporate Package--
$999 Corporate Package
$499 Professional Package
$200 Regular Package
FREE! Free Package
$999 Corporate Package:
We offer a free version of our scripts to the impoverished peoples of the world, however it's not personalized, and doesn't have any of the professional lingo and vocabulary that your organization needs. And the free version is only available at our main website where it's only available on a day-to-day basis which is normally inconvenient for most persons.
And our professional package which is we tailor to your particular profession or needs costs $499 for each person. However, with our corporate package you get the professional package for each member in your organization for free if the organization will pay just a one-time payment of $999 which covers everyone in your entire organization!
Dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people all get a professional package for free if their organization pays the $999 one-time payment for a corporate package. Instead of giving each person their own package, it'll be hosted at a website that I create specially for your organization. Each member of your organization will have access, for free, to the website that I will create special for your organization, fully personalized to your particular organization's language needs.
Fully customized. And free forever, for everyone in your organization! If you're a manager, leader, or head of a large organization and would like it free for everybody in your organization (even if you're not incorporated, any club, group, company, or organization is welcome) pay only $999 one-time and it's yours! This is a lifetime service! We'll keep your website up and running for an entire lifetime!
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular organization's language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! And everyone in your organization. Guaranteed!
Pay $999 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
And of course the #1 reason for getting the corporate package is you save lots of money, everyone in your organization gets free access to your organization's personalized scripts there at the website that I create special for your organization, otherwise they'd be paying $499 individually for our professional package.
They'll be so grateful that you're saving them so much money! What better way to show your organization members that you care about their future and success and health!
And best of all these scripts that I'll put at your website and update each year are personalized to meet your particular organization's personal and professional needs.
It's a special website that I create especially for your company so that the language scripts are more easy to use; with constant feedback and support features to meet all of the needs of your organization.
We don't ever contact your members (if we need anything we'll contact you directly) we never ask your members for any personal or banking information! Their privacy, information, anonymity, and confidentiality are totally secure
Pay nothing, ever again! Just pay $999 one time and never pay ever again! That's zero liability for you and your organization! Parents, children, students, governments, professionals, everyone is paying thousands of dollars for their foreign language education, but not you, never pay ever again! Why go back to school? Why pay for tutoring? Why take language course over and over again for the rest of your life? With my scripts you can be fluent right now, let your high school or college graduation actually mean something, don't go back, now you can speak any language fluently and most importantly you're fluent permanently!
This is for a lifetime. That's right! Your company's personalized scripts will be at the website that I've provided for your organization forever! Just pay $999 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, it's free for all the members of your organization for the rest of their lives! They can access your company's personalized scripts anytime day or night all right there at the website that I've provided for your organization!
If you get the $999 corporate package you'll receive a hundred cards (similar to a business card) in the mail that you can then hand out to everybody in your organization. The business cards have the link to your company's personalized scripts website. If you have more than 100 personnel you're free to copy and reproduce the cards that we gave you.
The security is flawless because we and our website interface asks for zero information, no downloads, no sign-in required, simply an open and publicly accessible document to read and peruse at leisure.
We invested in and use security advisory services to ensure all of our products and services are safe for everyone.
I only create websites and ensure security exclusively for the corporate package. Your $999 payment goes directly to help cover the expenses of our charitable business. We're charitable because we are delivering a free version of our scripts to the impoverished parts of the earth.
Why pay if this is free? Our paid packages are just for convenience or for professionals who need a few added features. You're totally welcome to use our free version at our website, it's open for everyone! Especially those who cannot afford to pay $200 for our regular package or our more expensive upgraded packages (professional and corporate package). You are totally welcome to take full advantage of our free scripts if you like. It's free and there's no obligations. I don't need your email, information, or anything! The scripts are free, always at my website, I put up another script each day, and delete yesterday's script. But if you do pay for one of our non-free packages, I appreciate your selfless contribution to this charitable endeavor. We are a charitable business. The world thanks you!
One of the greatest added bonuses that we give you is that we make 15 different languages available to you. Most companies make you pay again and again for each language. Not us, we want you to be multilingual, not just bilingual. This is all about your success, your health, your happiness.
If we don't have the language that matches your company's needs which you'll describe for us in the questionnaire that we give to everybody who purchases our packages, we can create scripts for that language, it'll take a few weeks for us to complete that project. Simply ask us. We're happy to fulfill your needs.
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular organization's language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! And everyone in your organization. Guaranteed!
Pay $999 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
Lifetime Membership!
This is a lifetime membership. That's right! You'll get 365 new scripts at your new website every year for the rest of your life! Just pay $999 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, you'll get new scripts every year for the rest of your life! Found exclusively at your organization's website that I create for your organization.
Don't misunderstand me. It doesn't take a whole year or month for you to become fluent in a foreign language. But if you stop using my scripts, you'll start to lose your ability to speak the language. That is why I've created a lifetime membership that allows you to have my scripts every day for the rest of your life! In actuality if you use my scripts just a few days per week, or I recommend no less than 3 times per week, you'll stay fluent permanently for the rest of your life, in as many languages as you're doing. Everybody forgets their languages no matter how fluent they are. You can even lose your native language. It happened to me. That's why I created these scripts, was first of all to make you fluent, secondly to improve your fluency, and thirdly and perhaps most importantly to enable you to maintain your fluency permanently! And fourthly, anyone who has been fluent in the past but has now forgotten, lost, or lessened their ability to speak that language, can recover and gain back that language rapidly, and never lose it ever again!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts at your new website each year without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
This is the right package for you if you'd like it personalized to meet the personal and professional needs of your entire organization.
Just 3 minutes, a few times a week...
Friends are constantly asking me how I stay fluent in all of the languages that I speak in spite of the fact that I rarely visit any of the countries that speak those languages and without having regular conversations...
So I created this website especially for my family, friends and you! So that I could easily answer that question and reveal my secret. I explain to you how I created these scripts that keep me fluent, the science behind the method, so that you'll know how to find and create your own scripts for yourself!
Pay $999 for the corporate package if you'd like it personalized to meet your organization's personal and professional needs. And to save lots of money, everyone in your organization gets free access to your organization's personalized scripts there at the website that I create special for your organization.
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular organization's language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! And everyone in your organization. Guaranteed!
Pay $999 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
Why It Works
The Science Behind My Method
( 70 pages )
Do you want to know why my method works? And to know the science behind my method? I explain to you in full detail why my method works better than any other method in existence on this planet, why the others don't work, and real cases, real world examples, testimonials, the sources and back story of the experiments, laboratory discoveries, and end results that millions of others have talked about seeing in their own lives. You can read "Why It Works" at my website... or if you don't have time to read it right now, I'll email it to you. My free gift to you! My scripts are also free (here at my website)! My language tool will always be free (here at my website)! This 70 page report tells you why and how my language product works, and shows you the science that proves it increases the size of your brain and makes your brain live longer (my disclaimer explaining that I'm not a doctor, etc is always at the top of my website pages and anywhere that I make these claims and I divulge the sources of the scientific experiments and laboratory discoveries and back stories that I'm quoting and also the testimonials all right here in the foot notes and back of my free book and bottom of any web page where my e-book and claims are located and at my website and in all of my materials on the subject which are being distributed all around the world). Please share my e-books, program, ads, and all materials, everything and anything with all your loved ones! If you want me to send you the 70 page report I will. All you have to do is send an email to JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com and the 70 page report will be sent to you immediately. Don't worry, my company never gives your email to anybody else, we don't even use it except to respond to your questions, requests, etc and so you'll never receive emails you didn't ask for. I personally guarantee your satisfaction. Your 70 page report will arrive instantly.
(simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
If you don't receive the report within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Top 15
Dominate Languages
The reason our company produced scripts for the world's dominant 15 languages is because our dedication is to global unity and we believe that everyone should speak several of the languages that everyone around the world can understand.
While we do provide other languages, we prefer that people focus primarily on those top 15 languages, instead of unique languages that almost nobody on the planet can understand.
We want unity and success for all people. In today's technologically advanced encryption era the need for Navajo and other micro-languages used for encryption in times of war is now behind us.
However, if you do need a language we don't offer, ask us and perhaps we can provide it for you, or you can learn from my method to create your own scripts! I teach you my method for free, right here, at my website! This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
Added advantage over your peers:
What are the people saying in their homes, on the streets, in their work places, with friends and family, with strangers, professionals, parents, children, or neighbors?
Even with the free package you'll notice that every year our scripts are all new because most importantly they are up-to-date to match any changes that are constantly occurring in all languages.
These include grammatical changes, idioms and expressions, vocabulary, and accents, all of this change regularly in every language every 5-10 years. Most schools use books and curriculum that's much older than that!
Our scripts are updated regularly to match today's current speaking style of that language that's being spoken by the real people in those nations, cultures, and languages in the real world, today's world!
Some words, sentence structure, slang, and common expressions change significantly every 5 years. Our scripts our current! Updated at least every two years!
That's a flawless benefit that you'll almost never see in schools and institutions that use manuals and methods that are often more than 5-10 years old or more!
Don't give me anything! That's right! No sign in, no login, no email address, I don't need your information, your money, don't give me anything!
Unless you want one of the upgraded packages.
You're free to get the free package instead if you're prefer. However with the paid or upgraded packages you'll get the scripts delivered to you monthly, and you'll get 365 scripts (and entire year's worth of scripts) immediately!
And with the upgraded packages (professional or corporate package) you'll get scripts that are personalized and tailored to your particular profession and needs. Or your organization's personal and professional needs.
Lots of research, lots of work, experts from all around the world and every period in history, their work combined has culminated in this final step for humanity towards a global and more perfect language and human ability.
Scientifically we now have a better understanding of where language and humans came from than ever before in the history of mankind, unless Adam and Eve had computers, or if God taught them everything.
I assume that the purpose of life, has been for humanity to learn, and grow, for itself, aided and guided by what many call a perfect coincidence, or divine intervention, some call it angels, and some call it luck.
Scientifically we call the age of information. Even the Bible calls this time in history the great and last dispensation when all knowledge and wisdom will be revealed.
Albert Einstein dreamed of a day when computers would answer many of his biggest questions, he predicted that it was right around the corner, and now they have, satellites helped prove that his final and greatest research wasn't in vain, he died believing that he'd been wrong, and satellites, computers in orbit above our atmosphere, proved his final theories correct!
The computers he needed, and dreamed of, had arrived. Even ancient Kings in China over 4,000 years ago, not as old as the story of Adam and Eve, but older than Moses, did research and taught about language, so many have contributed to our understand of the human mind and condition.
The day that they all predicted, and dreamed of, computers, traveling beyond the planet, exploring the depths of the ocean, and all this education accessible to the entire world, global communication in the hands of nearly every human.
We are living in that time right now.
And all of their research, all of history, has made these scripts possible at last.
Here's my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You'll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular organization's language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! And everyone in your organization. Guaranteed!
Pay $999 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive soon (within 3 days)!
----- CHAPTER 9 -----
-- Corporate Package --
$999 Corporate Package
$499 Professional Package
$200 Regular Package
FREE! Free Package
$499 Professional Package:
This is called our professional package because it's custom tailored to your particular profession or needs. It's a lifetime delivery, monthly, of our scripts (you get all 15 languages that we offer) to your email account each month for the rest of your life! And most importantly it's custom tailored to your particular personal and professional needs!
Almost no other company in the world exists today who will give you such a valuable service! Even without being tailored our scripts are already worth thousands of dollars! And they don't offer a lifetime package! And they don't give you more than one language! They want more money for each language, and each new course! Ours is a lifetime of courses, 15 languages, all for just one payment of $499 only. And that's for the professional package! Our regularly package is $200 and that's a fantastic deal for anybody who doesn't need to learn different lingo and vocabulary of a particular profession. An organization that has many professionals and would like to get a group discount can pay the one-time corporate package price of $999 only which covers all the people in their organization for just that one payment!
You only pay $499 one-time and you'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
This is the right package for you if you'd like it personalized to meet your personal and professional needs!
Also, you'll receive 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately! Right now! Why wait? Don't wait! Go right now and get my $499 professional package! It's a lifetime membership; never pay ever again! You'll receive 365 new scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately and after you've finished with those 365 scripts (which might literally take a year or more for you to accomplish) you'll then receive one month of scripts each month for the rest of your life!
You'll receive it each month by email making it easy to upload to your cell phone, handheld device, computer, tablet, or whatever you want. And even print it if you need. That's convenience! You'll receive that monthly package each month for the rest of your life! How convenient is that? E-mailed right to your email account!
No longer come to my website everyday for the free version that I post each day at my website for free. Instead, you can get it delivered straight to your email account, an entire month of scripts, at the beginning of each month, monthly. For just $499 only! And that's our professional package which is custom tailored to your profession!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again! And you'll receive 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately! Right now! Why wait? Don't wait! Go right now and get my $499 professional package!
After making your purchase and sending me an email notifying me that you made a purchase you'll receive an email response from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular professional and personal needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $499 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
This is also a family pack because it meets your family member's various individual needs. Go ahead and ask for all 15 different languages that we offer and share them (copy and paste, print, email, whatever...) with all of your friends and family members! Undoubtedly the people in your family have learned different languages than you. It's a good idea for them to maintain fluency in every language they've already acquired. And you! With the professional package you can request as many languages as you and your family and friends need!
But I thought it was free; isn't it free? Yes, at my website the scripts are free, but only in daily increments. Each day I add another script. And I delete the previous day. But why come back to my website every day? I’ll send you 365 new scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) right now, immediately, and then every month you'll get a month's worth of scripts at the beginning of each month for the rest of your life! Never do anything! I do it all for you!
Perhaps people in your family have learned different languages than you. It's a good idea for them to maintain fluency in every language they've already acquired. And you! With the professional package you can request as many languages as your family requires!
Lifetime Membership!
This is a lifetime membership. That's right! You'll get 365 new scripts every year for the rest of your life! Just pay $499 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, you'll get new scripts every year for the rest of your life!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
This is the right package for you if you'd like it personalized to meet your personal and professional needs!
Also, this is the right package for you if you want to speak several languages fluently. Why stop at just one? You can do 3 minutes in one language, 3 in another, and another! Also this is good if you're losing your native language. Some people live in foreign countries and never have an opportunity to speak in their home native language.
Don't misunderstand me. It doesn't take a whole year or month for you to become fluent in a foreign language. But if you stop using my scripts, you'll start to lose your ability to speak the language. That is why I've created a lifetime membership that allows you to have my scripts every day for the rest of your life! In actuality if you use my scripts just a few days per week, or I recommend no less than 3 times per week, you'll stay fluent permanently for the rest of your life, in as many languages as you're doing.
Everybody forgets their languages no matter how fluent they are. You can even lose your native language. It happened to me. That's why I created these scripts, was first of all to make you fluent, secondly to improve your fluency, and thirdly and perhaps most importantly to enable you to maintain your fluency permanently! And fourthly, anyone who has been fluent in the past but has now forgotten, lost, or lessened their ability to speak that language, can recover and gain back that language in under two weeks, and never lose it ever again!
Pay nothing, ever again! Just pay $499 one time and never pay ever again! Parents, children, students, governments, professionals, everyone is paying thousands of dollars for their foreign language education, but not you, never pay ever again! Why go back to school? Why pay for tutoring? Why take language course over and over again for the rest of your life? With my scripts you can be fluent right now, let your high school or college graduation actually mean something, don't go back, now you can speak any language fluently and most importantly you're fluent permanently!
This is for a lifetime. That's right! Your scripts will be sent to you each month forever! Just pay $499 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, it's free for the rest of your life! I'll be there in your hands so that you can access it anytime day or night all right there in your hands!
Your $499 payment goes directly to help cover the expenses of our charitable business. We're charitable because we are delivering a free version of our scripts to the impoverished parts of the earth.
After making your purchase and sending me an email notifying me that you made a purchase you'll receive an email response from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular professional and personal needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $499 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
Why pay if this is free? Our paid packages are just for convenience or for professionals who need a few added features. You're totally welcome to use our free version at our website, it's open for everyone! Especially those who cannot afford to pay $200 for our regular package or our more expensive upgraded packages (professional and corporate package). You are totally welcome to take full advantage of our free scripts if you like. It's free and there's no obligations. I don't need your email, information, or anything! The scripts are free, always at my website, I put up another script each day, and delete yesterday's script. But if you do pay for one of our non-free packages, I appreciate your selfless contribution to this charitable endeavor. We are a charitable business. The world thanks you!
One of the greatest added bonuses that we give you is that we make 15 different languages available to you. Most companies make you pay again and again for each language. Not us, we want you to be multilingual, not just bilingual. This is all about your success, your health, your happiness.
If we don't have the language that matches your company's needs which you'll describe for us in the questionnaire that we give to everybody who purchases our packages, we can create scripts for that language, it'll take a few weeks for us to complete that project. Simply ask us. We're happy to fulfill your needs.
Just 3 minutes, a few times a week...
Friends are constantly asking me how I stay fluent in all of the languages that I speak in spite of the fact that I rarely visit any of the countries that speak those languages and without having regular conversations...
So I created this website especially for my family, friends and you! So that I could easily answer that question and reveal my secret. I explain to you how I created these scripts that keep me fluent, the science behind the method, so that you'll know how to find and create your own scripts for yourself!
Pay $200 for the regular package or $499 for the professional package if you'd like it personalized to meet your professional needs.
After making your purchase and sending me an email notifying me that you made a purchase you'll receive an email response from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular professional and personal needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $499 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
The security of our system is flawless because we ask for zero information, no downloads, no sign-in required, simply an open and publicly accessible document to read at leisure. Don't give us any personal information. No banking information. When you make the payment using a secured third party bank such as PayPal it's secured by them. And is between them and you, not us. We don't need any of your personal or banking information. Only banks such as PayPal are authorized to handle people's banking information because banks are monitored and regulated by government and other agencies and organizations that protect everyone's rights and transactions.
We invested in and use security advisory services to ensure all of our products and services are safe for everyone.
Why It Works
The Science Behind My Method
( 70 pages )
Do you want to know why my method works? And to know the science behind my method? I explain to you in full detail why my method works better than any other method in existence on this planet, why the others don't work, and real cases, real world examples, testimonials, the sources and back story of the experiments, laboratory discoveries, and end results that millions of others have talked about seeing in their own lives. You can read "Why It Works" at my website... or if you don't have time to read it right now, I'll email it to you. My free gift to you! My scripts are also free (here at my website)! My language tool will always be free (here at my website)! This 70 page report tells you why and how my language product works, and shows you the science that proves it increases the size of your brain and makes your brain live longer (my disclaimer explaining that I'm not a doctor, etc is always at the top of my website pages and anywhere that I make these claims and I divulge the sources of the scientific experiments and laboratory discoveries and back stories that I'm quoting and also the testimonials all right here in the foot notes and back of my free book and bottom of any web page where my e-book and claims are located and at my website and in all of my materials on the subject which are being distributed all around the world). Please share my e-books, program, ads, and all materials, everything and anything with all your loved ones! If you want me to send you the 70 page report I will. All you have to do is send an email to JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com and the 70 page report will be sent to you immediately. Don't worry, my company never gives your email to anybody else, we don't even use it except to respond to your questions, requests, etc and so you'll never receive emails you didn't ask for. I personally guarantee your satisfaction. Your 70 page report will arrive instantly.
(simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
If you don't receive the report within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Top 15
Dominate Languages
The reason our company produced scripts for the world's dominant 15 languages is because our dedication is to global unity and we believe that everyone should speak several of the languages that everyone around the world can understand.
While we do provide other languages, we prefer that people focus primarily on those top 15 languages, instead of unique languages that almost nobody on the planet can understand.
We want unity and success for all people. In today's technologically advanced encryption era the need for Navajo and other micro-languages used for encryption in times of war is now behind us.
However, if you do need a language we don't offer, ask us and perhaps we can provide it for you, or you can learn from my method to create your own scripts! I teach you my method for free, right here, at my website! This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
Added advantage over your peers:
What are the people saying in their homes, on the streets, in their work places, with friends and family, with strangers, professionals, parents, children, or neighbors?
Even with the free package you'll notice that every year our scripts are all new because most importantly they are up-to-date to match any changes that are constantly occurring in all languages.
These include grammatical changes, idioms and expressions, vocabulary, and accents, all of this change regularly in every language every 5-10 years. Most schools use books and curriculum that's much older than that!
Our scripts are updated regularly to match today's current speaking style of that language that's being spoken by the real people in those nations, cultures, and languages in the real world, today's world!
Some words, sentence structure, slang, and common expressions change significantly every 5 years. Our scripts our current! Updated at least every two years!
That's a flawless benefit that you'll almost never see in schools and institutions that use manuals and methods that are often more than 5-10 years old or more!
Don't give me anything! That's right! No sign in, no login, no email address, I don't need your information, your money, don't give me anything!
Unless you want one of the upgraded packages.
You're free to get the free package instead if you're prefer. However with the paid or upgraded packages you'll get the scripts delivered to you monthly, and you'll get 365 scripts (and entire year's worth of scripts) immediately!
And with the upgraded packages (professional or corporate package) you'll get scripts that are personalized and tailored to your particular profession and needs. Or your organization's personal and professional needs.
Lots of research, lots of work, experts from all around the world and every period in history, their work combined has culminated in this final step for humanity towards a global and more perfect language and human ability.
Scientifically we now have a better understanding of where language and humans came from than ever before in the history of mankind, unless Adam and Eve had computers, or if God taught them everything.
I assume that the purpose of life, has been for humanity to learn, and grow, for itself, aided and guided by what many call a perfect coincidence, or divine intervention, some call it angels, and some call it luck.
Scientifically we call the age of information. Even the Bible calls this time in history the great and last dispensation when all knowledge and wisdom will be revealed.
Albert Einstein dreamed of a day when computers would answer many of his biggest questions, he predicted that it was right around the corner, and now they have, satellites helped prove that his final and greatest research wasn't in vain, he died believing that he'd been wrong, and satellites, computers in orbit above our atmosphere, proved his final theories correct!
The computers he needed, and dreamed of, had arrived. Even ancient Kings in China over 4,000 years ago, not as old as the story of Adam and Eve, but older than Moses, did research and taught about language, so many have contributed to our understand of the human mind and condition.
The day that they all predicted, and dreamed of, computers, traveling beyond the planet, exploring the depths of the ocean, and all this education accessible to the entire world, global communication in the hands of nearly every human.
We are living in that time right now.
And all of their research, all of history, has made these scripts possible at last.
Here's my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You'll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
After making your purchase and sending me an email notifying me that you made a purchase you'll receive an email response from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular professional and personal needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $499 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
----- CHAPTER 10 ------
--- Regular Package ---
$999 Corporate Package
$499 Professional Package
$200 Regular Package
FREE! Free Package
$200 Regular Package:
This is called our regular package. It's a lifetime delivery, monthly, of our scripts (you get all 15 languages that we offer) to your email account each month for the rest of your life!
Why return to my website each day, every day? That seems a bit crazy doesn't it? Too much work! Okay, I have a solution! What if I e-mail an entire month's worth of scripts to you at the beginning of each month?
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
Also, you'll receive 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately! Right now! Why wait? Don't wait! Go right now and get my $200 regular package! It's a lifetime membership; never pay ever again! You'll receive 365 new scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately and after you've finished with those 365 scripts (which might literally take a year or more for you to accomplish) you'll then receive one month of scripts each month for the rest of your life!
You can then upload it to your cell phone, handheld device, computer, tablet, or whatever you want. That's convenience! And you'll receive that monthly package each month for the rest of your life! How convenient is that? E-mailed right to your email account!
No longer come to my website everyday for the free version that I post each day at my website for free. Instead, you can get it delivered straight to your email account, an entire month of scripts, at the beginning of each month, monthly. For just $200 only!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again! And you'll receive 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately! Right now! Why wait? Don't wait! Go right now and get my $200 regular package!
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $200 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
This is also a family pack because it meets your family member's various individual needs. Go ahead and ask for all 15 different languages that we offer and share them (copy and paste, print, email, whatever...) with all of your friends and family members! Undoubtedly the people in your family have learned different languages than you. It's a good idea for them to maintain fluency in every language they've already acquired. And you! With the regular package you can request as many languages as you and your family and friends need!
But I thought it was free; isn't it free? Yes, at my website the scripts are free, but only in daily increments. Each day I add another script. And I delete the previous day. But why come back to my website every day? I’ll send you 365 new scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) right now, immediately, and then every month you'll get a month's worth of scripts at the beginning of each month for the rest of your life! Never do anything! I do it all for you!
Perhaps people in your family have learned different languages than you. It's a good idea for them to maintain fluency in every language they've already acquired. And you! With the regular package you can request as many languages as your family requires!
Lifetime Membership!
This is a lifetime membership. That's right! You'll get 365 new scripts every year for the rest of your life! Just pay $200 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, you'll get new scripts every year for the rest of your life!
You'll receive an electronic version of our scripts in your email box each month without you ever needing to pay anything ever again!
This is the right package for you if you want to speak several languages fluently. Why stop at just one? You can do 3 minutes in one language, 3 in another, and another! Also this is good if you're losing your native language. Some people live in foreign countries and never have an opportunity to speak in their home native language.
Don't misunderstand me. It doesn't take a whole year or month for you to become fluent in a foreign language. But if you stop using my scripts, you'll start to lose your ability to speak the language. That is why I've created a lifetime membership that allows you to have my scripts every day for the rest of your life! In actuality if you use my scripts just a few days per week, or I recommend no less than 3 times per week, you'll stay fluent permanently for the rest of your life, in as many languages as you're doing.
Everybody forgets their languages no matter how fluent they are. You can even lose your native language. It happened to me. That's why I created these scripts, was first of all to make you fluent, secondly to improve your fluency, and thirdly and perhaps most importantly to enable you to maintain your fluency permanently! And fourthly, anyone who has been fluent in the past but has now forgotten, lost, or lessened their ability to speak that language, can recover and gain back that language in under two weeks, and never lose it ever again!
Pay nothing, ever again! Just pay $200 one time and never pay ever again! Parents, children, students, governments, professionals, everyone is paying thousands of dollars for their foreign language education, but not you, never pay ever again! Why go back to school? Why pay for tutoring? Why take language course over and over again for the rest of your life? With my scripts you can be fluent right now, let your high school or college graduation actually mean something, don't go back, now you can speak any language fluently and most importantly you're fluent permanently!
This is for a lifetime. That's right! Your scripts will be sent to you each month forever! Just pay $200 one time and never pay ever again! After you've paid that, it's free for the rest of your life! I'll be there in your hands so that you can access it anytime day or night all right there in your hands!
Your $200 payment goes directly to help cover the expenses of our charitable business. We're charitable because we are delivering a free version of our scripts to the impoverished parts of the earth.
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $200 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
Why pay if this is free? Our paid packages are just for convenience or for professionals who need a few added features. You're totally welcome to use our free version at our website, it's open for everyone! Especially those who cannot afford to pay $200 for our regular package or our more expensive upgraded packages (professional and corporate package). You are totally welcome to take full advantage of our free scripts if you like. It's free and there's no obligations. I don't need your email, information, or anything! The scripts are free, always at my website, I put up another script each day, and delete yesterday's script. But if you do pay for one of our non-free packages, I appreciate your selfless contribution to this charitable endeavor. We are a charitable business. The world thanks you!
One of the greatest added bonuses that we give you is that we make 15 different languages available to you. Most companies make you pay again and again for each language. Not us, we want you to be multilingual, not just bilingual. This is all about your success, your health, your happiness.
If we don't have the language that matches your company's needs which you'll describe for us in the questionnaire that we give to everybody who purchases our packages, we can create scripts for that language, it'll take a few weeks for us to complete that project. Simply ask us. We're happy to fulfill your needs.
Just 3 minutes, a few times a week...
Friends are constantly asking me how I stay fluent in all of the languages that I speak in spite of the fact that I rarely visit any of the countries that speak those languages and without having regular conversations...
So I created this website especially for my family, friends and you! So that I could easily answer that question and reveal my secret. I explain to you how I created these scripts that keep me fluent, the science behind the method, so that you'll know how to find and create your own scripts for yourself!
Pay $200 for the regular package or $499 for the professional package if you'd like it personalized to meet your organization's personal and professional needs. And to save lots of money, everyone in your organization gets free access to your organization's personalized scripts there at the website that I create special for your organization.
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $200 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
The security of our system is flawless because we ask for zero information, no downloads, no sign-in required, simply an open and publicly accessible document to read at leisure. Don't give us any personal information. No banking information. When you make the payment using a secured third party bank such as PayPal it's secured by them. And is between them and you, not us. We don't need any of your personal or banking information. Only banks such as PayPal are authorized to handle people's banking information because banks are monitored and regulated by government and other agencies and organizations that protect everyone's rights and transactions.
We invested in and use security advisory services to ensure all of our products and services are safe for everyone.
Why It Works
The Science Behind My Method
( 70 pages )
Do you want to know why my method works? And to know the science behind my method? I explain to you in full detail why my method works better than any other method in existence on this planet, why the others don't work, and real cases, real world examples, testimonials, the sources and back story of the experiments, laboratory discoveries, and end results that millions of others have talked about seeing in their own lives. You can read "Why It Works" at my website... or if you don't have time to read it right now, I'll email it to you. My free gift to you! My scripts are also free (at my website)! My language tool will always be free (at my website)! This 70 page report tells you why and how my language product works, and shows you the science that proves it increases the size of your brain and makes your brain live longer (my disclaimer explaining that I'm not a doctor, etc is always at the top of my website pages and anywhere that I make these claims and I divulge the sources of the scientific experiments and laboratory discoveries and back stories that I'm quoting and also the testimonials all right here in the foot notes and back of my free book and bottom of any web page where my e-book and claims are located and at my website and in all of my materials on the subject which are being distributed all around the world). Please share my e-books, program, ads, and all materials, everything and anything with all your loved ones! If you want me to send you the 70 page report I will. All you have to do is send an email to JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com and the 70 page report will be sent to you immediately. Don't worry, my company never gives your email to anybody else, we don't even use it except to respond to your questions, requests, etc and so you'll never receive emails you didn't ask for. I personally guarantee your satisfaction. Your 70 page report will arrive instantly.
(simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
If you don't receive the report within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Top 15
Dominate Languages
The reason our company produced scripts for the world's dominant 15 languages is because our dedication is to global unity and we believe that everyone should speak several of the languages that everyone around the world can understand.
While we do provide other languages, we prefer that people focus primarily on those top 15 languages, instead of unique languages that almost nobody on the planet can understand.
We want unity and success for all people. In today's technologically advanced encryption era the need for Navajo and other micro-languages used for encryption in times of war is now behind us.
However, if you do need a language we don't offer, ask us and perhaps we can provide it for you, or you can learn from my method to create your own scripts! I teach you my method for free, right here, at my website! This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
Added advantage over your peers:
What are the people saying in their homes, on the streets, in their work places, with friends and family, with strangers, professionals, parents, children, or neighbors?
Even with the free package you'll notice that every year our scripts are all new because most importantly they are up-to-date to match any changes that are constantly occurring in all languages.
These include grammatical changes, idioms and expressions, vocabulary, and accents, all of this change regularly in every language every 5-10 years. Most schools use books and curriculum that's much older than that!
Our scripts are updated regularly to match today's current speaking style of that language that's being spoken by the real people in those nations, cultures, and languages in the real world, today's world!
Some words, sentence structure, slang, and common expressions change significantly every 5 years. Our scripts our current! Updated at least every two years!
That's a flawless benefit that you'll almost never see in schools and institutions that use manuals and methods that are often more than 5-10 years old or more!
Don't give me anything! That's right! No sign in, no login, no email address, I don't need your information, your money, don't give me anything!
Unless you want one of the upgraded packages.
You're free to get the free package instead if you're prefer. However with the paid or upgraded packages you'll get the scripts delivered to you monthly, and you'll get 365 scripts (and entire year's worth of scripts) immediately!
And with the upgraded packages (professional or corporate package) you'll get scripts that are personalized and tailored to your particular profession and needs. Or your organization's personal and professional needs.
Lots of research, lots of work, experts from all around the world and every period in history, their work combined has culminated in this final step for humanity towards a global and more perfect language and human ability.
Scientifically we now have a better understanding of where language and humans came from than ever before in the history of mankind, unless Adam and Eve had computers, or if God taught them everything.
I assume that the purpose of life, has been for humanity to learn, and grow, for itself, aided and guided by what many call a perfect coincidence, or divine intervention, some call it angels, and some call it luck.
Scientifically we call the age of information. Even the Bible calls this time in history the great and last dispensation when all knowledge and wisdom will be revealed.
Albert Einstein dreamed of a day when computers would answer many of his biggest questions, he predicted that it was right around the corner, and now they have, satellites helped prove that his final and greatest research wasn't in vain, he died believing that he'd been wrong, and satellites, computers in orbit above our atmosphere, proved his final theories correct!
The computers he needed, and dreamed of, had arrived. Even ancient Kings in China over 4,000 years ago, not as old as the story of Adam and Eve, but older than Moses, did research and taught about language, so many have contributed to our understand of the human mind and condition.
The day that they all predicted, and dreamed of, computers, traveling beyond the planet, exploring the depths of the ocean, and all this education accessible to the entire world, global communication in the hands of nearly every human.
We are living in that time right now.
And all of their research, all of history, has made these scripts possible at last.
Here's my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You'll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
You'll receive an email from me with a questionnaire concerning your particular language needs. And you'll receive everything you need to become successful immediately! Guaranteed!
Pay $200 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: JayBeacham@jaybeacham.com
You can contact me anytime:
Please pay right now!
Your package will arrive immediately by email!
----- CHAPTER 11 ------
--- Free Package ---
(Our Charitable Objectives)
Only if you loved it!
Why would you want to pay for free scripts? Oh, only if you are satisfied with this product and only if you can afford it to help us cover our costs. It's free to the whole world, especially those who cannot afford to pay, but we appreciate all of those who can pay!
And we appreciate it so much if you can share our product with your friends and family! Go ahead and give it to them for free, or give them our link, it's all free!!!
Free Package:
FREE! Yes, that's right! Because if you can't afford $200 for the basic package it's always free at our website ( http://anaezine.webs.com ) in 30 day increments each month! Visit us every month, copy and paste anything you want to keep. Each month we'll post a new set of scripts, replacing the previous month. All the languages, all the things you need, are at that website, totally free! We even teach you how to make your own scripts, in case we die. This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
For a quick grab, or a great way to tell your friends and family about our website and scripts, here's the page that fully describes our product:
Please give that link to your family and friends!
If you'd like your scripts in another language or to grab another 30 days worth of scripts each month, please visit us here at our website ( AnaEzine ) anytime! All the languages are here! And please share: Copy and past anything you want, and the links, and give it to your friends for free, all of us together are helping to spread your charity to the entire world, you're saving humanity!
Please, even if you didn't pay anything and are using our scripts for free, send me an email to let know what you think about our scripts; are they great? Are they working for you? Please give us feedback or just say hello and we'll show you our love by sending you a free gift! Humanity thanks you! Email me here: BigConversation@Zoho.com
It's FREE! Yes, that's right!
Please help us!
We are a charitable business...
That's right!!!
If you didn't purchase any of our packages.
If you can afford it,
please contribute!
Anything you can give to humanity!
Just $3 to help us cover costs.
Or up to $2,000 if you can afford it.
For amounts higher than that,
please contact me directly:
Please contribute now!
Humanity thanks you!
Pay $3 here:
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(will respond with 48 hours)
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: BigConversation@Zoho.com
Top 15
Dominate Languages
The reason our company produced scripts for the world's dominant 15 languages is because our dedication is to global unity and we believe that everyone should speak several of the languages that everyone around the world can understand.
While we do provide other languages, we prefer that people focus primarily on those top 15 languages, instead of unique languages that almost nobody on the planet can understand.
We want unity and success for all people. In today's technologically advanced encryption era the need for Navajo and other micro-languages used for encryption in times of war is now behind us.
However, if you do need a language we don't offer, ask us and perhaps we can provide it for you, or you can learn from my method to create your own scripts! I teach you my method for free, right here, at my website! This is a charity! Be sure to read my blogs, to gain great wisdom, and know everything!!!
Added advantage over your peers:
What are the people saying in their homes, on the streets, in their work places, with friends and family, with strangers, professionals, parents, children, or neighbors?
Even with the free package you'll notice that every year our scripts are all new because most importantly they are up-to-date to match any changes that are constantly occurring in all languages.
These include grammatical changes, idioms and expressions, vocabulary, and accents, all of this change regularly in every language every 5-10 years. Most schools use books and curriculum that's much older than that!
Our scripts are updated regularly to match today's current speaking style of that language that's being spoken by the real people in those nations, cultures, and languages in the real world, today's world!
Some words, sentence structure, slang, and common expressions change significantly every 5 years. Our scripts our current! Updated at least every two years!
That's a flawless benefit that you'll almost never see in schools and institutions that use manuals and methods that are often more than 5-10 years old or more!
Don't give me anything! That's right! No sign in, no login, no email address, I don't need your information, your money, don't give me anything!
Unless you want one of the upgraded packages.
You're free to get the free package instead if you're prefer. However if you want the the upgraded packages you'll get 365 chapters (sessions) each year!
And an additional 2,000 minutes of script, and all the other added benefits described down below in each package description.
Lots of research, lots of work, experts from all around the world and every period in history, their work combined has culminated in this final step for humanity towards a global and more perfect language and human ability.
Scientifically we now have a better understanding of where language and humans came from than ever before in the history of mankind, unless Adam and Eve had computers, or if God taught them everything.
I assume that the purpose of life, has been for humanity to learn, and grow, for itself, aided and guided by what many call a perfect coincidence, or divine intervention, some call it angels, and some call it luck.
Scientifically we call the age of information. Even the Bible calls this time in history the great and last dispensation when all knowledge and wisdom will be revealed.
Albert Einstein dreamed of a day when computers would answer many of his biggest questions, he predicted that it was right around the corner, and now they have, satellites helped prove that his final and greatest research wasn't in vain, he died believing that he'd been wrong, and satellites, computers in orbit above our atmosphere, proved his final theories correct!
The computers he needed, and dreamed of, had arrived. Even ancient Kings in China over 4,000 years ago, not as old as the story of Adam and Eve, but older than Moses, did research and taught about language, so many have contributed to our understand of the human mind and condition.
The day that they all predicted, and dreamed of, computers, traveling beyond the planet, exploring the depths of the ocean, and all this education accessible to the entire world, global communication in the hands of nearly every human.
We are living in that time right now.
And all of their research, all of history, has made these scripts possible at last.
Here's my secret:
Read my language scripts for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free right here. Guaranteed: You'll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!
Why pay if scripts are free?
Why would you want to pay for our scripts? Oh, only if you are satisfied with this product and only if you can afford it, to help us cover our costs.
Now FREE! Don't click this pay button!!!
My scripts are normally free to the whole world, I've provided a free version, special for those who cannot afford to pay for it, because every human is priceless, special beyond limit, however we also truly appreciate all of those who can pay!
And we appreciate it so much if you can share our product with your friends and family! Go ahead and give it to them for free, or give them our link, it's all free!!!
Why pay $200 dollars?
If you're returning to our website each month to get another 30 scripts each month we say thank you! And if you can pay for the scripts to help us cover our costs we say thank you. You're helping us keep this product free for those who cannot afford it.
You're helping us to cover the costs of distributing our this life changing gift to everyone all around the world who are less fortunate and want a good life just like me and you.
But if you'd like us to send all 365 scripts to you immediately at the beginning of each year, please get our $200 basic package; it's a lifetime membership.
You'll receive 365 new scripts every year for the rest of your life! And as an added bonus you'll get priority treatment whenever you need help.
There is also a Corporate package! And a Professional package! Either way, whether you're using our products and services for free, or you're paying for it, we truly appreciate you.
And we hope you'll share it with your family and friends. Thank you so very much!
Immediate refund!
If you're unsatisfied.
PayPal will e-mail the receipt.
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(will respond with 48 hours)
Please make everything go faster by sending me an email letting me know you made a purchase. Email me here: BigConversation@Zoho.com
Thank you!
Please come back every day!
This page is your contract,
Please print and keep it safe.
----Never give me your bank account information----
----Never give me your personal information---
Questions? Suggestions? Offers?
Contact me anytime: BigConversation@Zoho.com
This is a charitable business!
We pay taxes because we're a very successful business, our success allows us to put more money into charity than most charities are able to. Read our story:
We pay taxes because we're a very successful business, our success allows us to put more money into charity than most charities are able to. You and me are saving millions upon millions of lives! Thanks to our free educational products that we're spreading to the whole world and even to the most remote, impoverished places! Education is the solution to all of humanity's problems: Pollution, war, poverty, hunger and disease. When people have everything they need and know everything, they're less likely to go to war, and know better than to pollute the environment, and are no longer hungry and can focus on developing solutions to disease. One of the main education products we distribute is our "Language Program" which enables all of humanity to communicate with each other. Psychologists and other experts constantly remind us that the key to a successful relationship is communication. This couldn't be more correct in describing the global society in which we now find ourselves. Communication, just like education, goes a long way in preventing war, pollution, and finding solutions to poverty, hunger, and disease. We're doing our part. And we've made it easy for you: By creating a product that everybody wants, and especially because it's free for everyone, we know that you'll definitely want to share it with all of your friends and loved ones. We know that everyone will do that. Saving the planet couldn't be any easier! Soon we'll have spread our free education product to the entire planet!
This is a for-profit charitable business!
We are not a charity. We are a for-profit business that pays taxes. However, we have charitable objectives. The reason this company was created was because we wanted to make the world a better place, empower all humans everywhere, saving millions of lives.
If we did the math we'd realize that businesses don't make additional income by participating in charitable endeavors. The tax breaks don't allow businesses to save money. That's a myth. What's actually happening is that the money given to charity is being inflated by the government through tax breaks.
And so every dollar given to charity becomes worth more than a dollar. Not to the business, but to the charity. If a business is pocketing any of that charity money, it would be seen, because governments audit charities very intensely, and the results are published regularly for the public to see!
It simply would not be worth the risk.
Businesses make much more money doing business than by contributing to charity. And so it would be hard to find a business that is profiting at all by contributing to charity.
And so we should applaud and praise those companies that participate in charitable endeavors. And should hope that more businesses will do likewise.
Because while these tax breaks don't allow companies to increase profit, tax breaks do allow the company to contribute more to charities. Because the tax breaks are on the money that's given. So the company doesn't gain anything.
The charity, not the business, profits.
Tax breaks allow the government to also participate in charity.
Because the money the company gives to charity is basically being almost doubled by the government not taxing it. So the only person getting more money is the recipient of the charitable contribution. Not the government. And not the business.
The only savings is that the business can now give less, rather than more, to charity. Because the government is basically matching that amount up to 30% in some cases. So the business can give less, because every dollar is being inflated by the government, so it's worth at least 30% more than the average dollar.
So in other words it's not profitable for a business to contriubute to charity, but also it's a savings because the business can contribute 30% less. Or in actuality what happens is the business pays 100% but then the government gives the business 30% back during tax time.
You see, businesses don't profit from giving to charity. The only benefit would be publicity, a good reputation, and good feelings. If they're pocketing any of the charity contributions it wouldn't be worth the risks because charity contributions are audited much more viciously by the government than any other type of money transaction and the investigation results are published publicly for everyone to see.
We're trying to educate the public and businesses about the facts so that more businesses will feel comfortable contributing to charity and so that it won't be a negative impression in the minds of the public who often has the wrong idea about businesses that contribute to charity.
It's not about tax savings at all. And furthermore, the public needs to be aware that many charities do pocket the money! Legally charities are allowed to keep up to 60% or more of the money so that it can be spent on the expenses of the organization and in the form of salaries to the employees of the organization such as the CEO and managers and so on.
And so, what's the difference between a non-profit charity and a for-profit business? Well, the charity profits from the charity. A business doesn't profit from charity. That's the difference.
There are charities that give as much of the money as possible to the intended recipients of the charitable contributions. And, before we think poorly of charities lets remember that even if a charity only gave 20% of the contributions to the intended recipients, that's more money than what those starving children in Africa would've recieved otherwise!
And some charities do give 80% or more.
We pay taxes because we're a very successful business, our success allows us to put more money into charity than most charities are able to. Quite simply because businesses have more money to give for their own pockets.
Often in the billions of dollars range.
Whereas most charities survive only on donations and most of those donations. Which rarely are in the billions of dollars range.
Furthermore, much of a charity's budget is wasted on paperwork, professional incompetence and mismanagement, lack of experience, lack of resources, lack of connections, exorbitant salaries for overpaid or inexperienced and ineffective workers, poor shipping methods, mishandling the legalities, and over-inflated advertising costs.
Mismanagement of money.
Most charities unintentionally lose and/or waste everybody's money. Because typical charities lack the know how, and connections, and expertise that only comes with years of experience in the business word dealing with other nations, governments, professionals, and how to use experts who are at the top of their field, most charities fail to deliver the results desired by their contributors.
That's why many charities hire an experienced business CEO.
Unlike many charities, because we're a business, we're using the world's greatest talents, resources, experience, and expertise we're expanding our charitable operations to the entire world, even to the most remote and poorest regions. Using tried and true business methods we cut costs, take the sure way, total efficiency, no loose ends, no waste, delivering the full amount, not just what's left over.
My company was created for you! The person who wants to give more to the world. You want to save our world. And my company was created for those who have nothing to give. Those who are struggling to survive. And for those who want more out of life. Every human deserves to have a great life. That is the objective of our business.
This company, our product, and our contributions is my gift (we don't accept donations and we try to produce results from the labors of our company and the value of our products and the appreciation from our clients) to the whole world! I'm giving you my language scripts, and showing you how to make your own, so that you can have a better life!
You now can speak the Dominant Global Languages that I provide, and any others that you want, all for free! So that the whole world is now unlocked to you, and openned up for you, for greater career opportunities, greater income possibilities, and all of life's rich rewards.
When you take advantage of our products, even the free ones, and tell others about us, you're giving all of that to others, to the whole world!
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(will respond with 48 hours)
"Jesus said charity is giving to others everything that you'd want for yourself. And don't you want everything? We shouldn't stop giving until everyone has a good life. All 8 billion of us!"
-James Wilson
I'm making our world more united. By global communication. Empowering people; all 7 billion of us. Better communication makes everyone more successful and happy! Visit me everyday at my website or other locations.
You're doing that also. I'm using these free products also! You and I are not different. We are a part of the same endeavor. You are a very real part of this family. This charitable endeavor. Thank you for caring about others. And more importantly, thank you for caring about you, because if you're not strong, if you're not successful, how can anybody else be? We must all be strong, together!
Thank you for visiting!
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(i will respond within 48 hours)
Keep reading!
Here's more information about our charitable obectives and the realities of what is a charity versus what is a business and how can a business be charitable while not being legally definable as a charity. Why can't our business be defined as a charity?
Our business is not a charity.
An article in www.theguardian.com by Alison Coleman in July of 2013 describes several amazing businesses who have made charity a major part of their business endeavors and have been very successful in making the world a better place.
These business however are legally defined as charitable businesses.
These business prove that "charity makes good business sense," and that, "a philanthropic venture will make a difference."
However our company isn't legally defined as a charity. Because first of all, we pay taxes as a business, not as a charity. And furthermore, our business isn't a venture. No, our company is a well established business that's already been up and running for quite awhile and successfully.
That's very important.
And we're not worried about increasing our profile or gaining more customers by making ourselves look good by using charity "as a promotional tool for our business."
But I believe that most charities, most charitable business, most for-profit businesses that participate in charity or charitable endeavors and have charitable objectives are actually doing so for the right reasons. Very few businesses can show statistically how their charitable endeavors are increasing their profits from a marketing perspective.
It simply wouldn't be worth it.
Because to give to charity costs so much that even the best marketing results wouldn't compensate for the expense. Businesses don't invest in marketing that doesn't cover itself cost-wise. That's simply a rule of thumb for any industry.
More often than not, rather than any appeal, the thing that caused businesses to even consider contributing to charity or pursuing charitable endeavors was not just the low cost/expense of dollars contributed to charity (the so-called savings from tax breaks) and so on, was quite simply the good feeling itself that the act of charity produces, was the thing that when placed on top of those other things, made it hurt less and so the business agreed to do it.
To say that a company benefits from an improved reputation or public appearance by contributing to charity is negligible by the fact that most people believe companies are getting huge tax breaks and profiting from it. That impression instead gives the company a bad reputation and evil appearance. Companies don't profit by giving to charity.
Least of all in public sentiment.
On the contrary it seems to villify them excpet in the rare case when their charity really does something unique and truly shines such as saving a baby's life, or rescuing a community from a tsunami etc. Something that most charities are not capable of truly publicising in a way that wouldn't just vilify them that much more for appearing to be exploiting the child etc.
Businesses don't benefit from image enhancement.
No, we were already providing charity to the world long before we decided to start telling everybody about the charitable activities we're involved with (we don't claim to be a charity; we're a business that has charitable objectives and we're definitely for-profit). It just made sense to be honest and say the truth about what we're doing.
We're very cautious to point out that we're a "for-profit" business. Because legally we don't claim to be a charity. Because legally we don't get any tax breaks. However we're proud to officially declare and defend the fact that we're benefiting humanity and the entire planet greatly! And we wouldn't dare say that we're a charity oriented business unless we indeed provide charity. And indeed we do.
However the laws so-far prevent businesses from calling themselves a charitable business without abiding by certain laws that quite ridiculously are often restrictive, and even prevent profitability, productivity, and even the charitiable endeavors! What irony!
Regulators are so scared that a charity might be pocketing the money and scaming people, that the laws are so restrictive that it literally prevents a charity from being very effective. And in fact, most charities do end up pocketing 60% or more of the money, or blowing it on exorbitent and ridiculous organizational expenses and costs.
Legislators demand security to the point of building four walls around ourselves, no roof, just tons and tons of rock, deep underground where we'll be safe, fossilized, and secure forever.
Allowing charities to stretch their arms and legs, true freedom, ability to expand, and truly succeed. That would be the greatest blessing to humanity ever! It might even invite charities to stop hording so much. To stop paying the CEO so much. If they were allowed to actually act and think like a charity rather than focusing so much of their time on legal issues.
Much like a politician who must focus 80% of their time in office on campaigning to stay in office, it's ridiculous! Legislators need to be more careful and wise. They need to focus on benefiting humanity, rather than building walls. Prisons are great. But schools are even better.
I would gladly turn my company into a charity, if charities were not provented from being successful by so many ridiculous restrictions.
And so, there are two, instead of one: Charities, and Businesses.
But down below I'll quote an article that discusses the need for having both. And that charities cannot address all the issues that humanity requires. And that businesses likewise, cannot address all the issues that humanity requires. And so, perhaps it's good that there's a few lines drawn between what is a charity and what is a business.
Our company is unique.
Our core product is free and makes a person's life better, which in turn benefits their family. A stronger family benefits the whole community. The dominoes affect goes on and on as stronger communities in turn benefits the economy, then the nation, then the entire world.
Is this not a charity?
An article in www.forbes.com by Jacquelyn Smith in July of 2013 revealed "America's Most Generous Companies." discussed all the good that a business can do for charity.
For example:
Wells Fargo gave $315,845,766 cash to 19,500 nonprofits and schools nationwide.
These certainly are not the only, and that list wasn't exhaustive, merely only showing companies that were compelled by law to reveal their stats, because a company that wants to save on taxes by making charitable donations must by law report those donations.
Our company on the other hand doesn't hide behind charity, our purpose isn't to save taxes. We're contributing to the world because we want to contribute to the world, it's that plain and simple, there's no other reason. Wells Fargo wasn't hiding behind charity either. The tax savings mentioned wasn't on any of Wells Fargo's profits, but rather the amount that was given to the charity, the charity was recieving the savings, not Wells Fargo.
Tax savings has nothing to do with it.
And yet the public, most people, believe that the reason businesses give to charity is to increase profits, and mathematically that's not true. An accountant could explain it much better. The company is saving taxes on their profits. The only savings in on what's being given away. And once it's given away, it's gone. Zero. And so there's zero profit to the company that gave that money away. No money is going into the pocket of the business. It's all going to the charity. Zero profit.
However, the public still thinks that way. And that's why we brag that we pay taxes, to prove that we are charitable for legitimate reasons. We don't contribute to other charities. Because that money would be tax free, or have tax breaks on it. And the general public believes that is an evil practice. And so we never claim our business as a charity, we claim that we're a for-profit business, and we don't brag about giving to other charities.
Rather we labor for ourselves.
Abbie Rumbold of Bates Wells & Braithwaite, a firm specialising in charity and social enterprise, explains: "A registered charity can still be a business." The nice thing about these for-profit charities is that "they don’t take handouts, but instead earn their income through providing services."
And by providing services and products and working like a regular business, we look like we're putting our money where our mouth is, and laboring hard. We're working towards a better world, not just contributing a handout towards it. We're in the thick of the battle. We're in the coal mine and digging right alonside all of the other laborers.
That reference up above about ARBWB was found in an article at "Startups.co.uk" in March of 2009 and went on to say that "A prime example is Action for Children, a charity that has been around for 150 years," and, "makes almost 90% of its income comes by providing social care services."
The problem with declaring your business as a charity for tax purposes and legal purposes is that the laws are very restrictive for charities to ensure that they're doing exactly what they promised to be doing. Ironically, this means a charity has very few options for branching out into other areas, being innovative, and generating possibly much more money.
For example, "if their primary product is education, they can't sell cookies." That's just one small example of how a charity's hands are tied by laws. It's much easier for a business to operate, generate profits, and then contribute to a charitable cause, than it is for a typical charitable organization. "To get around trading restrictions, many charities have a trading arm." Or, "businesses have a charity arm."
So, while we're a business, and for-profit, we're still indeed a charitable business. Yes, we have charitable purposes, and we give charity (free products that make people's lives better and the world), but we don't waste our time and money trying to avoid taxes.
Stanford's online review states, "Is Business the New Charity?" And argues that we mustn't confuse the two, in the June 2012 article by By Aaron Hurst. However he goes on to mention for example Jim Koch, founder of Samuel Adams (Boston Beer Company) who by supporting small businesses instead of [charities], he can create jobs in the community; real long-term economic and social value.
And also mentions, "Goldman Sachs' 10,000 Small Business campaign."
And quotes Robert Egger, founder of the PAC CForward, which champions the role of the [charity] sector in the economy, “Any organization that provides [well paying jobs] is a social enterprise (i.e.-charity).”
Rather than spending time and money trying to avoid taxes, or collect donations, my company's efforts are much better spent by trying to provide a great product that's free to the people of the world. As free as possible and as beneficial as possible. A product that in turn helps them to be more productive, successful, and earn more money for themselves.
Rather than giving people money, we give people a better life, which in turn enables them to make more money on their own. Don't give a person a fish, instead, teach that person how to catch fish for themselves.
And yes, we provide jobs, we do everything we can to give our profits back to the community in ways that are most profitable for the community, sharing it with regular people, as much as possible. We never claim a loss on our taxes. We love paying taxes. And we love giving back to the community.
Aaron Hurst rightfully goes on to say that our society has needs that can't be met by businesses alone, for example that, "while creating jobs we might run out of employees; and the training they need to meet the needs of the company."
And I agree with Aaron Hurst, later on down below I'll discuss the failures of the typical charity but then even further on down I'll discuss my gratitude that strictly charitable (non-profit) organizations exist; because in spite of their huge flaw they still accomplish their mission to an extent.
And not all charities have that flaw.
It's not a requirement. It's a choice. I agree with Aaron Hurst because like he said we need more than just businesses. There are needs that cannot be met by a business. There are needs that can't be met by a charity. We need both, we need everything, we need all the help this world can get.
Or in other words: It doesn't just stop at businesses. But we can't rule out businesses as a charity. We need both!
And somebody (Tracy Sparks) even pointed out in the comments of that article that, "the model of pro bono invades the economic opportunities of the educated and unemployed." Great point!
Just to give a shoutout, Aaron Hurst co-authored the children’s book Mommy and Daddy Do It Pro Bono and is a featured blogger for The Huffington Post.
And Jacquelyn Smith went on to write in the Forbes.com article I've been quoting several times already that, "Walmart gave away 421 million pounds of food in 2013 and has donated more than one billion pounds since 2010." In paraphrasing, "Walmart's mission is to create opportunities so people can live better," and, "make a positive impact in the communities Walmart serves."
Walmart, Wells Fargo, Chevron are just a few companies that gave nearly or over $300 million dollars in charity in just one year alone. "Pfizer gave $3.1 billion in cash and products."
It might seem that they're doing this to save on taxes. But ultimately, they could keep a huge percentage of that money, if they didn't spend it on charity, even after taxes. The truth is, it just feels good to serve the community and make the world a better place. Aside from all the less significant secondary motives possible for giving to charity.
You can see for yourself at www.snopes.com/politics/business/charities.asp that charities often pocket most of the money and very little arrives at its intended destination.
Just to highlight a few:
The CEO of the charitable organization known as UNICEF receives $1,200,000 per year, plus use of a Royal Royce for his exclusive use where ever he goes, and an expense account that is rumoured to be well over $150,000. Less than $0.14 per dollar donated to UNICEF goes to the UNICEF cause.
The CEO of the American Red Cross gets $651,957 per year plus expenses, enjoys 6 weeks of fully paid holidays including all related expenses during the holiday trip for her and her husband and kids. Including 100% fully paid health & dental plan for her and her family, for life. Less than $0.39 per dollar donated to the American Red Cross goes to the American Red Cross cause.
The list goes on and on...
Here's some humor, the charity known as "MARCH OF DIMES" is called the March of Dimes because only a dime for every 1 dollar is given to the needy.
I won't list the charities who are faithful in getting 100% of the contribution to the contributor's intended destination. Because that could change, and then I'd be giving misleading information. You just need to do your own homework before contributing to any charity.
Ultimately, a charity that gives 50% or even just 5% of its income to the contributor's intended target, might still add up to billions of dollars being given to the rightful recipients of charity.
That, when compared to the billions of dollars being given by legitimate businesses, might not be much different. It's better than nothing being given at all. I'm certainly grateful for the American Red Cross and UNICEF for all the good that they do accomplish.
I'm happy that there are literally a million charitable organizations in the world ready and willing to take your hundreds or thousands or millions of dollars, pocket up to 95% of that, and give at least 5% to a charitable cause.
Because 5% is better than nothing! But I sure wish that you could keep that 95% that you gave them, rather than it going towards their exorbitant expenses and their CEO.
Hopefully the day will arrive when all businesses become charitable. Even if for profit. Because I'm certain that there are more businesses than charities in the world. Nobody would be asking you for donations. The businesses themselves would be the contributors. That would truly be a turning point for the world, towards a more perfect outcome.
Evangeline Gomez wrote in her article for www.forbes.com by Alison Coleman in January of 2012 that, "many Americans, and millions of business owners, want to do more than simply turn a profit." And discussed, "The Rise Of The Charitable For-Profit Entity."
She even went on to say that, "a study shows more than $120 billion in potential investments" is what these businesses could generate for charitable cuases. These businesses often referred to as a "benefit corporation, L3C," or socially-minded company.
Of course, that study represented investments that were available for the creation or support of those companies, not what the company would in turn give to charity.
However, I went ahead and did that math, assuming that a company attempts to recoup the costs of creation within the first 5 years, while profiting each year, and giving to charity each year during its existence.
Also most companies don't recieve investments totaling the full amount of the cost of creation, banks and investors simply would not do that, as a governing rule. And so $120 billion is far short of the actual value and profitability of the "many Americans, and millions of [companies]" this article is discussing.
At the bare minimum, collectively, they should be able to give at least that much. As is, hundreds of major corporations are giving $300 million dollars per year towards charity.
She pointed out that, "Still questions remain on these new corporate entities." Laws are being amended, new roads are being paved, to make way for these new ambitions of companies wanting to give more, benefiting society, and the world.
Also see: Acs, Z.J. et al. (2010) The social value of productive entrepreneurship, George Mason University, Washington
And as expounded By bevmeldrum in a September 2011 article titled, "Charity vs Social Entrepreneurship – 5 Differences".
He makes some interesting points, for example: "The purpose of charity is to alleviate immediate suffering rather than deep social change." However, I'm of the opinion that charitable organizations and charitable businesses can accomplish not only both, but so much more!
Also see: The CNBC article by Jake Novak in August 2015 at http://www.cnbc.com/2015/08/03/mixing-business-with-charity-is-folly.html where he makes a great case, "The man who tries to make his business a charity or his charity a business will end up out of business and needing charity."
Why I bring that up, is it shows that businesses can also have flaws, and make the wrong choices when it comes to charity. And some do in fact use charity merely as a means to avoid taxes or "as a tool for marketing."
Which is why we must always do our homework before contributing to a charity. Whether it's a charitable non-profit or a charitable for-profit. What's the largest non-profit entity in the world? Universities? Some are. You see, it literally pays to do your homework.
Universities are a good example of how, when dealing with organizations, and how to classify them, whether as a business or a charity, it really just comes down to legalities. Laws are structured for the purpose of keeping everyone safe. That includes businesses, people's property, everyone. Literally anything could be considered a charity. But for the sake of keeping people's money safe, laws are in place, that prevent companies from claiming to be a charity, who might not fulfill that role.
Jake Novak rightfully explained, "Both charity and free market capitalism are noble goals. But confusing them or favoring one too much over another is a pathway to ruin." And that, is exactly why, we're very cautious to point out that we're a "for-profit" business. And wouldn't dare say that we're a charitable business unless we indeed provide charity. And indeed we do.
However the laws so-far prevent businesses from calling themselves a charitable business without abiding by certain laws that might be restrictive, even prevent profitability, productivity, and even the charitiable endeavors!
But to further prove that we're not interested in avoiding paying taxes, we don't claim to be a charity when filing our taxes. And furthermore we don't want any of the restrictions that comes along with claiming to be a charity.
We're a for-profit business. Not a charitable business. We're a for-profit business that has charitable objectives. And we believe that we do very well in meeting those objectives; better than most.
Thank you for visiting AnaEzine!
Contact me anytime!
-James Wilson
(i will respond within 48 hours)
----- CHAPTER 12 ------
--- Affiliate Program ---
This costs you nothing! Make $100 for every package you sell! Join our free affiliate program immediately! Send us an email and we'll email the affiliate package to you immediately! Email: BigConversation@Zoho.com
You can sell this program for $200 and keep 50% of that money for yourself! Joining our affiliate program is free, costs you nothing! If you sell 10 packages or 100 or 1000 it doesn't matter. You can sell millions! That's $100 million dollars in your pocket! We'll give full support to all of your customers. We'll do all the work! If you're ready to start selling and making money we'll send your affiliate package to you right away. Everything is free, you don't pay anything! Start making money immediately! Simply send us an email asking for the affiliate package here: BigConversation@Zoho.com
Speak Any Language Instantly!
I'll give it to you to look at, use, and see if it works. Just 3 minutes of daily reading. And you'll become fluent within a matter of weeks! And most importantly you'll stay fluent!
Most language programs require many years of use before you become proficient. Not fluent; just proficient. You usually never become very good at speaking. Even University courses, private institutes, tutoring, going to that country, doesn't make you fluent. Mine does! Within just a few weeks!
My program is absolutely free, forever! That's a promise! Aside from expensive upgrade options (professional and corporate versions, lifetime delivery service, etc) the main program is always free. If you purchased my program your contribution goes towards keeping this program free. The whole world thanks you.
We have a free version and a $200 version plus upgrade options. Any of the paid options includes a lifetime membership. However, the free version is just as good! Also, you can make money if you want. We give you 50% of our profits! I'll talk more about that in a minute, the important thing to remember is that it's all free!
Most courses cost $200 to $1,000 and require several years of study before you become proficient. University courses, tutoring, etc can cost thousands of dollars. My program is just $200 only! Plus, you get all 15 languages for the price of one! Most language courses make you pay again and again for each additional language, even Universities do that! Nobody gives you the other languages for free. I do! I give you everything!
Want money? Share our free product with your friends and get up $500 anytime anyone upgrades! Or strangers, anybody, you can advertise our product however you want. You'll get up to $500 for every new client you bring us! And if they don't upgrade and use our free product only, that's okay, this is a charitable endeavor as well as a business. Many will upgrade, and those profits could all be yours! And they'll thank you for bringing them to us. Our products are life changing, and saving millions of lives around the world.
What are we selling? Well, there's two options, a free option and a non-free option. Either way you're getting the same thing! Isn't that marvelous? Yes! I'm sure most people can afford $200 but if not, we do have a free option. Our charity to the planet. It's just a script that you read for 3 minutes, every day. Or at least 3 days per week. It's that simple! My scripts work! Fast! You'll be fluent fast, and permanently!
Don't pay me yet, I'll send it to you right now, don't pay me until you try it out and only if you're satisfied. That's right! Also, I'll give you my $9 e-book for free! That e-book tells you all about my program, how to use it correctly, why it works, the science behind my methods, and how I created the scripts, yes I tell you how to make your own (you don't need me, you can make your own totally for free)! That e-book tells you all of that and so much more! And I'm giving it to you for free!
Simply say yes, and I give you the e-book right away! And the e-book contains 30 days of scripts, free! After that, if you're satisfied, I'll give you an entire year's worth of scripts (365 scripts) plus a lifetime membership (after you finish those 365 scripts I'll send you a monthly package of scripts for the rest of your life).
That's our company's regular package (365 scripts plus lifetime membership) and it's always the same low price of just $200 only. And that includes the other 14 languages also! Why be bilingual when you can be multilingual? Speak any language instantly! Be fluent within just a matter of weeks.
If you don't know the basics of the language already, you'll need to learn at least how to read and pronounce the language. My program requires that you read scripts, which means that you'll need at least a basic ability to read the language. Don't worry, the more you read, the more your ability will improve. And it usually takes just a few hours of reading a How-to-Book at your local library to become able to read the language at a sufficient basic level. Never give up on yourself! You can do this!
Simply say yes, and I'll send you the materials immediately.
P.S.- Help us! Any affiliates/retailers/sellers get $100 to $500 per sale, most demanded products on the planet! Costs nothing! Send an email to me or any of our executives at <BigConversation@Zoho.com> to ask to be an affiliate, costs you nothing! Start making money immediately!
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
Dear Newest Friend and Affiliate Partner,
If I gave you a Porsche sports car (new from the factory) for free... could you find somebody to buy it? I'll give you 50% of the profit. I'm not selling Porsche's but it's almost as beautiful. My company is expanding in your country. Do you want to sell my $200 product? Everybody wants this product (100% of the market). The problem with most products is that nobody wants it. Or demand is low. People are begging for my product! All people! And it costs you nothing! You'll never find another deal like this, ever! You can do this however you want: Sell it online as a digital (email, download, file) product, or at real stores as a real package in your hands. You can sell thousands, even millions of packages! You get $100 per sale (that's a million dollars in your pocket if you can get this product in front of 5 thousand people). Think about it... that's $1,000 in your pocket for just 5 sales! Quite regularly you'll get $300 and $500 per sale (many of our clients want the professional and corporate "upgraded" packages). We have unlimited stock and so you can sell a billion packages if you want. We also have a free version for your friends and family who can't afford to pay the full price of $200 for our regular package (but please try to sell it for the full price to everyone because you're getting 50% of the profit for every sale which is awesome; don't cheat yourself out of more money, plus you're cheating them out of taking this product serious which if they apply themselves 100% to using the product correctly it can literally make their lives better in so many ways including health, self-esteem, career, productivity, happiness, and success). The best way to sell our product is to give away our $9 e-book for ---free--- to everyone. Put the following message on your business cards, brochures, anything you can hand to people, hang up on signs downtown, post online, and everywhere: "This $9 e-book is my ---free--- gift to you, the secret to speaking any language immediately, is now yours!" And that's it, very simple! People will look at that $9 e-book and then come breaking down your door begging you for our program and shove $200 in your pocket! You'll give me their email address and 50% of that money. That's it! Contact me immediately at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll send everything to you immediately! Costs you nothing. This is absolutely ---free--- for you and everyone! CEO Partnerships are available (costs nothing). If you have questions, offers, comments, solicitations, suggestions, or anything else our door is always open!
Do you have 10 loyal followers? That's $1,000 in your pocket. Do you have 100 loyal followers? That's $10,000 in your pocket! Do you have 1,000 loyal followers? That's $100,000 in your pocket! There's no limit! I'll give you millions of dollars. I'm happy when I can make others happy. Simply give away our $9 e-book to all of your friends for free! That's like giving them real money! It's worth hundreds of dollars! And if they read it, they'll come to you begging for my program and shove $200 into your pocket. Simply give me 50% and their email address. Congratulations!
Do you want $1,000 right now? Give away my $9 e-book to just 10 people (for free)! I pay you $100 to $500 per person who comes begging me for my program. Up
How many loyal followers do you have?
10 = $1,000
100 = $10,000
1,000 = $100,000
and then $$millions$$!
Simply give them this free gift: My $9 e-book.
It's totally free!
Here’s our $9 e-book “Speak Any Language Instantly” which we’re giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
It's totally free!
Join us, partner with us, merge with us, or come work for us! Do you love teaching? No? What about running a billion dollar business? No? What about a small business? No? Do you own a store? No? Do you blog? No? Are you a computer expert? Or social network maniac/socialite? Whatever your skills, our company's needs are endless, we can find a job for you.
We will give you regular bonuses. Lots of money! We are aware of your efforts. And we reward our partners regularly! With money! If you're bringing us customers, even if it's just a few customers, we appreciate you and we will make it well worth your while!
We can help your current business also! What's your business? What do you sell? Are you a blogger, or business owner, or author, or anything? We can promote your business and products to the entire world! We can bring more visitors, fans, customers, clients, followers, friends, readers, and people to you! You're very lucky to be our partner!
If you want to do more than simply give our product to your followers... If you want to open an office and commit yourself to developing our business in your region, community, or online, or any areas that you have influence... We will put our billions of dollars into your efforts. We will do anything we can to make you successful. We'll do the advertising/marketing for you. We'll pay for expansion, your new office, assistants, legal assistance, corporate fees, tax advisors, call center services, and so on. Once you've started bringing in customers, if you decide that you want to do more, and go further with this, we'll be by your side!
Children deserve the best.
And so does everyone! Adults, children, professionals, students, losers, winners, etc.
Not everyone can go to an Ivy League school, and so I'm giving you, and everyone, something just as powerful and for free (even Ivy League graduates should take advantage of this free tool)! Because wouldn't you agree, that each individual human on this planet deserves the ability to communicate? Shouldn't that be free?
Everyone deserves to have Ivy League (Oxford, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Cambridge, etc) credentials on their resume.
Everyone in the world speaks one of these 15 dominant languages:
- English - Chinese - Hindi - Spanish
- Russian - German - Japanese - French
- Portuguese - Korean - Filipino - Indonesian
- Thai - Vietnamese - Swahili
You cannot become fluent in the classroom. And even outside the classroom it's difficult to become fluent. And if you do become fluent and stop using your native language you'll lose your native language. Everybody who doesn't use that language regularly will lose it.
Now, with my program, you can become fluent very quickly and in fact you'll begin speaking instantly any of these 15 languages and if you're already fluent you'll never lose that language if you're using my 3 minutes a day program. You don't even need to do it daily! Just do it a few times each week.
My scripts are not easy to make. However, in my $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" it tells you how to make your own scripts. Or, if you'd rather use my scripts I'll give you a lifetime membership which means that I'll deliver a monthly package of scripts to you by email every month for the rest of your life for just $200 only.
This program is worth thousands of dollars. The average language program cannot offer you true fluency in the language. The only program I know of that even comes close is the Rosetta Stone which is a thousand dollars. Furthermore, they charge you that same price again if ever you want a second and third language! My program offers you all 15 languages for free after you've made just a one-time $200 payment. You'll never spend another dollar!
Finally, have the respect you deserve. Not only has science shown that speaking a second language fluently literally increases the size of your brain but also we all know that everybody will think you're an above average intelligence person because very few people are multilingual. And everyone automatically assumes it's very difficult and requires an above average brain to master a second language. Especially if you'll take my advice and use my program to master 2 or 3 languages instead of just one.
Join my affiliate program!
You get 50% of my profits!
It's totally free!
That's $1,000's of U.S. Dollars or more!!!
In your pocket!
Do you have 10 loyal followers? That's $1,000 in your pocket. Do you have 100 loyal followers? That's $10,000 in your pocket! Do you have 1,000 loyal followers? That's $100,000 in your pocket! There's no limit! I'll give you millions of dollars. I'm happy when I can make others happy. Simply give away our $9 e-book to all of your friends for free! That's like giving them real money! It's worth hundreds of dollars! And if they read it, they'll come to you begging for my program and shove $200 into your pocket. Simply give me 50% and their email address. Congratulations!
For those who cannot afford the $200 payment for the lifetime membership and scripts we offer the scripts for free, a new one each day, at our website. That's our charity to all those who cannot afford to pay for a lifetime membership.
$999 Corporate Package
$499 Professional Pkg
$200 Regular Package
FREE! Free Package
Yes! If you can't afford $200 then my scripts are free!
My scripts will always be free!
Also, we have a "Professional Package" for professionals who want scripts tailored to their profession.
And we have a "Corporate Package" for groups or organizations that want to get the scripts for everyone in their group or organization. We create a personalized website for just that organization and it will service all their members for a lifetime. The scripts will be tailored to the needs of their group and always available at their new language training website. Our scripts make everyone fluent very fast and permanently. Anybody who already speaks a second language fluently needs this program too because without regular use we'll forget our languages, our skills deteriorate, it's just how the brain works.
See more:
BONUS: Get your free copy of "Why It Works" at our website (100+ pages of vital information), totally for free, right now!
"Why It Works"
3 minutes be fluent
Always at our website for free:
(simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
The Contract:
We offer 2 things to everyone: #1) Our products #2) Make money. All you have to do is give our $9 e-book away for free (inside that e-book are 30 scripts which is an entire month of our program totally for free)!
"Speak any language instantly, become fluent fast, and permanently. Simply read my language scripts 3 minutes each day. It's that easy and simple." My program costs $200 only. Sell my program "Speak Any Language Instantly" for only $200 and you keep 50% of that! My program includes a lifetime membership (they'll receive a monthly package of my language scripts for the rest of their lives) plus they'll get 365 scripts (an entire year's worth of scripts) immediately. All 15 languages that we offer are included! Normally you'd pay again for each additional language. We give all 15 in the same package! And, if they'd like to try it out first, we have an e-book that has 30 scripts (a month worth of scripts) inside and is normally $9 for the e-book however you can give it away to everyone for free as a way to tell people about our product and try to gain their patronage. All of our packages, program, and materials are in digital form, can be emailed, kept at a website for download, and so on. However it's also possible to publish our program as a book, or any other form possible, and placed on shelves at actual stores, and so on. We also can provide you with translated versions of all of our materials/products in the 15 most common languages of the world (the same languages that are offered in our program): Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese, French, Japanese, German, Russian, Korean, Indonesian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Thai, and Swahili. We also offer upgrade options: Professional package for $499 and Corporate package for $999 which gives them the same product except that it's tailored to their particular profession and needs. The Corporate package is a website that makes the product available to all of their members for free and is tailored to their company or organization's particular profession and needs. You can solicit our program however you want, so long as it's ethical, legal, and so on. Create a website, or articles, or ads at your own discretion. We can help you as much as you need, to the best of our abilities, however you have total freedom to use our product, materials, ads, websites, blogs, anything you want, however you want. All we ask is for 50% of the profits made on each program sold. And we are very eager to help in any way, and to reciprocate by giving you all of our clients, and promoting you or your other products to all of our clients around the world. You help us sell our product, we will help you sell your products, or promote you in any way possible. If you have a blog, we can write articles for you and give you more readers. Or if you're an author. Or for anything, we'll send all of our clients to you. To your store, or site, or wherever. In exchange for you employing all of your effort to sell our program to as many people as possible and as quickly as possible. You can become a permanent affiliate, authorized by us, to sell our product and partner with us if you want. You will have full support, from our company, all of our resources. The moment you begin selling for us. Contact us anytime for any reason. We never need personal information from the customers. Only their email address. The banking company that you use to process their payment is the only entity that should be authorized by government to handle the customer's personal information and banking information. You will be in charge of processing the payment and handling the customer's money and in providing customer service in ensuring that the customer gets the product and is fully satisfied. Once you give us the customer's email address, we will then handle the customer's lifetime membership to render all services as promised and benefits and so on to the customer to the customer's satisfaction and at which point you'll have no liability so long as everything you did was ethical and legal at the point of sale and delivery of the initial product. You'll be responsible for forwarding 50% of the customer's payment to us. You can't wait until the end of each week, grouping all payments together, and sending to us at the end of each week, if that's more convenient for you and your bank. However, the customer's email will need to be sent to us immediately after each sale, so that we can commence rendering to the customer all of the promised services, products, and benefits immediately. You will deliver the initial product: One Year of Scripts, the $9 e-book, and initial customer service assistance. Once you've given the customer those 3 things and have handed their email address to us, you won't need to do anything else and won't be responsible for anything else from that point on. You can retain the customer as a loyal fan, client, reader, customer, etc for your own purposes, so long as you do everything ethically and legally, and we'll collaborate with you on anything that we possibly can if ever you need anything from us. And the customer will also now be a loyal client to us also. You agree not to compete with us, neither before, during, or after any of these processes. And we agree to share the customer with you indefinitely. There are no limits to how much of our product you can sell. The sky is the limit! However, there are no exclusivity rights. Anyone and everyone can sell this product. And you also have the right to give away our product for free (for promotion or charitable purposes; promoting our services and company), however aside from that you cannot change the price of the product, neither higher nor lower. The prices are as stated.
P.S.- Help us! Any affiliates/retailers/sellers get $100 to $500 per sale, most demanded products on the planet! Costs nothing! Send an email to me or any of our executives at <BigConversation@Zoho.com> to ask to be an affiliate, costs you nothing! Start making money immediately!
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
If you maintain the current attributions.
For example:
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
Don't change any attributions.
Give credit where credit is due.
These movie scripts are reworked/unidentifiable.
And are for educational purpose.
And incorporated by "Jaydon Enterprises".
*Disclaimer: The FDA and all other authorities, governments, agencies, organizations, medical associations, doctors, scientific community and experts, etc have not approved, nor authorized, nor reviewed, nor support, nor agree, nor recommend any the following statements, claims, my methods, product, company, and all other activities I'm discussing, offering, giving, and showing you right now. They have neither endorsed, nor agreed with my statements, products, methods, activities, etc. And they have not given me permission to use their name, work, materials, etc.
Further disclosure: Our claim concerning results is based on feedback from our clients and other people from around the world and other similar programs and scientific studies as well. Our scientific claims come straight from the scientists etc and we list all of these sources (including our client's testimonials) in each book and at our website and in many of our materials. I try to include all sources within each page of my book right there underneath the paragraph that's making a reference. So that you can easily review the laboratory, military, national, university, institute, school, public, private, street experiments, tests, studies, examinations performed by countless named professors, scientists, doctors, experts who prove that reading aloud, becoming fluent, additional languages, script reading, subtle repetition, mistake recognition, real world content, updated phraseology, and other strategies and methods used in my materials actually does work quicker, better, and with the results promised than any other method, program, system that exists in the world. Also, you can email me at BigConversation@Zoho.com or visit my website to get a full page listing the thousands of sources that led me to my discovery of the perfect method for any person to become fluent in any language as fast as humanly possible. Thank you for taking full advantage of life by using my method to carry you to the highest achievement possible!
BONUS: Special e-book "Why It Works" tells why scientists think our method works so well, the secret ingredients in our scripts, and more! Get your free copy (100+ pages of vital information) at our website, totally for free, right now (simply search for "AnaEzine" and you can email me anytime at BigConversation@Zoho.com) or go here:
Or you can read/download it online, here:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Why It Works:
Also, here's our $9 e-book "Speak Any Language Instantly" which we're giving away for free, share it with all of your friends!
Speak Any Language Instantly:
P.S.- Help us! Everybody on the planet wants my program! Give away a free copy of this e-book that you're reading right now to everybody and get $100 (maybe even more) for each person who becomes a member of our program (yes we give you 50% of our profits)! No limits, give away a million copies, that's totally fine (that would make you an instant millionaire)! Or you can give them the link: https://app.box.com/v/365Scripts Send an email to me at BigConversation@Zoho.com and I'll email everything to you immediately! This costs you nothing!
If you don't receive the welcome package within a few minutes do these 3 things. That should fix the problem.
#1). Check your SPAM filter or trash container.
#2). Add my e-mail address to your contacts list.
#3). Send me another email.
Jay Beacham (AnaEzine CEO)
Linguist/Multilingual World Traveler
E-mail: BigConversation@Zoho.com
(simply search for "AnaEzine" online)
A special gift from ChatFellow
we made special for YOU!!!
Speak ANY language FAST!!!*
Totally 100% FREE forever!!!
*See our DISCLAIMER at the bottom of this page (down below)
Image: Pixabay.com surprised
Speak ANY language FAST!!!*
Totally 100% FREE forever!!!
*See our DISCLAIMER at the bottom of this page (down below)
Image: Pixabay.com surprised

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Image credits:
Kids swimming: Pexels.com Photo-61129
Kids swimming: Pexels.com Photo-61129
CEO Face: Pexels.com Photo-286309
Night Light: Ben_Arnold_ChatFellow-2643
Night Light: Ben_Arnold_ChatFellow-2643
*Disclaimer: These results are not guaranteed, there are always exceptions, but the grand majority of our clients should expect to see many of these results or improvement in these areas or possible opportunities open up to you in these areas. You'll never know until you try; but please do so with caution, always consult a professional first. Anywhere that you see an asterisk "*" on this page means that this WARNING & DISCLAIMER applies to that statement. Our claims are based on our own experiences in classrooms with our own students, universities, institutes, and private tutoring with students of all ages, globally (including New York, USA). And also are based on scientific research which we reference in our full disclaimer and in many of our materials, articles, e-books, etc, repeatedly. Or in other words we are quoting scientists, experts, and other sources. We try to show the source as much as possible. Especially in reference to any medical or health related claims. Regardless we're quoting a professional or expert it doesn't mean that the information is correct, right, authorized, licensed, etc. Our words should never be used as advice or followed without first consulting a trusted professional such as a doctor, professor, expert, etc, who is licensed and a well recognized authority on the subject. We do our best to find the leading experts, doctors, scientists, professors, and professionals to assist, advise, and approve our actions, statements and services before we do anything or publish anything, and we quote them directly or in a way that doesn't change the meaning and impact, and include their name and reference. Also we've listed many of our primary sources in our full disclaimer for your convenience. To read our full disclaimer please go here: https://chatfellow.blogspot.com/p/disclaimer.html
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Last update: 2022-4-1
*Disclaimer: These results are not guaranteed, there are always exceptions, but the grand majority of our clients should expect to see many of these results or improvement in these areas or possible opportunities open up to you in these areas. You'll never know until you try; but please do so with caution, always consult a professional first. Anywhere that you see an asterisk "*" on this page means that this WARNING & DISCLAIMER applies to that statement. Our claims are based on our own experiences in classrooms with our own students, universities, institutes, and private tutoring with students of all ages, globally (including New York, USA). And also are based on scientific research which we reference in our full disclaimer and in many of our materials, articles, e-books, etc, repeatedly. Or in other words we are quoting scientists, experts, and other sources. We try to show the source as much as possible. Especially in reference to any medical or health related claims. Regardless we're quoting a professional or expert it doesn't mean that the information is correct, right, authorized, licensed, etc. Our words should never be used as advice or followed without first consulting a trusted professional such as a doctor, professor, expert, etc, who is licensed and a well recognized authority on the subject. We do our best to find the leading experts, doctors, scientists, professors, and professionals to assist, advise, and approve our actions, statements and services before we do anything or publish anything, and we quote them directly or in a way that doesn't change the meaning and impact, and include their name and reference. Also we've listed many of our primary sources in our full disclaimer for your convenience. To read our full disclaimer please go here: https://chatfellow.blogspot.com/p/disclaimer.html
This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse.
Last update: 2022-4-1