PRO #15

Practically FREE!!!

If you DON'T have money...

Image: surprised
DON'T have money?
Then use our FREE version:
ChatFellow 3-Minute Daily Scripts



Use our PRO version!!!
YOU can be a lifetime MEMBER!!!
LIFETIME Membership!!!
PRO ChatFellow!!!
If you don't have money, it's FREE! Pay nothing! ChatFellow SCRIPTS are always free forever! But if you do have money, please get your LIFETIME membership: PRO ChatFellow!!!

Don't worry, it's just a one-time payment. NEVER pay ever again! NO monthly payments! NO payments!!!

Membership gives you additional perks, benefits, features, services, and more!

With PRO
ChatFellow you'll have access to EVERYTHING!!! NO monthly payments!!! NO monthly payments!!! NO silly upgrade nonsense! Just a one-time payment! Only $189 one-time!

No money? Don't worry! We have several payment options
Money back guarantee!
Contact us anytime!
Contact form: (Click here)
On Social: (Click here)
Only $184 one-time!
Get it right here: (Get It Now!)


Or just $63 per month for 3 months!

Get it right here: (Get It Now!)

Want 20% DISCOUNT???
If you get it right now: (20% DISCOUNT)

In 2 hours this might be gone


Bespoke private lesson.
One-on-one in person
Or by video chat
(Pay here)
Here is what you get:

#1).  You'll get AUDIO with your scripts. Everyone keeps asking for this, and so I have gone ahead and done it, the client always knows best!

#2).  Your scripts will form a complete story (for the first 3 months we use a method called "reading backwards" famous at top universities, for making you speak faster, after that you'll be ready to start reading forward; our FREE scripts only have the backwards version which is fine but you get a few additional benefits by reading forward and the full story).

#3).  To ensure you reach maximum fluency fast
you'll be given additional features. A type of fast track method that gives you continually increasing development and skill and accomplishment, and reassuring verification at periodic thresholds that we've placed at predetermined checkpoints along your path to success.

#4).  You'll get more in depth training and priority attention. Our PRO ChatFellow newsletter is literally coaching, mentoring, a one-on-one teacher/tutor, all in one, to help you get the maximum, optimum, complete results that our SCRIPTS are capable of giving you! And you'll have access to our priority contact HOTLINE (fast response) for any questions, concerns, needs, and assistance.

#5).  And so much more! MUCH MORE IS COMING!!! Video version. Major app innovations. Enhancements for vocabulary, Idioms, humor, culture, pronunciation. Skill evaluation tool. And much, much more!!!

See all of your payment options right here: (click here)

*See our disclaimer at the bottom of this page and all of our scientific sources and full disclosure etc and remember that not everyone experiences the same results.

I'll explain more about all of the membership features, everything you get, in full detail, down below... keep reading...

We're constantly adding more features and benefits to our membership package. Get this amazing price, right now! Because tomorrow the prices might go higher. Or the PRO version becomes completely inaccessible if we close the door to new entrants. What if you can't find us tomorrow? What if we add additional features that as a free member you're missing out on?

And those additional features that we're still adding, the new ones that we're planning and implementing this month and year, might cost more money! The price for PRO ChatFellow might go up! But not if you act NOW! It's all yours, past, present, and future added features, etc, everything, is all yours, at the extremely low price we're showing you right now. You'll never spend another dollar! No payments. No monthly payments! Just that one-time payment! Never pay anything more ever!


See all of your payment options right here: (click here)
As a member (right now it's an insanely low price, you should act now) you'll get all future additional features, everything, without needing to pay! If you pay now, you'll get anything we add in the future, any additional features, services, anything, everything, all included, at the price we're showing you right now. That can change tomorrow, that's why you need to act NOW!

Even if we raise prices in the future, you don't have to pay! You already got your membership at today's extremely discounted price

Normally a program like this costs THOUSANDS of

I would normally be charging
$2,999.00 DOLLARS!!! per person.

Tomorrow everything might be more expensive! Take advantage now, of the current price, and everything in the future will be yours also!

At no additional charge!

ACT NOW! See all of our payment options! Right here! Click here now: (click here)

Everything ChatFellow ever offers in the future, will be yours! No additional charge! Today's price, just a one-time payment of
$184 only, or a third of that if you use the installment plan, or you can get the 20% OFF super DISCOUNT by acting right now! And so you're paying EVEN LESS!!! And EVERYTHING is yours forever!!! Anything we add in the future, it's all yours!!!

NO monthly payments

You don't pay anything ever again! Just today's one-time payment, nothing more, never pay ever again! Not a single dollar! Everything from now on is free for you, forever! With just a one-time payment, today's very low price, only $184 one-time payment!
Or an even smaller amount!!! If you use the installment plan (split up into 3 much lower payments). OR... you can get the 20% OFF!!! SUPER DISCOUNT by acting right now!!!

And this is a lifetime membership. You'll get all of this and more, for a lifetime!

*See our disclaimer at the bottom of this page and all of our scientific sources and full disclosure etc and remember that not everyone experiences the same results.

See all of our payment options right here: (click here)

Why pay if it's FREE?

With proper funding we're able to give the free version to the whole world, which is why we now offer our PROFESSIONAL (PRO) version, but it's NOT only for professionals. It's also especially for STUDENTS!!! And anyone! PRO ChatFellow is for EVERYONE!!!
Thanks to you, your PRO Membership, you're empowering us to give the FREE version to the ENTIRE WORLD!!! For those poor unfortunate souls who cannot afford the PRO Version.

Poor unfortunate souls who deserve a better life for being human. People who can contribute to this planet, to nature. Who have something to give, if they're given a chance.

They need you. They need Chatfellow. This is yours and our charity to a desperate planet (we're not a charity but we have charitable purposes). To give global communication to the world. Thanks to you, global communication is now a reality
for even those who cannot afford it. For EVERYONE!!! For the ENTIRE WORLD!!! We thank you. The entire world thanks you!

Who is it for?

Students, teachers, friends, family, professionals, parents, elderly, hobbyists, anyone, everyone! And YOU!!! And everyone YOU care about!!! If ever you need us, we're always here, contact us anytime, and our SCRIPTS are always here!

Use our FREE version:
ChatFellow 1-Minute Daily Scripts



Use our PRO version!!!
YOU can be a lifetime MEMBER!!!

Image: surprised

LIFETIME Membership!!!
PRO ChatFellow!!!

Pay only once! And NEVER again! Just a one-time payment! NO monthly payments! Just $189 once!!! One-time!!! For that extremely low price, just a one-time payment, you get a LIFETIME of benefits! After that one payment, everything is FREE forever!!! You're now a LIFETIME member forever!!! NEVER spend anymore money ever again!!!

Or an even smaller amount!!! If you use the installment plan (split up into 3 much lower payments). OR... you can get the 20% OFF!!! SUPER DISCOUNT by acting right now!!!

. Money back guarantee!
Contact us anytime!
Contact form: (Click here)
On Social: (Click here)

Only $184 one-time!
Get it right here: (Get It Now!)


Just $63 per month for 3 months!

Get it right here: (Get It Now!)

Want 20% DISCOUNT???
If you get it right now: (20% DISCOUNT)

In 2 hours this might be gone


Here it is!!!

Right here

Here is YOUR
Lifetime Membership as a
PRO ChatFellow!!!
Your Lifetime Membership is right here: (Get It Now!)

Want 20% DISCOUNT???
If you get it right now: (20% DISCOUNT)
In 2 hours this might be gone!!!

You're AWESOME!!!
"We're always here for you!"
"Contact us anytime!"
Contact form: (Click here)
On Social: (Click here)

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NEW!!! Updated EVERYDAY!!! FREE!!!
ChatFellow Articles


ALL of my articles are here:
Image: student hope

THANK YOU so much!!!
Please come back every day!!!
YOU are a winner!!! 

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*Disclaimer: We are a retailer, everything we say is for the purpose of selling products and therefore biased. Your visit and actions are recorded (see our cookies policy down below). Results are not guaranteed, there are always exceptions, but the grand majority of our clients should expect to see many of these results or improvement in the areas we discuss or possible opportunities open up to you in these areas. Or not. You'll never know until you try; but please do so with caution, always consult a professional first (doctor, professor, licensed professional, certified expert, etc). Anywhere that you see an asterisk "*" on this page means that this WARNING & DISCLAIMER applies to that statement. However, this disclaimer and its warnings also apply to everything on every page on this site, not only where asterisks and special markers can be seen. Our claims are based on our own experiences in classrooms with our own students, universities, institutes, and private tutoring with students of all ages, globally (including New York, USA). And also are based on scientific research which we reference in our full disclaimer and in many of our materials, articles, e-books, etc, repeatedly. Or in other words we are quoting scientists, experts, and other sources. We try to show the source as much as possible. Especially in reference to any medical or health related claims. Regardless, even if we're quoting a professional or expert it doesn't mean that the information is correct, right, authorized, licensed, true, etc. Our words should never be used as advice or followed without first consulting a trusted professional such as a doctor, professor,
licensed professional, certified expert, etc, who is licensed and a well recognized authority on the subject. We do our best to find the leading experts, doctors, scientists, professors, and professionals to assist, advise, and approve our actions, statements and services before we do anything or publish anything, and we quote them directly or in a way that doesn't change the meaning and impact, and include their name and reference. However, this doesn't mean that we've always contacted them. And it doesn't mean that we have their approval, consent, support, or that they agree with us. In short, we could be wrong, you could lose money, your health, your friends, your reputation, your livelihood, and everything, and even more. We've listed many of our primary sources in our full disclaimer for your convenience. To read our full disclaimer please go here:

If we have used any images or materials that you think are yours, or have any problems with, please contact us immediately to have your concerns made known, we will apologize and have the material removed immediately and compensation negotiated.

Contact us by e-mail:

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To read our full disclaimer please go here:

This ChatFellow blog page was last updated on: 2024-8-23
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