CF #1408
Charitable Purpose

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Charitable Minded Business...
We are NOT a charity. But we've partnered with several charities to distribute our FREE program and all of those fantastic benefits to the entire planet for FREE!!! We'll talk more about that later. We don't want to bore you with our bragging. Remember: This costs nothing! It's 100% FREE!!!
But I won't bore you with my tragic story... Keep reading!!!
Everybody wants these 19 things in life:
#1). Bigger brain! (literally)!*
#2). Disease resistant brain!*
#3). Better health!*
#4). Better scores in school!*
#5). Make school easier!*
#6). Better career!*
#7). Higher paying career!*
#8). More career opportunities!*
#9). Slow the effects of aging!*
#10). Longer life!*
#11). Travel!*
#12). More friends!*
#13). Respect: Whenever you walking into a room everyone will treat you like you're James Bond. Because they'll always think you're the smartest person in room! This is comparable to having an Ivy League education!*
#14). Self-confidence!*
#15). More life opportunities! All of life's possibilities will now be open to you. No longer trapped, the sky is the limit, welcome to new freedoms!*
#16). Satisfaction in life!*
#17). Productive life!*
#18). More money! Because you have less costly medical bills because now you're healthier and have a better lifestyle! Better career, higher pay, more energy, stronger brain makes you wiser which gives you more options, you now have more life!*
#19). More success!*
#20). More happiness! People are happiness. When you're confident and wiser and healthier and more energetic and successful in life that makes everyone want to be around you more. You're truly a blessing to those around you! And they become a blessing to you!*
...and MORE!!!
Do you want all of this for you? For a child? A friend? A loved one? This is for students, adults, professionals, anyone, everyone!!!
**WARNING: See my DISCLAIMER at the bottom of this page...
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Do you want those benefits?
Question: What do I read for 3 minutes that gives me these amazing benefits?!
Answer: "ChatFellow Scripts" (They're 100% FREE! You spend nothing!)
Our Charitable Purpose
I've traveled all over the world, and noticed that poverty is everywhere. And everyone believes that education is the solution. I've seen parents who had nothing, spending thousands of dollars on their child's education. In hopes of that child getting a better life.
In fact, I started out as a teacher. I was making more money than most teachers! And it was killing me slowly. Because the curriculum that the schools gave us, were not effective. It was a lie! But I didn't know that at first. I discovered this after many years, after teaching hundreds of students, and seeing them graduate basically illiterate.
All around the world, billions of students are graduating without the ability to speak the second language that they learned in school. English, Spanish, Chinese... it didn't matter.
I've mentioned all of the benefits you'll get by speaking another language fluently. It's not enough to just learn the language, you need to speak it, and it's not enough to just speak it, you need to speak it fluently! And my program gives that to you for FREE forever! Permanent results!!!
Sad truth...
But the world is being denied those things! Because it's seemingly impossible to become fluent in another language. One study showed that the level of your ability can dramatically increase the results. Fluent is the highest level. And almost all children around the world are graduating at the lowest level. And most adults also are at either the lowest level or at zero.
Less than half of the world can speak a second language fluently.
Less than 13% can speak any more than that.
And I found it!!!
I've told you a SECRET that millions of people...
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Don't worry!
This story has a happy ending!!!
Also known as "ChatFellow" this is the most amazing language tool on the planet! Because of all of those great benefits you get when you become fluent in your other languages.
I've told you a SECRET that millions of people now know thanks to the information being spread online. The fact that you're getting much more than the ability to speak another language. When you speak another language you're also getting health and long life. Scientists and experts have repeatedly said this.
Also, you're increasing your opportunities in life. For example: Excitement, better career, travel, higher salary, more friends, happiness, success, and more!!!
Education is the Solution to the World's Problems
Not only does every individual get those benefits that I described in my list of 19 benefits, but the whole world benefits because the influence of those individuals on those around them creates a ripple effect as more and more people are benefited and become stronger and more productive. Productive people are builders, not just consumers. They create. They build. They fix things. A wiser and happier and more productive human population will create a better world. Experts agree that crime is caused primarily by poverty. And that poverty is caused primarily by a lack of education. Imagine a world with less crime! And less poverty!
If you want those benefits for you and your friends and family, simply give them my "ChatFellow" program. It's just 365 scripts (new scripts are posted each year). Each script takes one minute to read. They read one script every other day (or minimum 3 days per week). That's just 3 minutes of reading per week!!! Dramatic results almost instantly! Permanent results! "ChatFellow" is 100% FREE! Simply give that person my link:
You need my additional 3 BONUSES so that you can get the full effect of my program. They're 100% FREE! And worth thousands of dollars! Please be sure to click on the following link to get your 3 additional BONUSES!!!
Your additional 3 BONUSES are here on my CONFESSION page. Read my CONFESSION you're going to love it! Thank you! Go here to read my CONFESSION right now:
Don't leave yet!
There's more!!!
Image credit: Big Cat
ChatFellow NewsletterThank you for visiting and reading everyday! Please read more episodes listed here (scroll down):

See the full list of our articles here:

Millions of dollars ($1,000,000..) went into the creation of these scripts to guarantee their quality and effectiveness. Read more, here:
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BONUSES!!! You need your additional 3 BONUSES so that you can get the full effect of my program. They're 100% FREE! And worth thousands of dollars! Your additional 3 BONUSES are on the next page!!! Please go there now!!! Click here:
Image credit: Christmas-presents

Charitable Minded Business... ChatFellow has charitable purposes and activities. Read more here:
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Image credit: k-169-pom-3400
You DON'T want to read anymore?
Are you tired of reading this article? Do you want my program right now? It's totally 100% FREE forever! Also known as "ChatFellow" it's the most amazing language tool on the planet! The most effective! You get results!!! Literally a $1,000,000 (One Million Dollar) tool! And yes, it's yours totally FREE! Go here right now to access my program:
ChatFellow Language Scripts (FREE forever):
Give your friends this link!!!
Right now!!!
Here's the link:
And you can also share our AWESOME collection of photos, quotes, and greeting cards! Go here right now:
This costs nothing! Don't give us anything! YOUR privacy is important to me! We don't even want your email address! Nothing! Don't give us any money!!! YOUR prosperity is important to me. We don't even need your name! You are more than just a name/number to us!!! In fact, if you send us an email, we NEVER store your address. We don't keep anything! You are safe with us! We respect your freedom!

"Contact me anytime!"
--CEO Richard Thompson
Images credits: Photo-286309
*Disclaimer: These results are not guaranteed, there are always exceptions, but the grand majority of our clients should expect to see many of these results or improvement in these areas or possible opportunities open up to you in these areas. You'll never know until you try; but please do so with caution, always consult a professional first. Anywhere that you see an asterisk "*" on this page means that this WARNING & DISCLAIMER applies to that statement. Thank you! Our claims are based on our own experiences in classrooms with our own students, universities, institutes, and private tutoring with students of all ages, globally (including New York, USA). And also are based on scientific research which we reference in our full disclaimer and in many of our materials, articles, e-books, etc, repeatedly. Especially any medical or health related claims. That doesn't mean that we're right, correct, authorized, licensed, etc. Our words should never be used as advice or followed without first consulting a trusted professional such as a doctor, professor, expert, etc, who is licensed and a well recognized authority on the subject. We do our best to find the leading experts, doctors, scientists, professors, and professionals to assist, advise, and approve our actions, statements and services before we do anything or publish anything, and we quote them directly or in a way that doesn't change the meaning and impact, and include their name and reference. See our many references in our full disclaimer. To read our full disclaimer please go here: (click here).